Tuesday, May 29, 2012

a VW spotting!

Virginia Wilder was spotted at 6:30pm at Echo Hill Farm. She probably had to catch up with her dear friends after the long holiday weekend. Now what should I be doing at the next Board meeting???

Also want to remind everyone that the Ballot Vote for the School Override is scheduled for June 28 - more info to come.


  1. I don't remember VW being as frequent a visitor before the recall as she is now. We all know she goes there with her little notebook and scribbles down her orders. Or better yet, maybe Kate Fulton is there to do the scribbling.

  2. At cumberland farms I saw vw enter her car and the alarm sounded. Even her car can tell shes a problem!
    Don't think cars don't have opinions? Get the RECALL signs out!How can we get kate gone? H5

  3. Damn! I wish I had seen that. She was probably flailing her arms and yelling for the police.

  4. How about this idea? The Recall signs are red barns and anyone that visits the red barn people are new recall people! Link the barners to the recall and sign them up 2 and counting.
    Keep our eyes open!

  5. Funny, the other day I was getting gas at Cumberland Farms in ET, here very slowly pulls in G Skelton and stops and scans the whole lot, he very slowly moves into a parking spot and his honey CS gets out and scurries in to buy The Gardner News, as she is walking back to the truck her eyes and head are looking in every direction possible. I had to laugh that at least these people are a little on edge and it must really suck to be hated so much that they have to plan their every stop away from home. Wah Wah, you deserve every bit of it.

    1. Well, I am not one to gloat over misfortune but since they "misused our fortune" & Abused others along the way doing that, then I say pay back is a B_t_h, isn't it!! It always amazes me how people think they can do anything they want to others so long as they get what they want & that's okay but when they are found out & the people want justice, then they can't understand it & you get the Wah, Wah, Wah, why are they doing this to us. I am sorry to say that I feel I wish I had seen them squirm a bit because they haven't given a damn about this town or the residents except to use it up, fleece the trusting tax & utiliy rate payers & bully those they think were getting in their way. And with all their plotting & planning on other ways to make money for themselves & buddies, the wind turbine was no more for the town's benefit than the enterprise fund was, in my opinion. And I believe there is a friend of these two that always says at meetings when this point comes up, "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Well, it is broke & we need to fix it along with many things because of those 2 & the others in cahouts with them. So, saying it in the long way, as usual, I have no sympathy for them either. Just expressing my opinion. On another note Pauly, I am thinking about ordering a new hard hat. Those Safety Gear Ads are making it mighty tempting! LOL

    2. Oh yes, and as you can see by the early AM hour I submitted these comments, I wasn't kidding when I said I do not sleep at night. So, besides a blog here & there to pass the time, I thought I might order that New Hard Hat. Problem is I can't decide on the color. I guess I'll stay with the Red!!

    3. I think at this point it is not us that needs the hard hats. The tide has turned, the shoe is on the other foot. As I have said more than a dozen times, yes, payback is a bitch. This whole thing has been trying on every ones nerves. Now we do have to move forward, but also take care of the wrongs that have been left behind as a result of their, stupidity and greed. The biggest mistake Bubba made is by not moving forward in any way. The citizen that does not get the big picture, do not like it when all they can see is bickering. So the way I see it is we have to find a balence. We do not want to loose any of the support we have got. The more support we have the better. Oh yes, this and everything I write is my opinion. Bev.

    4. I agree, Bev, Thanks for that good insight & those reassuring words of wisdom. Have a great day & continue to Be Blessed for all you are doing in this effort to help the town get back on it's feet! Though I still wouldn't mind getting a new Hard hat. I am kind of fancying the Orange one I have been seeing in the Ad. LOL

    5. I had a chance to read the piece written in todays GN by Ms.Mattson. She was very upset with the changes made made at Templetons' Annual Town Meeting. I know for sure the sence of relief was great when this years session was over. Never in my memory was the town left with a budget that was such a mess prior to the meeting. It took alot of work to get a budget that could work under the circumstances. No one wanted to cut into pays, but it had to be done. It was done as fair as it could be. There were positions that could not be justified, for the amount of work involved, with the amount of pay recieved. If the budget had been handeled better in the past, and the town had any free cash, had the situation been different, then what was done may have been avoided. We are where we are, and that will not change wntil we as a town can get on our feet. To pass a override, without making changes would not improve anything. I am sorry she is upset. Things will improve, but it will take a long time. If I was to be angry about the situation it would be with the large amounts of money wasted, on projects that were poorly planned, money spent without good cause on the towns' legal staff, a list that could go on and on. Hopefully things can only go up from here. Bev. This is what I would put in the local paper if I had any faith in it at all. Seeing that I don't, I will leave it here. I can imagine that she is not the only one upset with how things worked out. OH Well, those are the breaks....

    6. Good points, Bev. Maybe now they have a slight taste of how rough it has been on the rest of us taxpayers who have been struggling to make ends meet (remember average salary here, if you still have a job is only $23,000 annually) in addition to stretching us to the max to fund all these frivolous "pet" projects a few have been doing pretty much on their own. There ia ALWAYS going to be somebody that doesn't have EVERYTHING they want. That is life so take a deep breath, a hard swallow & grow up, right!! When we were growing up we were told that we couldn't get every single thing we desired just because we asked for it. If there was something we wanted badly enough we were also told to get a job, keep working (& if we didn't have one, to take anything for work as long as it was an honest living) until we could afford to get it & then to think very hard about whether we really needed it before purchasing anything. I can't tell you how many 'crappy' jobs I had as a young person to save money for college. I worked day & night & didn't get much for pay but I didn't expect that it was someone else's burden to put me through school or that they owed me just cause I existed. Neither did I expect my parents to pay since it would have been too much of a hardship on them so I put myself through college. So, it's time a few learned these lessons who seem like they probably never did, that things don't always go your way or come easy & you can't always get what you want. I say where did those kind of people go. Many have had it too easy in the last few years. It's the tough times, like these, that shows what people are made of. I hear too much whining these days & see the entitlement mentalities that it is very troublesome to our society as a whole. Buck up & move on like so many of us have had to do & not just once but so very many times in our lives. Actually, I am still having to toughen up for other reasons right now but, just because I am going through a bad patch I don't expect that someone Owes me! I have had to rethink my life & see what else I can do. So, whiny babies that some of you are, that's reality! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you. There are still some really great hardworking stoic, strong Yankees right here. God bless them. They know what life is really all about & it is not just for the almighty dollar. Thank you, as always, for considering my thoughts & opinions. I respect that of others, too. I am glad Pauly has this site because I am quite sure this other view wouldn't get published in the GN paper. My opinion, once again.

  6. #13 What a shame Ms. Matson is not happy with the results of the town meeting votes. Town residents weren't happy with LTPS and the board of selectmen and an override would never have passed. Not with the past mismanagmement and disfunctional board of selectmen under the direction of a boob. I do not believe that people should have to work for nothing but I do believe that the reduction in hours was justified. We cannot pay more taxes to support bad decisions. Hopefully this will be a year of reorganization, healing and moving on to a better run Templeton.

  7. Did ms matson have a recall sign on her lawn?point being,if not when will she start working on the next recall sign she should have on her lawn. or does she support the people that ran templeton into the ditch?Don't worry there will be plenty of honest people in the comming years that will step up and protect templeton after the s--t we just went thru!
    Templeton employee

  8. My point was, no matter who, it's still the same whiny entitlement mentality we so don't need anywhere right now & that includes the school board in my opinion!

  9. Your right isteach, The School board only thinks about the school and the school money. They could care less how it effects the taxpayers. They have to realize teachers can teach the same with or without a million dollar school.

    1. Until the town can figure out what it needs the most, what it can afford, and how we can do it, maybe things can improve. The people of this town have no faith in its elected officials. Can you blame them? I can't. It is a shame we do not have a new school. It is also a shame we do not have a town hall, or a police station. We will live. I went to visit a private high school in Fitchburg. I had never been there before. Much to my surprise, the stairwell was peeling, it needed painting. The stairs were not in very good shape, and the parking was the pits. I would have thought things would have been nicer, more up to date. I guess Barts daughter is spending a small fortune, to send her daughter there for the education she is getting, not what the building looks like. There is no doubt that some people feel we need a new school. I am not sure. We have a lot of work to do to get things on a right track, with just dealing with the town in general. This is my opinion, just as it is every time i write. Bev.

  10. Absolutely right, Bev! Wouldn't we all love to have everything new instantly whenever we choose but the reality is we have got a long way to go to stabilize this town's finances before we jump into a huge project like a million dollar school. And you are spot on about the building is not what gives the good education but great teachers of which we have many here. A new building would be ideal but it will have to wait for now, hopefully, or we'll have another nightmare "money pit" on our hands that we can't afford right now. A lot of people will be upset thinking I am not for good surroundings for our kids but just the opposite is true. However, as my points earlier were meant to say that we can't get everything we want every time we want it. The person who mentioned sleeping on his wallet has a good point! Pauly referred to this in another blog, as well. These people who think money is no object for us taxpayers need a reality check again & again & again! Note above blog, once more, the average wage earners salary ONLY $23,000 per year! Who do these "gotta have" people think are going to keep funding these projects. And when you get State or Fed. Grants or huge long term loans for these things you sell your soul & that of the town to get them, as we saw with the 252 bldg debacle. I agree with how emphatic the blogger was that he can't give any more from his wallet & neither can most of the rest of us. In my opinion, (even though I am not quite that old but getting there, LOL), children often got a better education from a one room school house with no heat or amenities than they do these days. It wasn't the building!! Teachers were also allowed to give more discipline then without worrying. Heaven forbid we try to do too much of that now or we are in line for a lawsuit. So, there are many other reasons that are prohibiting good education other than a new school. Lastly, I agree that there are mass exoduses everywhere. Then who is going to fund another project if there are no taxpayers left. Stop asking for & expecting so much, the few people who are!! I'm going to go with the exclamatory blogger & say ..Just Stop it !!!!!!... All my opinions. Thank you & have a good day.

  11. What the town needs is a long term financial plan. Instead of staggering along, year to year, having popularity contests for capital projects on town meeting floor, we need a PLAN. A PLAN to describe the long term consequences on our town finances for each and every project proposed.

    Templeton has more needs than money. We have to stop living beyond our means, our revenues. It takes time to develop a PLAN; to put all the projects on the table and have an honest discussion about which projects to advocate for.

    We need a school. We need a town hall. We need a public safety facility.

    We have over $15 million in long term debt. We also have a large group of citizens who care about the town. We are not going to be able to meet all of our needs at the same time. Dan Keeney's presentation (citizens4templeton.com website ....Important documents...financial information) demonstrates the consequences of "Failing to Plan" . Templeton was at a similar crossroad in 2003. The Failure to Plan is why we are where we are today.

    Let's not make the same mistake again. Keep your elected officials(who chose to work for no pay) on task. Ask about our long term financial plan. We need one.

    Julie Farrell

  12. I could not agree with you more Julie. This town is in dire need of a financial plan. Dan’s plan from 2003 would have been great if the powers that were had just listened and followed the advice. I feel that we may now have some people in office that are willing to listen and just may follow the advice of others, as tough as it may be. Templeton and its citizens, hell the whole country, is in a time of belt tightening. We must all do more with less. Working as a team toward a better tomorrow is the only solution. So let’s get a plan together that fits with the times, and move forward.

  13. As we all know a plan needs to include the backbone of the town! As jeff has stated we need to consolidate departments and create a DPW and include the light dept as a part of it. We are managed to death!The school dept started the ball rolling with eliminating asst super. I think its about time to plan a DPW that works in Templeton for Templeton. Think of the control that we could get back!As we should have never lost. Money spent where we want it spent.
