Saturday, April 28, 2012

Morale Is Done

     In my opinion the morale is at its lowest in the life of the town of Templeton and I talked to a lot of people that work for my town of Templeton and I encourage all of them to hang on.  The ride of the devil is almost over and we will prevail.  I hope everyone pay’s attention to my short blog Sunday night about inciting a riot.  I turned my dictionary and a lot of law books upside down to find more info.  I was asked by one of my famous critics why don’t you get a lawyer.  My reply was I have two of them but I don’t like to call them on the phone for three dollars a minute, only Carol and Columbus can do that and the town pays.  I call that misuse of municipal funds, but they will say its necessary well so much for the critics, who is actually my brother.
Hey DO is Stupid, I hope the Gardner News is reading our blog maybe it will spice up their idea of journalism and you Info 98 are probably right but the Worcester Telegram is not much better we the Pauly’s Templeton Watch tried to bring things to their attention through email but no results, what next a new blog in the Worcester area LOL and to you “Baldwin Templeton” you are absolutely right we as a team should look into a site to start a newspaper of our own.  The law says all public announcements about the town must be done in a local newspaper, can’t we be a local non-profit newspaper in Templeton so we won’t have to worry about showing a profit? L.O.L.  Everyone that reads and comments to the blog write down the times that these meetings are aired on channel eight and pass the word on paper to your friends that don’t have a computer.  Every taxpayer will be informed and thank Bev and Bart for comments.  Bev don’t start being to forgiving  this reminds me of a joke about the taxpayer who got stabbed in the back and the board of assessors took bets on which way the taxpayer would fall.  L.O.L.  or I will start cussing again.  I want to ask Bill O’Reilley  from the O’Reilley factor on Fox T.V. to come to Templeton to pick out the pinheads and patriots in our town.  What do you think?  Hey Bev UPS just delivered that surveillance drone this morning but don’t tell anybody that it is bright red or I will have to paint it blue - get it blue? 
    Bev, I know the parade is in September but if the poison is not cleared out of the well as Tom Jelinewski puts it where will we get the water for our horses?  Oh okay.  You recall the poison is that your plan?  O’kay.  I got it now.  And also let’s get one thing straight, we are not going to those meetings to disrupt anything, we are keeping that board almost honest, get it Bart, almost honest, hey checkn007, then the 250th, so be careful not to upset the first celebration, don’t forget Gail planned this first celebration for a long time, let’s hope the second celebration is instant, okay people. 
    And to you Jeff Bennet, I can just see the headlines soon in TGN “ Corruption in Templeton Ended Done” by staff reporter Jeff Bennet pretty good huh L.O. L.  Oh by the way checkN000 be careful.  How did you say Columbus pokes Virginia, does Virginia-say she may have Columbus on charges of abuse of the elderly, I don’t know what Mullins will do about the “poke” bit. 
     Okay, now people did you read and decide what siretrievis said,?  It looks like free political endorsement to me, put on hold, check the dictionary it might have a different definition now.  L.O.L. and a quote from an old cowboy Tex Ritter on the lonely trail to Harvard says keep the pressure on the boil.  It will eventually burst, Doc Holliday also said that about a boil or three.  Who-Who-Who.  Isitteach don’t say why the FBI or the Attorney Generals Office or an investigating news agency are not taking a closer look at Templeton,
     Say, are they?  Have you seen any strangers at these meetings, Ya-know, just being an observer, and if asked who are you, the reply is I am new in town and I live off of Cook Rd. Estates, or I live in Day Mill, but I might be moving, sound like a good spy movie?  Have you noticed how calm and collected I, PHC have been lately?  When I said help was on the way, I didn’t mean Bud Chase with the town grader I meant help was on the way, get it? 
   Look how long Sal Dimasi walked around like a peacock in full bloom, I guess Martha Coakley clipped his wings pretty good, well for the eight years anyway and look at the ponsi; king, Madoff one hundred and fifty years some people think I am blowing smoke well maybe I am but its going in their direction, oh by the way “Reachout” all the schooling is not just happening at the Library, you are getting a lot of schooling right here on the blog, but it is free, unlike the Library, are you getting my drift on home schooling?  And Please people, pass the word on to write in David Bergeron for Town Moderator at the May 7, election, or we will probly have to hold the town meeting at the library so Ma Ma can guide him thru a very long drawn out process and the taxpayers are going to be Pissed off mad.  Does anyone think that Jeff Ritter could have been a 007 agent?  L.O.L. “Realy Out loud.  
     Look what is on the agenda for the BOS meeting Monday, Discuss professional soil testing for Sadies Pit.  Soil testing for what?  Find a signed complaint first, This is another issue that is going to get out of control and could cost us millions.  I have a sample of that dirt when it was first scraped into a pile Sept 20, 2011 so if its dirty someone better be telling me the truth.  Do you think someone lied on their employment application also on his resume?  Guess who? You will find out soon.
     Hey! Hey! Hey! Don’t Forget to remind everyone to write in David Bergeron for Town Moderator on May 7th 2012.
     Did Dave’s name get to the Round Table at Charlies General Store?  I would like to hear some of the comments at that Round Table? Well enough of this male bashing, gossip spreading, bad mouthing corruption slowing, conspiracy stopping, getting voter attention action and what ever else us poor peasants can do to try to stop all this inter office Bull……It all stopped when we hired Jeff Ritter but as I say and will always say, The House of Correction “Jail” is the only way to slow or even stop this type of corruption from happening again.  Don’t threaten PHC Sr. about trying to call the help we need, Get a real investagation started by the “Real” law and order people, and I hope I am pissing off some one. 
     Here in Templeton, my Grandson just informed me he has had his  Debit Card hacked from someone in London, this is just an average 20 year old in the U.S. Army in Texas.  What is happening people do we have to hide our money in tin cans in a secret spot? Do we have to keep putting up with dishonest acts of Columbus, Wilder, and Mullins here in Templeton?  Your funds in Templeton have been hacked by those three Selectmen and you can’t do anything about it.?  We will go in Numbers to the Attorney Generals Office this week.  Watch for more words.   Thanks for Reading My Opinions.
   P.S. Very Important Info.
     Read 25 Years ago in the Gardner News today April 25 2012.  Try to imagine that was the story 25 years ago, L.O.L.


  1. Thankyou Pauly for the Saturday morning wakeup. I was getting worried that you might not enlighten us with your uplifting words again. You are so right on all points, and I am happy to see that your push for an investigation is finally taking place. I just read the Municipal building redux from Julie. Makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. As I have said in the past, we are taking baby steps here. First is to get Julie and Dave Bergeron in, then vote boisterously to get rid of all the waste in town at the town meeting, then get rid of this money monger town coordinator and K & P, then the recall of VW and PM. AT LAST, WE CAN HAVE A GREAT PARADE AND CELEBRATE THE 250th IN STYLE IN SEPTEMBER!

    You are doing a great thing for this town and when it's all over, TAKE YOURSELF A GREAT VACATION! But, not until then. hehehehehe

    1. Yes,we did produce a near perfect Republic,But will they keep it, or will they in the enjoyment of plenty,lose the memory of freedom. Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction. --Thomas Jefferson from the book None Dare Call it Treason

  2. I have a question, maybe someone can help me understand what is the story with the loan from USDA.

    What are the facts? Did Mr. Skelton apply for this loan without authority? If he did, is it truly a valid debt? If it was not acquired through legal means, is the town obligated to honor this debt?

    Maybe the USDA should sue Mr. Skelton for the money.

  3. Yes, I think that the lawsuits should start going in reverse now to the very people who have cost us so much!! See how they like it. What is that saying "Payback is a" Time for Payback!! And I think they should pay this town back all the money they so boldly took without really earning it. That is my bold opinion!

    1. Okay Pauly, I will not say why or when will the FBI or other authorities be investigating. I will say good I am glad they are looking into things & attending meetings!! Hopefully, they have quite a portfolio on the "Mob" here already :) I mean that sincerely. I am looking forward to the day I see all those thieves get "paraded" out of town in handcuffs! Now, wouldn't that make a lovely theme for our 250th anniversary float. LOL

    2. I talked with two people this morning. In reality they are angry with every one, even us. After I covered some of the things that have gone on, the situation was alot less tense. I do not think some, ok maybe alot of people do not understand what is going on. I do not understand what Mrs Bell is thinking. How can she let her paper support these people? The GN needs to wake up. We have never asked for anything but honest reporting. What is wrong with that??? These two women want the town to move forward. This is what we all want. First we need to get through this "project" we are in the middle of. Harry said he has stayed home instead of dealing with a lot of crap. I am sorry, we can't do this any more. Please go to all the people you know and talk to them..They may be defensive at first, but we are right. YOU CAN NEVER BE AFRAID OF THE TRUTH. Steve L. please go to the country store a tell those guys the truth. I am running our business in Leominster, so I can't do it.

    3. I strongly suggest Mr. Curtis, Mr. Kent, Mr. Cox all Columbus/Skelton supporters, and the ENTIRE staff at TGN and WT read this article. Maybe you will understand the words better of a REAL reporter writing about a similar situation in another state/town than you seem to do the words of us stupid taxpayers of Templeton.

  4. I would like to know if it is true that Mr. Columbus is NOT attending Candidates Night on Monday night. If this is true, I would also like to know who will be speaking on his behalf? It is bad form to run for office and not attend an event that people go to in order to make up their mind on who to vote for.

    It is also worth noting that in "law 101", an attorney will tell his client not to take the stand if they think the client will say something that will hurt his case. Has someone suggested to Mr. Columbus to remain silent? Are they betting on there being enough Columbus supporters out there that will blindly vote for him anyway and that is enough for him to win without attending Candidates Night?

    In my opinion, Mr. Columbus may have already violated the "settlement" agreement made with Mr. Ritter (each party refrains from commenting on one another or the agreement) when he commented at an Advisory Committee meeting 2 weeks ago that if Mr. Ritter didn't "resign", he would have been dismissed. Sounds like a very important and specific comment to me, in my opinion. Is town counsel concerned with more slips of the tongue like this one and therefore is demanding silence until the election is over? Is this also why the same town counsel for Winchendon has also worked a deal for another Templeton selectman to remain silent? Sounds like a lot of legal overtime. Who's paying for it? Or is this all free legal work because of self preservation for said counsel? All my opinion and would love anyone to set me straight if I am wrong.

    The Templeton 1st website as well as the town website have advertised Candidates Night. It it a town event in which all candidates running for all positions are expected to attend and give a speech on why they are the best for their desired position. This is a very crucial election with our collective future on the line. It is highly suggested that all candidates respect the importance of this event and do their best to put their best step forward by presenting their experience and their ideas for helping Templeton progress into the future to the citizens (the ones voting and paying for the town operation). I really hope someone stands up for Mr. Columbus if he does not attend. And I hope that person can answer ALL the tough questions about his platform and doesn't simply rely on a script to read off of. Because that would be the worst publicity of all! (reading from script example: see Mr. Matson's speech for the recall coming back in Feb--link at top of blog). We'll just have to see what the citizens think when they go to the polls, I guess.

    1. Sorry, its me again! I am willing to bet a petunia plant, that Mr. Matson will do Bob's dirty work. It seems that Bob will be a no show. How on earth could he ever give a believable explaination, of what he and MS.V. have done in the past few months, that has cost us so dearly. Please listen to me! We can not rely on luck to get us through this election. Please talk, talk, to every one you see, even people you don't know. Bev

    2. I don't know, Bev, I think my money's on Ginny. She's very comfortable with that microphone, and she usually tells Bob what to say anyways. It's kind of like cutting out the middle man.

  5. Bev Bart, Believe me, I don`t have to tell the truth at the round table, because every one there knows the truth. No one is in the dark on town politics at the Country Store round table , you can bank on that.

  6. Pauly, I had spoken about this before, employee moral, there is is really difficult to work in place where there is so support for those who are suppose to provide it, the selectmen---I just don't get how these people can say they will help you and want to support you when all they do is undo the wrong that was righted by someone who had the know how to do it. That person in the selectman's office is undoing the warrant articles that were already approved by the selectmen and sending them back to the attorney's---for what reason, so they can empty the legal expense account? But what do I know, I am just a stupid employee....

  7. We all know that Jeff R had the warrant articles done the selectmen had a meeting in March and approved the articles. They were sent to K & P by Jeff R. (after columbus changed the numbers and order) then CS came back and she added ones that the selectmen had voted off, she changed the wording on some sent then to k & P, then changed them again (third draft) then sent then again to K & P. and nobody has the final draft yet - not even the advisory board, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the problem that has been going on for the past 8 years - no information being given to the departments, advisory board or taxpayers. Job security - those articles were 95% done when Jeff R was dismissed!

  8. We all know that Jeff R had the warrant articles done the selectmen had a meeting in March and approved the articles. They were sent to K & P by Jeff R. (after columbus changed the numbers and order) then CS came back and she added ones that the selectmen had voted off, she changed the wording on some sent then to k & P, then changed them again (third draft) then sent then again to K & P. and nobody has the final draft yet - not even the advisory board, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the problem that has been going on for the past 8 years - no information being given to the departments, advisory board or taxpayers. Job security - those articles were 95% done when Jeff R was dismissed!
