Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just want to clarify

Just a note the person who wrote the letter to the editor in today's Gardner News is Lori Mattson of Laurelview Rd and on the Narragansett  Regional School Committee not to be confused with Kathy Matson - Issac's mother/Library employee and recall supporter who lives by Lee's Hot Dog Stand and had the recall signs on her roof. Two different people.


  1. what was the letter about i didn't go out and buy the paper

    1. a member of the school Committee who had her stipend cut was mad because we didn't vote a town over ride - obviously she doesn't read the blog.

  2. yeldarbl@!yahoo.comMay 30, 2012 at 11:11 PM

    to the writer of the gn post. the mind set is why people are leaving the peoples rebublic of mass!!!!!! i just wish we could loose 9 more reps!!!! julie is watching my wallet!!!!!!!! i can sleep at night not having my wallet in my shorts !!!(hurts like hell if you roll the wrong way !!!!!!!!!!!!!! people that think like you are the problem, not the solution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you need to get "paid" tp represent me, i don't need you!!

  3. OK, the ads for cadillacs are a bit out of place on your blog Pauly!
    Just sayin"

    I'll have to go read the TGN, I guess.

    1. LOL, but Pauly's Watch is here for EVERYBODY, even the couple on Bald. Rd. who can afford to buy a cadillac, with OUR money of course.

    2. Right Movin On! In fact, let's hear what our "Cadillac Couple" has to say for themselves. Pauly welcomes all comments here. I may regret saying this but, Waiting to hear. Just my suggestions to help us understand what they have been doing to us all these years without having to answer to anyone! Well, that day is here so please tell us where everything is that might assist us in sorting through this Mess! Also, where did all Pauly's paperwork, tapes, proof that was to go to the AG's office wind up? Did they end up in the basket or shredder, as he suspects? Wow, What a gig they have had, huh! Just my opinion, Thanks to Pauly, the rest of us are finally having our say without being told to shut up. Best thing to happen to us since the Constitution! Let's enjoy it while we can before someone else comes along in the Big Brother capacity & tries to shut us up again!! Happy 250th Templeton! Oh & Let's get the financial plan that Julie is calling for so we stay out of the "jaws" of state receivership. Let's not go from one set of jaws to another. I bet most saw that story. It didn't end too well for most! Just another analgous thought. All my opinions here, as always!! Have a good day everyone!
