Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Town meeting tonight

Town Meeting Tonight 

Narragansett  Middle School Auditorium


click here for warrants http://www.templeton1.org/docs/2012_Annual_Town_Meeting_Warrant.pdf

If you value your town and your dollars please attend!!!


  1. I hope everyone has done their research on the problems associated with fluoridation. This citizen's petition article is number 14. When in doubt take it out. Please support a more healthy Town of Templeton, vote to end fluoridation.

  2. How much does fluoridation cost the town. How do they determine the proper dose for every individual. People that work in the plastics manufacturing are often exposed to fluoride on the job. Air conditioning and refrigerant gases also contain fluoride.

  3. No doubt Dave Bergeron was a better choice for moderator, but did others find him more rude and nasty than neccessary.

    1. He certainly was firm. No monkey business with this guy. Rude and Nasty? - Borderline. I hope that mr Matson is paying close attention to how to handle a crowd.

  4. A question on passing over article 5 & 6 on the special warrant, does that leave it open to get sneaked again, Why would they not have just voted Yes or No and be done with it.

    1. They definitely left the door open with 5. I think 6 will be null and void when the $$ is voted to give to the Gilman Waite field on 47.

      So, do you think the message was loud and clear to Ms. Skeleton's friends that the town does not want her as coordinator with the failure of her $4k article? It was a resounding NO.

      Also, I wish the town counsel would speak into the microphone when speaking. We would like to hear what she is saying.

    2. I wonder how VW will find $$ for her dear friend now. Under the carpet? Maybe she can donate some stuff to her yard sale or help pick blueberries and squash!

  5. I think David did a fine job, you do have to pay attention though. Part of the problem I think is the sound system, it was hard for me to hear and understand some time and I sit right on the stage near the moderator. Hey he told me to follow directions too so no worries. David is no nonsense, no sides and runs a meeting by the rules. I think we are use to easy going no rules and audience unruly such as yelling out motions as Mr. Paul Q. found out, no standing up and "move the question" which essentially denies people the right to speak, even if you are at the mike ready to talk. In the past, two clowns just yelled out "move the question, second" and that was end of debate. David ensures everyone gets to talk, just remember and follow his rules. A couple of glitches but overall a great job by a guy who was basically recruited and put on the spot rather than take out papers and plan to run. Templeton was/is lucky David accepted the "invitation" to be our moderator, in my opinion. and I thank him for his time.

  6. With regard to our Moderator's performance at the town meeting last night, I agree with Jeff. In my opinion, this town has been very lackadaisical in the past few years with regard to how a meeting should be run. Dave did a great job. I didn't see anyone escorted out, which means he handled the crowd correctly.

    As far as I understand, "indefinately postponing" Article 5, yes the door is still open, but in the future, not at this meeting.

    According to Roberts rules of Order, "The effect of the motion, if adopted, is not to "postpone" the main motion, but rather to prevent action on it for the duration of the current session."

    From what I understand this article or one like it would have to be brought in front of a Town Meeting again in order to be voted on. It is also my understanding that this "session" includes all following nights of this town meeting, not just last night's.

    Just my 2 cents.

    See you tonight
    Phil Brooks

    1. Your 2 cents is worth alot. It is the same for any one who speaks up. I do not have any problem with Dave. This is a hard job on a good day. I was afraid no one was going to say anything when the 4000. dollar question came up. If I had been aware Joe Boyd was going to speak, I would not have said anything. I really did not hear the "rules". I came in just as he was ending his list of do's and don'ts. Hs scoulded me, but thats ok. I'm a big girl," a old one too". Please you guys, speak up when important things come up. We have gone too far to leave anything to chance.

  7. Rude & Nasty? No. Comical with his sighs and comments at times? Yes. I thought for the most part he did a great job. Glad to see him holding the mic. The way I see it is that it's a very though job that nobody really wants. Thank you Dave for saving the town and thank you Dan Kenney for watching & speaking. You gentlemen are both assets to the Town of Templeton.

  8. I think both Dave B and Dan Keeney did an excellent job last night.
    There was some confusion with the vote on fluoride, but other than that I think it went well
    As far as article 5 STM, any ambiguity or doubts can be erased with a vote in the affirmative for article 44 - disband the municipal building committee
