Saturday, April 14, 2012

Town Employees – Thank You!

Town Employees – Thank You! 

I would like to thank all of the town employees and department heads that signed a letter of support for Jeffrey Ritter. In the brief time Mr. Ritter was Templeton Town Coordinator, he worked many hours to try to bring good government practices to our town. He did that by enlisting the help of all departments, boards and committees.  

As employees remaining in the town, you deserve better management and leadership. As employees, you are well aware of the reality of the bullying and retaliation that is part of your everyday work experience. You took a great risk in signing this letter of support. Thank you again for your hard work, your dedication, and your commitment to the Town of Templeton. 

Julie Farrell
click on  the blue "Jeff Ritter" it will take you to the letter


  1. You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

    Lets keep writing and share to us and other.

    Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

  2. Thank you for your support to the town employees. Just wanted to say a few things about us town employees. To let you know, the employee morale is, well let’s say what morale, there is none. We are all afraid of what may come our way and as has been said before, afraid of retaliation. We just don’t know what is coming down the pike next, are folks going to be fired, since almost all of the town employees are considered at-will, where does that leave us….hanging by a thread in fear of where we are going next. Will someone be told to take a hike because we don’t like they way someone did something or said something we don’t agree with. Columbus and Skelton goes after those folks who don’t agree with him and shame on them, guess they don’t like what is being said because they know it be true, as they say, can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. When you work somewhere you don’t want to feel that you can’t voice your concerns, that is just wrong!!!
    I understand department heads had gone through the budgets, line by line, and as difficult as it was, they cut as much as they could without loosing important staff and resources. Why is it that the stabilization and free cash have nothing in those accounts, because someone had been allowed to take the money to balance the budget? Accounts that should have well over 1 million in them, in my opinion anyway but what do I know, I am just a stupid employee. There is not much room to play with in the budgets, believe me, they were gone through, from my understanding with a fine tooth comb, however there has been mention of staff being cut, there may be positions that could be cut, but there would also be implications of those staff cuts. I know of some staff that have had to go to the food pantry because of their struggling, we all are struggling but we can only hope we are not the ones getting cut and I know there are some staff that do not work their full amount of time they were hired to do, how wrong is that and shame on them and their supervisor for allowing it. My supervisor would not allow that to happen with me, if anything we put in more than our hours with no extra compensation.
    That’s all for now, just a stupid employee…...

    1. I am sorry those few have made you & others feel like stupid employees. Most that work in town are good hard working folks. However, there are those few uppity self-entitled ones we let get too "big for their britches" Now, because they got such a hold they are difficult to deal with. Arrogant bullies, such as the ones mentioned, are heading for a big fall. I am not sure where or when but, justice is long overdue. One of the easiest most sensible places to cut to help the budget is to dispense with the town coordinator. Really a made up job anyway. Everyone else does the work anyhow. Just my opinion. Again, sorry you have been hurt by the hastling & see that it has made you feel so badly. There are those of us who know that there has been bullying going on & it is getting closer to the countdown to have someone be responsible for those harsh, inexcusable, unacceptable actions. Hang in there & watch!! They will eventually do themselves in with their own greed & arrogance!! Just saying this is my hope & my opinion.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks isteach. You are right, but the master needs to cut those strings, but I don't see that happening as long as they are active in the governing of the town, what ever committee or board they are on, there is going to be strings attached and those actions will continue. And shame on them, again, don't they have any pride in their community. I am embarrassed to even say I work here and I am not the only one.

  5. You're very welcome & I mean it sincerely. I feel so badly for all the good employees who have been subjected to this heavy handed stuff from a few arrogant ones that are pulling the strings, as you say. But, it is for now & hopefully only for a bit more. I can feel the downfall of all of them coming soon. Yes, I do know what you mean & it is a sad day that this is all happening in what was once a very nice close-knit community. And shame on BC & VW for being turncoats & betraying their own town. I thought, at least, he was a better man than that. It does go to show that there is no pride in some people except for their own puffed up selves. Well, there is the famous saying "Pride goeth before a fall" for a reason & they will all fall. Not soon enough for any of us. I grew up here & I can honestly say this is the first time I have truly been embarrassed that I am from here. The bad publicity because of the GS regime has taken what little moral there was & totally squashed it out of sight!! Just wait & see. Maybe we have to wait for judgement day but it will come & I don't want to be in the line that he & his wife are in along with their entire gang. They are worse than street thugs. And that is my opinion!! They are the stupid ones, not you. God Bless you for hanging in there as long as you have. Better days are coming!
