Saturday, April 14, 2012


All residents need to attend the advisory board meeting, wednesday, April 18, 2012. Watch little issac alongside mommy and see who he works for. Transfer money from the advisory account to salary account for town coordinator so carol can get paid. Any bets on this move. Taxpayers need to attend this meeting in numbers, maybe with the amount of skelton supporters who show up, like the entire lions club and concerned residents we can stop this meeting.


  1. The Advisory Board has charge an amount of money for emergency transfers. There have been departments in the past that have requested transfers to salary account and have been denied. The Board has past taken a stand that salaries are not emergency.

  2. Maybe "Team Columbus" should have checked balance in that salary account before they voted to dismiss Jeffrey Ritter and rehire Carol Skelton as interim town coordinator.

    Maybe someone should bring up the point that when CS was placed on paid leave on Sept 26, 2011, the town operated without a town coordinator until January 9, 2012. I'm sure under Bob Columbus' competent leadership, the town can manage without a town coordinator until June 30th. If I could do it, certainly Bob Columbus can do it! Mr. Columbus also has the exceedingly capable Patrick Mullins and Virginia Wilder to help him out.

    Julie Farrell

  3. Hmmm, Those fake build up of funds in other accounts to artificially inflate them to then transfer to other working accounts to pay off something other than what those funds were intended for sounds very much like a PONZI or at least a Pyramid SCHEME to me. Regardless of the correct terminology, we have been scammed!! Can we get them on something like that, the way Bernie Madoff was finally caught? Just a thought because these people have done basically the same thing to us, even if in a "so-called legal" way to get what they want for themselves. How can people be so ruthless & self-entitled? Even if it winds up being labeled legal, it is definitely unethical & immoral, in my opinion. Especially to the great townspeople that trusted them to be doing their jobs not only correctly but honorably. How can they think this is okay after all the money we have already forked out for those ENORMOUS salaries, benefits & retirements. That is what Arrogant evil greed does!! I say put them all in the cell with Bernie & throw away the skelton key, LOL, even though there is Nothing funny about this mess they got us into!! The heat is going to be on them now. People had got so fed up they brought pitchforks to meetings in Bell, CA. because their leaders were not listening to them or letting them speak all the while inflating some of their salaries to almost a MILLION dollars a year while bankrupting the town. I am not saying to do that or heaven forbid someone will try to file a lawsuit claiming I was writing to incite a riot. Not the case, I just stated a fact of what happened after people had finally had it in Bell, CA trying to do the right thing when they found out they were being taken for a ride by their scumbag leaders. In the process of being trampled over by their mayor & chief of police (who, btw, was making near half million in salary) they said enough is enough. I also say to the police here, please remove yourselves while we take care of our town (in a lawful way of course). Raising your voice is not reason to be lead out to the parking lot when we have a right to speak about what we need to do to correct the unscrupulous path we were lead down. Escorting residents of the town out of a meeting because they don't agree with the current regime is NOT the job we hired you to do. It is NOT for the chief to stand there & tell us we can or cannot speak. He is overstepping his bounds of authority like Queen Virgina, King BOOB & the mute court jester by their side have been doing. These positions have gone to their Huge heads!! The last thing said today that I am pondering is, Being that their heads are so Big, I was wondering if there is anything they are housing up there in those massive caverns for brains? Just my opinions, as always.

  4. jerry skelton is carrying on like his 252 project is a done deal. town meeting is where we can put the brakes on. line item by line item can be changed by town meeting is the law, so the position of affordable housing coordinator, good bye, con com agent..bye bye and surely the selectmen office expense can be cut big time, seeing how we have all that extra money to buy desks and printers...who okayed that because I certainly did not. cut the legal budget to $30 grand, we can always find the money when carol sues the town again. cut 15 % from town clerk salary, eliminate town planner. If we have money for new desks and printers than we can cut more from the expense side. The general laws of MA say we have to have a tree warden, it also says that the tree warden will be paid what ever is offered so $100.00 sounds good to me. team columbus, you get the picture??

  5. Jeff is it really that easy to get rid of these things you mention at the town meeting. Does someone have final say?

    1. yes it is. you can question any line idem . but when i comes to a vote and it is the moderator that says who won the vote by the sound of I's if the out come is not to your liking you need you yell out for a hand count you just need 7 people to agree with you ..

      im sure if puppet # 4 is moderator there will be lots of hand counts !!!

    2. We the votes should have the final say - to ask for a hand count David Bergeron (write in Candidate and very smart man) says 7 people must stand up and ask for a hand count. lets all remember this.

    3. As long as people know David is running, he will do ok. Most everyone who has been in town for awhile knows who he is. He has always done a good job. David is more well known than the little geek.{that last sentence came out funny, but you know what I mean}

  6. David Bergeron is not a puppet, nor will he run the meeting to any one person or groups liking. What he will do is run a proper by the rules and law meeting and hold everyone to the same standard. That is why I support David Bergeron for town moderator; time tested, experience proven!!!David is knowledgeable, experienced and if you ever have watched him at town meeting, he does not stand there yelling point of order point of order, he calmly holds up the town by-law book and makes a statement or asks a question based on the rule of law, be it MGL ot town by-law, which in my opinion is exactly what this town needs now
