Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This is a repeat please read it again. – No off color comments, I promise.

Attention Taxpayers

Do you care how your tax dollars being spent? I know about 106 of you taxpayers don't care because your homes have been foreclosed on in the last couple years. This month alone February 2012 there are nine house auctions taking place here in Templeton, see your local newspaper. I know real estate taxes didn't cause anyone to lose their home. But when you pay 300 to 400 bucks a month just for real estate taxes it makes paying your bank a little harder. For your mortgage and putting food on your table harder. I don't even want to mention heating your home or other things like water bills, sewer bills, electric bills etc. How many of you taxpayers think you are being overcharged by the so-called services, yes services.
But let's get to the source of all this stuff where taxes start, (I must put this in small print so they can't hear me). Yes with the board of selectmen. And anyone else that doesn't question the items that they okay without thinking of us taxpayers, such as the finance committee, town accountant. Board of selectmen as elected officials earn $5200 per year, that's 24 meetings, etc. That's better than $200 a meeting. That in layman's language is about $250.00 per hour (nobody makes all the meetings) plus whatever goes with the job. So they the board of selectmen can't say that the job doesn't pay enough. Our lawyers don't make that kind of money from the town except when K&P was our law firm. Pretty good,huh? I hope the recount makes some questions on how the elections are held in Templeton. I don't care what other towns do, because I pay taxes here in Templeton. And again I must mention "obstruction of justice". I just can't get the information to all taxpayers through my blog, but in time I will. And then the "blank" will hit the fan. I can see it coming more and more every day. The recall is one of the saddest things to happen in Templeton because of direct lies told to the voters that signed the recall sheets. I have to watch things real close for the next 2 to 3 weeks. There is too much to talk about this recall thing. People are starting to get the word about the propaganda. Other words the truth that was "not" told to the people that signed the recall sheets and voted, about the reason for the recall. I am hearing from people that are really upset about the recall, not that the truth is out there, right Tom L. It’s here with me on paper, get it, on paper. Not like “Tokyo Rose” or that “Rush Limbaugh boot” You don’t have to hear the truth, I’ll give you a copy – on paper, get it?

I went to the selectmen's meeting Monday night February 13. Hoo-boy! I thought I was at a recall committee rally. They almost had the chopping block set up until people in the audience started speaking up. I don't care if Bob Columbus likes me or not but in my opinion he can't wait to break Bud Chase’s stones on that screening plant, that he bought from Brookside Equipment for $24,500 and Brookside helped the town when something happened to the engine. They Brookside are good people to do business with. Some people just don't get their story straight, right Bud.

Well I witnessed the start of a recount and possibly the start of a recall also. Andre Caamano’s on page 3 of Wednesday's February 15 Gardner news about the fuzzy election math falls flat. Well Mr.Caamano if you don't know the whole story about the election sh--- in Templeton, I suggest you come out in the real world and find out the truth about this election bull---in Templeton. Yes you know about the last election with Bennett and Skelton. Where was your falling flat comment on that election results. You, the Gardner news would not print a lot of my letters to the editor comments, why? The election process in Templeton is not to be desired in Templeton or any other town. Did your newspaper have any comment on that issue? The Bennett-Skelton issue? Or haven't you been able to figure it out?

Yes I PHC Sr have chased it up one Avenue and down the other Avenue, and to this day have not gotten straight answers. But now I get ridiculed for a couple of questions about the recall of Farrell and Mitchell. Some people get huffy, well it was Farrell, Bennett and Mitchell that listened to my 10 to 20 written complaints about wrongdoings in the town office buildings. They took care of the most important complaint I made-long ago get rid of our town coordinator for making decisions without the selectmen's approval, yes Julie Mitchell and Bennett took my complaints seriously and dismissed our town coordinator. Why don't those unhappy taxpayers confront me PHCSr? Those eight or 10 unhappy taxpayers know I have answers on paper. Yes paper. I have said that many times on this blog. But I can't get to enough of the taxpayers to prove my comments and now that Julie and Mitchell are recalled the corruption will continue, in my opinion. The taxpayer that voted with that in my opinion, that "confusing ballot" on February 6, 2012 sent the message to the world that corruption prevails in Templeton.

I heard through the grapevine that the old (jailbird) speaker of the house, Sal Demacci wants to reside in Templeton when he gets out of jail because it will be easier for him to do corruption here. Ha-Ha!

Taxpayers don't care how their money is spent and again in my opinion, if the town past chair Dennis O was honest and did his duty to Templeton, a year before he was voted out, none of this bull---would have happened.

Don't forget the big mess at 252 Baldwinsville Rd. That is not the best interests for us taxpayers. I will not give up the fight for honest government in Templeton. But I will need help. "All" you concerned taxpayers, I was asked what the difference between a taxpayer and a resident was, well here's my answer. A resident of Templeton can just pack up and leave, other words doesn't own any real property and doesn't have to pay taxes in Templeton. A taxpayer is someone who owns real property in Templeton and must stay until the sheriff escorts them out of their foreclosed home because the taxes were too high among other things. Like all the other natural expenses for survival. Am I right? So all the residents of Templeton can just sit and watch the taxpayer go down the drain then you can live in Templeton rent-free until December 12, 2012 hee hee he. Do you get it 12 /12/12.

What do you people think of the new chair of the board of selectmen? Did everyone at the February 13 selectmen's meeting hear Julie Farrell blast Columbus and Bob Mitchell blast Columbus? And do you think Chris got the drift, after being ignored for his request to be chairman. Where is the shame for Chris's own crew? Does everyone see where the board is going with the direction of Columbus? What a slap to Chris, I think he would have made a good chairman. How did Columbus get to be chairman over Chris Stewart? I'm going to reply, you voted for them not me, the recall group. This is just the beginning of more bull---. At the town office building, 690 Patriots Rd., a note to Chris Stewart of the board of selectmen. I and everyone at that meeting heard you Chris asked to be the chairman of the board of selectmen. Why didn't the board vote you in? Are you getting to honest for the rest of the board of selectmen? Don't feel bad Chris, the same thing happened to me with the conservation commission a few months ago, you are the higher in firing authority for these appointed people. Let's see what as a selectmen you will do about my case. Note Grimley-“I did not get your e-mail Pauly.”

Now it's out in the open that Chairman Columbus wants to bring back K and P. And it's no secret that except for Bennett the board wants to bring back our old town coordinator. Yes it is no secret to anyone involved. Now who is going to pay off the present town Council and who is going to pay off Jeff Ritter they both have contracts for one year. I know what two or three of the selectmen will say-we will just have to have 2 1/2 override-. Remember what was said at candidates night? And in my opinion, I only badmouth those that deserve to be badmouthed. Do I sound selfish? Also I predict that soon Templeton will only have residents and no taxpayers, then what? Quote by Rudy Sundstrom "when you run out of taxpayers then what?" Bankruptcy?

And again Mr. Caamano, do you know the reason for the recount by Bob Mitchell and Julie Farrell? It isn't the fuzzy election math, it's to see firsthand if those machines work properly, or were they calibrated right, or the counters were confused about the way the ballot was worded. It's just like the recall people explain to taxpayers the reason for the recall, I watched the Warriors’ nose grow to over a foot long. Pretty good, huh? Yes over foot long.

Why do you people think all these protests are going on in "our United States" yes the United States. I wonder when it's going to happen here in Templeton. I feel like its connected to the ox Bow incident. I made the complaint about the town coordinator, yes me PHC Sr. And Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell got hung for the complaints by Templeton's vigilante gang or committee. Yes Templeton voters, I, PHC Sr made the complaints on paper to the chairman of the board of selectmen against the town coordinator. And it stated – “chairman O'Brien, I am handing you this complaint in person because I do not trust our town coordinator and some people in the selectmen's office. Because of my many complaints in the past about wrongdoings of other boards and misuse of municipal funds, I trust you Dennis and want you to read this letter to the other four members of the board of selectmen.” Well Dennis did not read my letter of distrusts for the past coordinator, because nothing, nothing, was ever done until I sent another letter to the whole select board and Julie as chair did something about the coordinator. And look what happened. Recall, recall, and that is another Oxbow incident isn't it? And I believe there is more coming so everyone can prepare for the truth. I will continue for a state run investigation into Templeton and if I have to mortgage my house to pay for the investigation of Templeton I will.

PS. If anyone wants a copy of my latest complaint on obstruction of justice in Templeton stop at my house and I will give you a copy, you as a taxpayer will be amazed where your tax dollars have been going. In the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. project is a good example, also a sewer line from Templeton center to exit 19 that Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell put a stop to the town paying for that project.

It's things like those projects that get put through town meeting because we the taxpayers were not informed on paper in a timely manner before town meeting. Do you wonder why so many people don't go to town meeting and even the way town meetings are run lately. When the moderator says to the audience if you want to speak, raise your hand to be recognized, then come to the mike in front of the stage, or if you are handicapped we will bring the mike to you to speak. Well in my opinion the moderator does not run the meeting very well. When some people speak the crowd says-we can't hear you, the moderator should make those people come down to the mike and not say-you must speak louder. It's like a lot of other so called leaders, they make the rules, but do not enforce them. Am I right selectmen Bennett? Some people think rules and laws are not made for them, am I right JoAnn B, Shaun G and others in Templeton. All you taxpayers deserve the truth on paper and I can provide this information. But not with the board of selectmen now that Julie and Bob are recall look around taxpayers. Thanks

Thanks for reading my opinions.

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