Saturday, April 14, 2012

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts 

For those of you who would like to review The Skelton’s lawsuit from 1995…here we go in the way back machine: 

I can’t make this stuff up. There were 26 separate filings. Carol Skelton still has an active case against the town. So where do we go from here? Hire her back as an interim appointment? Who would you trust most with sensitive legal information about outstanding lawsuits against the town? You make the call!


  1. Wouldn't these facts alone and her still having a case against the town be enough to immediately ban her from office.
    Can't you go to the court and get an emergency order banning her from being placed in a position that will harm the town and benifit her, kind of like a cease and desist order?

  2. Well, we as a town should probably request len kopelman go to court to stop this. But hey, now we know how you become a coordinator, file law suit, claim you are a nut case ( depression and stressed out so bad that you take many months off) then you get your husbands employee ( Randy Brown) and people like paul Q to make you town coordinator. once you are secretary to selectmen, you can then help your husband screw the town and steal all their money. Probably why she fought against a town manager so hard, she is not capable of doing the job. my opinion of course. I want to know if she has had a cori check and a physical per town policy.

  3. It has been alleged that team Skelton interfered in case 02-2424C allowed by Kopelman and Paige to save Erving Paper Mills millions of dollars in damages due the Town of Templeton from the Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract obligations. Here is a general accounting of that money. Six Million Dollars for the treatment plant downgrade. Six Million Dollars for money owed the town for tipping fees from outside waste haulers, Four Million dollars for landfill closure costs, One Million Dollars for lagoon closure, One Million Dollars money owed on debt of original plant. According to contract money owed not paid will accrue an interest of one and one-half percent per month. The tipping fees have been owed the town since 1996, Six Million at 1
    1/2% per month is a lot of loose change.
    Now that team skelton is back in the drivers seat it is doubtful we will be moving to have this illegal activity by K&P and team skelton examined by competent attorneys.
    I have sent documented proof that Erving paper Mills was a party to the WWTP contract to Pauly's Watch. This includes the original town meeting vote showing Erving's presence and the fact sheet from the Federal Appeal also showing Erving being a part of the WWTP Contract.
    As Mr. Columbus was part of the interference of case 02-2424C it makes perfect sense why team skelton was rehired.
    What an evil web we weave if at first we practice to deceive.

  4. I am a very grateful senior. I have worked most of my life and raised my family in Templeton. I have recently retired and am enjoying time for myself. It is difficult for me to rap my mind around the fact that the Skeltons would want to be involved in town politics after what has happened. Why would she want to come back to a job where she will be watched, judged and possibly resented by a lot of people. If she could not take the stress of alleged harassment that happened when she was much younger, how will she hold up so many years later. It makes you think that there has got to be a lot more to it than just wanting her job back. Just my opinion.

    1. Right on!! And don't think for a minute she is this meek nice person she pretends to me. She has learned very well how to play that "victim" card to get what she wants & for those who are helping to orchestrate her moves. She can be pretty gnarly when she wants to be having been a recipient of her "other" side. She can be just as brutal as the rest, in my opinion also.

    2. That 1st sentence above should read pretends to be. She is the "Great Pretender" of this wonderful person who has been so wronged. She puts up this front & all the while is scheming & gaining access to our most personal & private information to use against us if "need" be. They have their lawyers by their side just waiting to pounce on anyone & anything they think they can exploit to further inflate their already golden purses. And again, that is my opinion!

  5. I scanned through the docs, it does not seem like the Skelton's won their case. It sounds like she was granted a settlement. She would have been eligible for worker's comp, but the judge ruled against her claim.

  6. Valid point but, even if they didn't win a big cash settlement, they won by slamming it to us. I feel one of their main purposes in doing the things they do is to make us pay one way or the other. Even if that means just paying out to lawyers to represent them & costing us money we don't have plus the aggravation of addressing those claims whether founded or not. They said they would make us pay & I believe that means in whatever way they can find to do that. Whether, it is just the grief of putting the town through another lawsuit or actually winning it. It all costs us money we don't have. Just my thoughts & opinions.

  7. Does anyone else think that Templeton is just a cash cow for K & P. Who authorized K&P to write the letter regarding Jeff B open meeting complaint. I don't remember there being a vote of the BOS to have K&P do it - Just what is the job discription of the "chairman" does he have special powers? does he make decisions based what is discussed at the Skeltons or the Turtle.
    Also a little birdie who flew the (selectmen's)coop and flew away from town - told me that Carol Skelton when opening the mail, not only would keep mail from Julie and Bob Mitchell and Jeff B when he came on board, if any mail said "Personal and/or confidential" to any of these three she would open it anyway and either file it or get rid of it!!!! I believe to tamper with someone elses mail is a federal offense. I believe that by bringing Carol S back the selectmen have violated their oath of office by not acting in the best interest of the town. They have not done their due diligence. They have put the town at financial risk. They have put the town in harmsway (lawsuits past, present and odds are, future.) just my opinions except the part about mail tampering - fact.
