Saturday, April 14, 2012


In My Opinion
Columbus went against the agenda for April 12, 2012. The agenda said “Discuss the temporary appointment of a town coordinator” not appoint a temporary coordinator. Who gave those three  selectmen the authority to go against the will of the people at that meeting without the opinion of  lawyers, not K & P but our Citizens 4 Templeton lawyers. We will have a court order Tuesday AM and I expect the State Police to arrest Carol Skelton if she attempt to enter the Coordinator’s office. There are too many important papers in that room. She has already proved to me that she cannot be trusted. Columbus is sick to even try this illegal move.


  1. Pauly - if you look back on the comments, I posted the same question. I had my hand up, to ask that question of the chair, but he was too busy getting the cops to eject taxpayers from the meeting. My wife can testify that I had my hand up to raise that very point. I noticed the agenda was written differently than the agenda item for the temporary Fire Chief.

    My hand was up, to ask how they could deviate from the agenda when Columbus asked for the vote to adjourn. I never got to ask my question.

  2. I am very interested in watching a replay of that meeting. I also had my hand up to ask a question but instead was forced to leave the meeting. There were a lot of taxpayers wanting questions answered but the easiest way out was to adjourn. The if the taxpayers cannot get the answers they need to make educated decisions then I guess the only way to vote on $$ issues would be NO.

  3. If you can't catch it on cable, we will be putting it on youtube shortly. I have a couple of copies I will lend out. Just don't tell mullins , i heard on the news the other day used dvd are worth $2 - $3 a piece.

  4. Here are 2 sections from the state Ethics laws. One law the 3 selectmen violated by not disclosing their personal relationship with appointee Ms. Skelton and abstaining from voting on her appointment. And, one law Ms. Skelton should be aware of when she shows up for work on Tuesday:

    Mullins, Columbus, Wilder violated:
    "268A:23. Supplemental provisions; standards of conduct.

    Section 23. (a) In addition to the other provisions of this chapter, and in supplement thereto, standards of conduct, as hereinafter set forth, are hereby established for all state, county and municipal employees.

    (b) No current officer or employee of a state, county or municipal agency shall knowingly, or with reason to know:

    (3) act in a manner which would cause a reasonable person, having knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to conclude that any person can improperly influence or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties, or that he is likely to act or fail to act as a result of kinship, rank, position or undue influence of any party or person. It shall be unreasonable to so conclude if such officer or employee has disclosed in writing to his appointing authority or, if no appointing authority exists, discloses in a manner which is public in nature, the facts which would otherwise lead to such a conclusion"

    Ms. Skelton should keep the following in mind:
    (c) No current or former officer or employee of a state, county or municipal agency shall knowingly, or with reason to know:

    (1) accept employment or engage in any business or professional activity which will require him to disclose confidential information which he has gained by reason of his official position or authority;

    (2) improperly disclose material or data within the exemptions to the definition of public records as defined by section seven of chapter four, and were acquired by him in the course of his official duties nor use such information to further his personal interest."

    Ms. Skelton cannot take her job back in order to acquire or destroy evidence in town files for the benefit of her active lawsuit or as a favor for K&P or her husband. Why an authoritative entity has not taken action ASAP to prevent this appointment from happening on Tuesday, I'll never understand.

    A lot has changed in the past 4 months. The citizens aren't so stupid anymore and are paying closer attention to all official town business, as is our right to do so. Is she sure she really wants to return? It may not be that much fun. These are stressful times due to the town being flat broke and there are a lot of unhappy citizens to deal with and a huge amount of work that has to get done.

    1. What authoritave entity would that be? The fox has been running the chicken house--I remember when Julie & Bob gave Ms.S the boot,the cry from the recall croud was that she did not have a bad reviue...Like her husband was going to give her one! A court order would be wonderful..Maybe she wants the new desks. She can get $50.00 bucks each at her yard sale. Maybe more at Rietta. Seriously, Thank you Olive, good information that did not cost us a couple hundred bucks per. hr.

    2. thank you Olive for all the information!

  5. One more informational tidbit to help the current BOS understand the state Ethics Laws...they may want to pay attention to Bob Mitchell a little more and answer his questions regarding the liaison to the Ethics Board. They should put it on the next BOS meeting agenda to discuss and appoint someone ASAP seeing that person is going to be busy with the multiple violation complaints coming through the system shortly.

    "Conflict of Interest Law As Amended by c. 194, Acts of 2011

    Section 29. Each municipality, acting through its city council, board of selectmen, or board of aldermen, shall designate a senior level employee of the municipality as its liaison to the state ethics commission. The municipality shall notify the commission in writing of any change to such designation within 30 days of such change. The commission shall disseminate information to the designated liaisons and conduct educational seminars for designated liaisons on a regular basis on a schedule to be determined by the commission in consultation with the municipalities."

  6. For anyone who wants to check this out

    1. Section 29 sounds good, and thanks for this information, however, under the present regime...guess who they would designate..if she gets her foot in the door. I would think her background ie. law suits against the town etc. would cast her out, but, here comes K&P!
