Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Selectmen’s Meeting 05-14-12

In my opinion

The board of select mans meeting was done exactly like it is supposed to be done let the people speak, and like Chris Steward told Pete Kasper “quote” I don’t honestly know how these things happened, I didn’t vote on them “unquote”.  At least Chris said it in an honest attitude; well my question is who did?  I am speaking in layman terms and I think everyone can understand layman terms, or other words was it Carol?  Was it Columbus?  Was it Virginia? 
Was it Scott Sawyer?  I want an answer and it better be a good answer because tampering with town meeting articles after they are voted on by the Board of Selectmen or changing the wording is a big NO-NO, why don’t the guilty ones call Kopleman and Paige—In my opinion K&P will tell the guilty ones, in K&P’s opinion, “Ride Bulio Ride” in the direction of West Boylston and don’t blame Jeff Ritter, unless you have it on paper, get it, on paper in my opinion the then Board of Selectmen treated Jeff Ritter like they treated PHC, Sr, no respect for us taxpayers or our non-union employees.  I am willing to bet 100’s of dollars that Jeff Ritter will have to leave the country to find a job because of what 3 or 4 members of the board of selectmen did to Jeff Ritter’s reputation while working in Templeton.  I am referring to Columbus, Wilder, Mullins, and possibly Chris Stewart, why is it a big secret, why Jeff Ritter “resigned”?  I will not stop until I am satisfied with the reason Jeff Ritter “resigned” or is my memory of a boogie man selectman’s meeting on DVD yup-yup on DVD “quote” Bob C.  & V. Wilder, if Ritter did not resign with a $14,000 kicker Hee Hee Hee we were going to terminate him anyway.  Did my $5.00 DVD lie to me or what?  Why can’t we 4500 registered voters know why Jeff Ritter “so called” resigned I have reason to believe my request for an investigation will be honored shortly, then the truth will come out.  And to answer your question “Regina” Chief Whitaker did tell me in person that he would contact C-PAK for my investigation that was about a month ago.  You know what I mean 30 days or more.  One month I guess he changed his mind about the investigation, I wonder, did he change his mind or did someone mention Jeff Ritter and that changed his mind, what do you think?  Answer up all you taxpayers!!  I need answers now, I hope you are no part of the “several” people involved, in this conspiracy or mess whatever layman terms calls it, that’s what I say, the trust for those involved has been broken and us taxpayers paid those involved every week, yup, yup, yup, we the taxpayer paid in wages to be deceived, lied too, cheated, by the very people we trusted, and to add to the insult, our Police force did nothing even after all the complaints, and the inciting of a riot at the Selectman meetings two meetings witnessed on DVD and the Police.  Was this obstruction of justice or was it, “just one of those things” that happen in a small town?   Ask Dimassi, or Senator Blagovejich these couple are in jail for obstructing justice, need I say more?  And yes I must say it took a long time but help was on its way, and now help is here, so let’s relax for an hour, and witness the “law” at work, and we the taxpayer will have our day or days in court and it won’t be as a defendant, it will be as a witness, or as a lot of witnesses, don’t hold back information, our Atty Generals office needs all the information we have, the hammer is coming down and it’s not coming down on us taxpayers, anymore, and hopefully never again in Templeton.  Do you people know anything about the state ethics commission?  I wonder if it’s just a little broom closet in Room 619 at the McCormack building where someone sits with a form letter to mail to people in response to the ethical complaints, it seems like all the returns from the ethic commission say the same thing, what do you think of the ethics commission?  I would think with all the complaints mailed into that committee someone would get a favorable decision form that committee.  Well anyway what’s the weather going to be on 12-12-12?  And if it’s going to be the end of the world, who cares right?

Thank you for reading my opinions


  1. So when do we find out the details of mullins gag order that was to be lifted after the election? Or has counsel neatly taken care of all the charges?

    Thanks Pauly for the updated info and your opinion. Your hard work is appreciated.

  2. call Mr. Jim Kriedler in winchendon and ask him
