Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1st night of town meeting

Tues May 15, 2012

1st night of town meeting

In my opinion, the 1st night went pretty good, Dave Bergeron did a good job for a man coming back out of retirement to help us out here in Templeton, he didn’t get much bull%*#@ because he explained to the people how he was going to run the town meeting, and anyone that wanted to speak came down front to the mic and no exceptions were made, pretty good huh?  All taxpayers should be thankful that others went out of their way to find a good moderator here in town. 
Can you imagine what I am thinking “Will”?  and I have a good question for everyone concerned with fluoride, as I was drinking a bottle of water last night, I did a double take, I never want cold water touching my teeth for personal reasons, but to my surprise as I drank the water I noticed the water was not touching my teeth, no I am not weird, try it, I imagine all people that drink anything don’t swish it around in their mouth before swallowing it, get it?  So how does fluoride protect one’s teeth, is thru the digestive system, or the blood system?  I listened close to all those people supporting the issue, but none mentioned how it protects your teeth.  Can you answer that question ”Pete” and to answer a good question, no I don’t drink much of Templeton’s water, I think beer or wine is better for your health, what do you think?  Was that fluoride article anything like picking an interim part time coordinator?  How come that article (fluoride) was shot down big time, but the interim part time coordinator was a shoe in ya want to know why, the fluoride article was voted on by the voters and tax payers, “loud and clear” and controlled by the moderator, now let’s go back to that “in my opinion” boogie man selectman’s meeting.  They appointed an interim part time coordinator against the verbal voices of us taxpayers the vote at that boogie man meeting was three for the appointment and 100 against the appointment, but the interim part time coordinator was hired, how come?  How Dave Bergeron would have handled it, I’ll tell you how our moderator would have handled it.  No hand count – no two thirds verbal judgment, no buts and or whys will be heard period.  We the taxpayer won that battle, but lost the battle, why?  I’ll tell you why?  Democracy said Chief Whitaker it was obstruction of justice in plain English he grinned at me and I as a peace loving, law abiding citizen sat down with Steve LaPrise and his wife and said is this democracy?  Steve replied, this is criminal and I don’t care what the Chief said, what do you think people?  Put it on the blog, in your opinion, I need a lot of replies on paper from people that witnessed that “Boogieman” appointment of interim part time coordinator in person for my report to the deciding authorities, before May 25, 2012.  Other words town meeting, and a selectman’s meeting has many things in common the moderator and others read the article, then the people decide with a verbal response honestly, then he calls for a hand count, then it is up to the moderator to announce the results and no argument that democracy, right?  Now let’s go back to that “in my opinion” boogie-man selectman’s meeting April 23, 2012 Columbus as chair, did not have an article number or an agenda to appoint a interim part time town coordinator, (1st complaint by PHC SR) then the agenda said to discuss an appointment of “a” interim part time coordinator, well they did discuss for a interim part time coordinator, Bennett opposed and Chris Steward opposed, then King Columbus said we will take a vote.  Ya – a vote on a discussion pretty good huh – the audience remained quiet, but on edge, why?  Hee-hee-hee then without any respect for us taxpayers to have representation on a critical and controversial appointment said aloud I the “King” Columbus will entertain a motion to appoint Carol Skelton to our interim part time coordinator, then the whole room lit up like a “sunburst” the police slowed things down until Columbus said we will now take a vote, Jeff Bennett NO! – Chris sadly said no – Wilder yes, Mullins yes, then King Columbus said and I vote yes – the complete audience opposed out loud and the riot was quelled by 6 policemen and about 20 people were ordered out of the room by Wilder, and King Columbus, see DVD some people did not say anything, but the police ordered them out of the room, was this democracy or was this an act of 3 out of control recall coming organizers, “proof on paper” holding us hostage and ignoring the voice of the taxpayer.  These three selectmen incited a riot and the police blamed us tax payers completely, that in my opinion was obstruction of justice, by the Templeton Police Dept.   Officers that were on duty at that defunked, boogie man selectmen’s meeting April 23, 2012 where was the chief at this well planned conspiracy by Columbus, Wilder, and Mullins, that was without a doubt planned at an illegal meeting at a certain person’s house, and was witnessed by many taxpayers, why was 6 police men n duty that night, at the meeting I hope Julie and Bennett ask that question why 6 cops, why 6.  Did I say it enough times, were those six or “more” police warned by someone that knew beforehand what was going to be pulled by Columbus at that meeting?  Who is going to be charged with obstruction of justice???

Now let’s get back to the 2nd night of Town Meeting, there are a lot of articl3es with Big – Big – question marks, pay strict attention to the advisory board recommendations, someone “guess who” tampered with some articles, Bumpsey Dennis may be old like PHC SR but he “Bumpsey” is not stupid, I realize at least 3 members of the board try to degrade Bumps, but everyone has realized that the town meeting articles were tampered with “guess who” and us taxpayers insist that the Atty General office get involved, twisting, turning, and rewording articles after they were voted and that a NO-NO so I hope we keep filling the auditorium with voters..

More to come

Thanks for reading my opinions


  1. I do not think that the annual town meeting should be officially adjourned until the taxpayers are told who tampered with the articles on the warrant.

  2. there may be a way to get at least part of the answer. But for sure, the warrant was e-mailed to the attorney on April 12, 2012 and carol skelton came baack on April 16, 2012 and on April 23, 2012 at selectmen meeting a discussion on the warrant took place. There was an article back in the warrant that the selectmen had previously voted off. Many articles had been changed and dollar amounts had been changed. chairman columbus would/could not answer who when and why these things happened. he would not put it on another agenda. Only thing for sure is this happened while carol skelton was back in the office. Questions need to be answered and maybe in court, but carol skelton and columbus need to answer them.

  3. I am really glad we got a vote on article 30. Was it a unanimous vote to keep the ambulance receipt account? Could the BOS have misjudged that article so badly? Apparently!

    As for answers to who tampered with the wording of the articles, I don't hold out much hope for an answer. Maybe the town will get an answer in court, but that will take a long time.

    I hope the joint Friday meeting between the Advisory Board and the BOS will help budget process move along. It's not going to be pretty.

  4. Its a good thing Issac didn't win Moderator seeing he couldn't make it to night 2 of Town meeting. There would have had to be a replacement Moderator anyway. Good job Mr. Bergeron. Its a tough job--especially when most of the articles have been tampered with.

    I agree that there needs to be some sort of statement from a Templeton official at the meeting about what happened to the warrant articles and what is being done to investigate the situation. Every citizen who has taken the time out of their lives to attend multiple nights deserves the respect of a statement at the bare minimum. I'm sure the Advisory Board and the new BOS will do their best to make it through the rest of the Town Meeting. But someone needs to be held responsible for wasting the tax payer's valuable time with so many delays and needless confusion in conducting town business.

    And, Virginia, if you're reading this, I find it offensive that you sit there on stage and laugh with Patrick while the other three selectmen are busy trying to straighten out financial questions with the moderator, accountant, and counsel. At least "act" like you care about this town. And while you're at it, how about offering up some answers to your town about what happened to the warrant articles as I'm sure you were privy to the actions that caused this whole mess (dear friends and all). This is no laughing matter.

  5. It certainly was not the first time that the BOS didn't have an accurate sense of the will of the people!

    At future meetings, we need to focus less on the actual language differences of the warrant, and press the issue of the Board's lack of accountability. The Board should be able to justify their own warrant articles! Let's press them for justification of their decisions, or indecision. It's clear that we will not hear why articles have changed, etc., but we can continue to ask the Board how they arrived at certain decisions.

  6. To anonymous, dce and the rest of Templeton residents. The first person to seek out is former chair of select board Bob Columbus, he will most likly not answer but ask anyways. I have minutes and copies of warrants dated that shows the progression of changes, rewording and dollar changes with little or no input from effected parties. Most after carol skelton got back in office by a vote of columbus, wilder and mullins who voted yes to get rid of Jeff Ritter and bring back kopelman & Paige and carol skelton. Those 4 people are the ones most responsible for the mess before the people at town meeting, in my opinion. Next you have the town tax collector collecting two pays for doing simple clerical work, signing or stamping invoices and checks. Basic office work which after years as town treasurer and tax collector should be easy day and she should know and have no problem doing. selectmen voted no extra pay for this duty for a couple of weeks, yet bob columbus signed off on them and town accountant let it pass by rather than flagging it for questions. His recommendation after all stated no extra pay for the collector for this work. Can it get any worse? I did not know only two selectmen wanted pay and I sit on the board! Why are they not willing to sacrifice like others for the good of all? who and when was it decided to put an amount under selectmen salaries bob columbus? carol skelton, who told you to put an amount in that column? I am not going to let go of these important issues, someone has to be finally held accountable to the taxpayers of Templeton and please do not standby for no answer. Do not vote to dissolve town meeting until you hear from the selectboard, I am not bashful or afraid to give you my thoughts on the issue and to provide documents to back up my opinion, thoughts or statements. As usual, thank you for attending, asking questions and for your support. That said, please don't let me or the board of selectmen off the hook, hold us accountable and ask why, who, when,and how? It is your money and your town, you are the boss no matter what the former chair told you. You after all fired him, not the other way around.

  7. The 'BoogieMan,' aka, 'The Swindler,' aka owner of the original coffee maker someone recently replaced with a new expensive one at tax payer in jail on unrelated charges, his initials are L.P. or at least has some connection to the same. And that connection may be no more than the typo of coffee they each enjoyed. And I can tell you no more except that his bat cave/war bunker has been preserved by an underling perhaps for his return at some point in the future under another guise or as an exonerated mischief maker? You are dealing with deeply rooted witchcraft that is as widespread as the fifty states may make America seem and feel.
    As dangerous and lawless as the 'Boogieman' may be, it is the Sand Man you ought to fear, for even loose cannon Whitaker (with a cur) fears the likes of him.

    Luke 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

    Their business is kingdom business and their power comes through misrepresentation of their rightful portion of Torah or biblical law. It is how the Catholic Church was created and the more ppl who buy into the American Dream without counting the cost, falling into the net quite of their own lawlessness which they thought was lawful, is exactly how these types of scoundrels are empowered and made rich.
    The thing is they weigh their judgments according to Torah law and then use the man made law to their whimsy and winning, and when investigated by FBI, or what have you are exonerated because the FBI has no clue what their real intentions are. The Leominster Police dept. was recently let off the hook of corruption and exonerated while the one who dropped dime was allotted an early retirement, ala' Jeff Ritter type of deal...
    If you want to beat this dastard's territory, as in Dodge City, you must be fearlessly devoted to God, and call upon Him when faced with terrible adversaries in Truth and in Spirit, as the arch angel Michael stood before lucifer and said "The L-RD rebuke you", and as every enemy of the House of David fell before the L-RD's Host, you must fight with the same Power at your disposal and overcome through Faith and patient endurance.

    Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

  8. And I thought the Town Meeting articles were confusing!!!!!!

  9. BdG.....Let me get this straight. Who am I supposed to look out for? The Boogie-man, Swindler, or sandman, who are all under the cloak of "LP"?? who is in jail and may or may not be connected to someone who likes the same coffee, and, who bought a coffee pot that was just replaced by an expensive one with my tax money? Now that's what I'm bummin about. Let's have an article about the coffee pot and spend 40 minutes trying to find out who spent our money and why. Sound Familiar?

    If the warrant had not been tampered with, this meeting would probably be over in the last two nights. I wonder if VW, PM, BC and CS had their hand on the Bible and were asked if they knew who did it, would we get a straight answer?

  10. I don't know, but by sticking to one kind of coffee, they missed out on a variety of flavours available...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "This comment has been removed by the author."

    Did you have something you wanted to share, "Over and out"?
