Monday, May 28, 2012

Anonymous or afraid?

In my opinion, when someone goes anonymous, they actually afraid to "speak out", in fear, afraid of retaliation. Am I right- Isteach? How about you Doug? And if "big brother" is watching he should be careful because these days even the eyes and ears “spy” have eyes and ears. Get it? The Dimacci and Madoff and a bunch of others, that are in jail. So Doug and Isteach remember one thing-big Brother usually has a big brother watching him, get it? Speaking about big brother,
do you people think big brother had anything to do with the issue on 690 patriots road, Saturday afternoon-surveillance issue? I personally thought it was a "protecting records" issue. Hey Bev, do you think that issue will come out in the wash? Hee hee. I think in -my opinion, it will come out in the courtroom, what do you think Mike C? Well Isteach and Doug, I wouldn't worry too much about the anonymous issues, if you are going to use anonymous, pick a number to go with it. I see anonymous out there that uses a number nine. Does that cover the anonymous bull----issue? As far as freedom of speech goes, don't stop using it. Remember what Patrick Mullins oops, Patrick Henry said-give me liberty or give me death-and we are not ready for death. Soooo, freedom of speech will continue. I just wonder who, is afraid of what? Hey Julie and Bob Mitchell, is it true that only 14 people are left from the recall issue group? Is that, right or should we add a couple more from the L&W? Just in-case, and now the incident at 690 Patriots Rd. I wonder if it has anything to do with the actions of the Phantom and VW and BC. JBM should change the number from 690 to 007, hooboy! When that vacuum cleaner "F A Moschetti” starts at 690 Patriots Rd. it will sure bring out a lot of sh---out of that town office building. Is that why that FA Moschetti sign is back on that little hill next to your town office building? Read it next time you people drive by 690 Patriots Rd.-East. I wonder if that sign is the beginning of a "complete cleansing" of 690 Patriots Rd.? And yes Moschetti we do not want to pay more, get it, pay more and more and more. Is this going to be the end of the siege on Templeton taxpayers? And to quote David Bergeron "is that clear to all you people"? In a note to Bev and Bart 11:58 PM 5/27/12-the light company can not shut us up, soooo be careful-they can shut us "off", hee hee. And a note to-is teach, don't stop with your comments we are all paying attention to someone that was threatened, and degraded by the same group that is responsible for all the unrest here in Templeton. And in my opinion, will end up in West Boylston. Read Mike C's comments 9:47 PM May 27, 2012-that should answer anyone's questions about the "big brother bull---" upon request, get it, upon request, of who? And to KatyB, I don't agree with you on the recall issue, Frank M says with those two on the board this town cannot even think of moving ahead on anything. We all know about the reason for the recall and the lying way it was done. So Katy B, if those two embarrassing people don't resign, because we can't embarrass them-a recall is a must and citizens for Templeton are welcome., We are putting our accusations on paper so recall should not take long. Everyone in Templeton has witnessed the way Columbus, Wilder and Mullins want to run our town. Especially at the last two big selectmen's meeting concerning the “interim/part-time" coordinator's appointment. It is in everybody's opinion that those three renegade selectmen did not, and I say not-care how us taxpayers felt. And when Jeff Bennett and Chris Stewart opposed this appointment that "moron" Columbus should have stepped up to the plate and stopped this illegal, stupid acts. But he as an as----- voted with them to appoint that interim part-time coordinator. The vote was three for the appointment and not and I say not-on the agenda, get it not on the agenda. Now Columbus wants a vote-Bennett – no, Stewart-sadly no and Mullins-yes Wilder-yes and Columbus says-I will vote yes. All the other hundred plus voters expressed a loud no vote-so my question is this 100+ voters say no-and three selectmen say yes and the Phantom got the job. How does 100+ voted against three votes make a win? Ask the Templeton police? Whitaker said to me-it's democracy. While in layman's terms how does 100+ unarmed voters win with six policemen with guns, get it with guns under the direction of their bosses, Wilder Columbus Mullins. Not and I say not Bennett or Stewart. Could this act be called obstruction of justice? I must admit my opinions get carried away a lot of times, but I cannot help myself, when I hear about issues from people that are fearing for their lives here in Templeton and all are going to come forward when the time comes-shortly. And to Doug Morrison you will be heard, loud and clear. Also is teach, and Katy B and Mike C. Remember one thing a liar is only a liar until put under "oath”, then 90 days to start with crosses his mind, then the liar becomes a truthful citizen, and the dominoes start falling, right Julie?

Yes today is Memorial Day 2012 I have paid my respects to all involved. But I refused to watch the parade because of three people in this town of Templeton, that will be in the parade. I am not going to mention any names and no-I am not afraid of big brother. I just feel it is disrespectful to the veterans who have served this country to have people like the “three” in the parade. It's just my right to opinion-is that clear to all you people.

PS yes Bev, I will comment on the 250th anniversary, if you asked me in print you know on paper. Thanks for reading my opinions


  1. Well,well,a very deep subject..Fear can be huge, walking alone in the dark, having a bad dream. But being afraid to say what is on you mind, that is worse. As
    bad as as it can be. Some times the fear is just your imagination.
    Too many scarey movies, a fear of the unknown. Fear can be used against us, to keep us quiet. Wouldn't they like that, Just think, without Pauly's blog. we would not be able to share information, things could go along as they did, for another ten years. We could keep passing over rides, until none of us could afford to live in Templeton any more. Bud would still be using junk on the highway dept. The lawyers would keep getting richer, some depts. would be doing very well. The rest would be just hanging on.
    Bart helped me plant flowers at Gladys' stone in the common the other night. It was almost dark. I have done that every year since she has been gone. I think almost nine years. Time flies, it is hard to believe. Gladys had a hard time. Gladys put up with alot of the same stuff Julie is going through now. She never backed down. I know as bad as thing seemed then,[ the battle of the bales} Things have reached a all time low in town with this bunch. The thing we have to remember is we are right, we are not the problem. We need to take care of one thing at a time. I know there is alot to be taken care of, it took a good ten years to get this way. Every thing is not going to be solved over night. Their will be a time for this bunch to answer for what they have done to this town. I do think it will come out in the wash. A cold shower in Concord would be nice enough, don't you think. Worcester is not bad enough. I hear Framingham has a very crowded womens unit. I guess you can get used to it after a few years. Keep the faith guys. Alot of men and women died so we have freedom of speach. And this is as always, my opinion. Bev.

  2. Thanks Pauly! I'll do my best but at this point I do not know about the heavy clean sweeping at 666, I mean 690 Patriots Rd. but, I imagine it's a good thorough one. In fact, the first address is so hot all the records may be insinerated so why bother cleaning, right! As far as why do you think 100 unarmed people didn't have a chance against Wyatt Earp's gang? I think we have to see if there are any "connections" that we might have missed? It may lead back to the OK corral which is probably not really that OK right now! Well, let's keep watchdogging this group because they are going to slip up & have that Domino effect sooner or later. And the liar is a liar part. I think they are all beginning to believe their lies. I am not so sure some of them can separate the truth from a lie!! At least, I am sure they don't want to because it most cetainly will lead to West Boylston when they rat out their "friends". Get the accommodations ready, please! VW, BC, & company, I hope you are ready for those uncomfortable hard mattresses because I think you are not going to enjoy being their scapegoats. You may find your dear friend missing when you turn to ask her for comfort & wonder why she is No where to be found! Just my opinion!

  3. you know you hit the big time when you have ads on your blog.

    1. Just what we need, someone else trying to use us. Oh the American way! I guess we can't complain. This site reaches more people than our local papers, and have not changed what we have had to say...Yet.

  4. (Olive speaking) Does anyone know what the BOS executive session tomorrow night is all about? I know Julie and Jeff can't say anything but anyone else know? I get nervous when I see meetings like that (via Mr. Ritter nightmare). Thanks!

  5. Hear Ye, Hear ye. Now hear this. At 690 Patriots, last week (other than the Moschetti vacuuming),something occurred. I just saw the May 30 agenda for the selectmen's meeting re: executive session ie character, mental health, etc. of someone who works in Templeton. Word on the street is that another one "bites the dust" in the selectmen's office. OMG! Are we going down the tubes or what?

    1. what an anonymous person knows - back a couple of years ago when one of the people left the selectmen's office, 71 applicants applied for the job - local, well qualified people who applied didn't even get an interview (Judy S, Mary O's daughter etc) see Carol S and Bob C didn't want anyone with ties to Templeton. Personally I believe that this person was way over their head in this job. But when you want control of the town.......... sorry i have to be anonymous #13


  7. Just trying to make a few pennies towards my Real Estate Taxes - already used my blueberry money - if they are offensive to anyone I'll stop them. Let me know.

    1. Are there any horse ads? Products and accessories for an old mare back in her stall? How about a "click here to see MCI Concord's accommodations."

  8. I'd keep the ads for awhile. After all the newspapers have ads, TV news reports have ads most Internet sites have ads. I thought someone hacked into your site at first.

    BTW, executive session is not about "Tex".

  9. Talk about coincidence, I needed a new net for my Mosquito Magnet and could not find one anyware. Then I remembered about the add on Pauly`s blog. BINGO!!!! So I click on the add and just ordered my nets and I should have them by Friday. Thanks Pauly

  10. No kidding! Hey Pauly, this is great! I just saw an ad for hard hats and a clinic for women who are bipolar. We're solving a lot of problems on this site! Anxious to see if another one
    "bites the dust" from 690 Patriots Road. This is indicative of some of the larger problems that have been created in the last several years, but in the end, it's another hardship that may have been averted.

  11. 1Jo 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

    Keep the Faith,the Gadianton empire is crumbling...There is no "Dread Sovereign" in America...
