Thursday, May 31, 2012

Going to Boston?

In my opinion, I wonder why our state reps and Senators never heard of Templeton. What do you people think? Other words, all the complaints made to the attorney general's office, Ethics, Secretary of State's office, directly to our state reps Anne Gobi, and Denise Andrews, Sen. Stephen Brewer and now we have another "want to be" state rep Jim White, asking for votes. Read Jim White's hand out at Narragansett during last month's town meeting, of four nights, pretty good huh?
Four night town meeting-61 articles. Those of you people that did not want to attend, you didn't miss much, back and forth-back and forth. Questions asked, no good answers. Hurry-hurry-hurry, to try to cover-up, changed numbers, changed articles, tampered with articles, and the biggest question who is responsible for this mess? Still no answer, well most of us know-right Job Boyd? I was asked why I, PHC Sr didn't take my complaints directly to Boston. In my opinion the so-called Boston, is just a little Templeton as far as my complaints or information goes-well procedure-I followed procedure here in Templeton and your town coordinator took care of those complaints directly, yes directly, other words- directly under the rug. Yes under the rug or in the papers shredder, in my opinion. I think that's what's happening in Boston, and the proper authorities are not aware of this type of conspiracy. Is this the type of obstruction of justice Mr Dimassy got eight years in jail for? It happened here in Templeton. Other words complaints being turned into the town Coordinator-via the chain of command and as time went by, those complaints got "misplaced". And when asked on paper what happened to all my complaints, the town coordinator would say-please get me another copy and I will see to it that selectmen received your complaints. Am i right Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett? Other words in layman's terms, conspiring to hide the truth and a lot of other documents important to the whole town. Why is that so many people are in the dark on town affairs, hiding information has been a regular practice at 690 patriots road. And its not something that just happened. We finally, through hard work found out who was to blame, and failure to listen to me Paul H Cosentino, Sr a long time ago is the reason the town's finances are in shambles. Yes people, I have been warning so-called powers that was, for a long time. And I have it all on paper, get it on paper. Names, times, places, amounts of monies, a lot of pictures many many pictures. A note to Lori Mattson on her letter to the editor, the Gardner news May 30. I agree with you about the 250th celebration, I guess you didn't get all the truthful information of what's going on in Templeton and in my opinion, the town meeting you mentioned was conducted by a well organized hundreds of taxpayers. And again I say taxpayers and voters get it? Voters  have had their way for too many years. now the taxpayer voters are paying attention and that’s why there was no override for the town-Did you know where this town was heading up to May 21, 2012? It's better to have a cut in wages, instead of a complete state takeover, if you know what I mean. And as far as big breakfast is concerned have  a small breakfast and at the gas station use self-serve and only put 10 gallons in your tank, you catching on Lori? Where is your community respect? And the last I checked Templeton is not the lowest tax rate town in the area. I don't compare Templeton to any towns in the area, a lot of towns have a crimewatch, in Templeton the crime is here and all us taxpayers can do is watch, get it? We are in a low low class on crime prevention, but in a town close by, they hide the crimes and send the criminals on their way out of town just over the town line. Now that is democracy. And again Lori, people in Templeton have been compensated very well the services, especially the people they put you into this pay cutting, stopping double dipping and eliminating positions that were never needed to start with. And talk about decisions, have you been to a selectmen's meeting in the last six months, if you did you would not have written the letter to the editor. Are you still using string and can for communications? If so come on out of the woods and witness past corruption and that's why the towns in the condition that it is in. What is an override in your opinion Lori? Another way to add to all foreclosures and job losses and the financial burdens that are already at our throats? Do you own a house, pay taxes and all the expenses the go with it and what service has been hacked to the ground as you say, Just name a few and see if all the other taxpayers agree. you say how long will it take to restore the town back to normal? probably never, it took 10 years or better to get this way, with the leadership or dictatorship that we've had for the last 10 years. Catch up on the history of Templeton, then send me PHC Sr your comments. I've been a volunteer in Templeton for the past 30 years, yes, volunteer, other words -no pay and a lot of times no “atta-boy”, but I am still fighting to help all of taxpayers, get it, all us taxpayers and always have a balanced budget. This is my opinion but maybe it's just one of those things here in Templeton that some people just don't like. thanks for reading my opinions.


  1. Here are some numbers (facts on paper) from the MA Dept of Education website:

    Average teacher salary-
    $69k Winchendon
    $65k Gardner
    $62k Narragansett
    $62k Athol

    Per Pupil cost-
    $12,663 Athol
    $11,533 Winchendon
    $11,453 Narragansett
    $11,058 Gardner

    Graduation Percentage-
    89.5% Narragansett
    75.6% Gardner
    74.5% Winchendon
    67.8% Athol

    College-bound Percentage-
    74% Gardner
    69% Narragansett
    65% Winchendon
    60% Athol

    Take what you want from the data. To me, it shows our school system is doing a pretty good job compared to our neighboring towns and doesn't have to spend tons of money to get positive results. So, lets not entertain the idea that our school system is in crisis mode. They're doing the best they can with what they have. If anyone complains they are not getting paid for being on the school board, I'm sure there are plenty of people who are willing to do it for free because they are passionate about the cause.

    If my memory of american history is correct, when this country was founded, the politicians did not get a salary for being a congressmen or senator. They actually held other jobs in addition to their political work. Honestly, I feel this is what ruined democracy in this country: money. If we went back to that policy--no salary for politicians--maybe there would be more honest and passionate people running our country. There's no way we can make that happen at the federal or state level, but we can make that change at the local level. Elected officials should be serving based on their passion for the cause, not the paycheck.

    By the way, Mullins pretty much answered the question of who changed the articles and budget in the last televised BOS meeting. Watch it again. When the subject of salary for BOS came up, he said that he did not give his response before "she" wrote it up. He didn't say Skelton's name, but how many "shes" were working on the town meeting articles and budget? No one caught his comment at the time and its too bad, because it would have been good for someone to press him to find out "who" the "she" was he was referring to.


  2. Very well said Pauly & Olive!! Ditto here!!

  3. Hi Pauly,
    As far as the complaints go you are spot on. I had Ethics complaints filed against me because I was trying to deal with complaints filed by you, Tammy and others. I think I'll write a blog about it.

    I voted to eliminate all stipends and salaries for elected officials because we needed to find a way to cut the budget. As a town, we are spending more than we take in. We have two options: Option 1 ask for an override; Option 2 cut the budget.

    When you look at the way the former BOS spent taxpayer money:
    252 Baldwinville Rd let's go out to bid!!
    $14,000 settlement agreement to get rid of Jeff Ritter
    Hiring back K&P
    Asking advisory board for a transfer of funds for the Town Coordinator salary account, due to the inability to do basic math

    I don't think an override would pass. I think the BOS needs to demonstrate to the taxpayers that they are good fiscal stewards of taxpayer money. That hasn't happened in a long, long time. So budget cuts were made in order to balance the budget. The people at town meeting agreed to the cuts when they voted in the affirmative for the budget after discussion.

    1. Julie, you forgot to mention the whole audience applauded after the passing of the budget. The voters knew how hard it was to figure out the financial mess of the original proposed budget. Thanks to the hard work of the new BOS and Advisory Board, there was a reasonable budget to approve. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to the whole town that a long term financial plan needs to be created, as you have suggested (as Dan Keeney suggested a decade ago, too).

      Also, I would love to hear your account of recent dealings with state Ethics. I'm sure it will be enlightening.

    2. Yeah, these are the scummy type of people we are dealing with! Can you IMAGINE an Ethics complaint filed against Julie? Yep, they tried to break her that way, the dirt bags. Sorry but this is my opinion & what they have done to others with their nasty tactics, I am keeping it as mild as I can so as not to lower myself to their "bottom of the rung" level. It was a few of these underhanded characters, in this plot that thickens, that should have had numerous ethics complaints filed against them instead. Going after Mrs. Farrell was just another method of their usual acts of setting up a different smoke screen to take the focus off them & try to bring a good person down so they could continue to do their "DARK DEEDS". There should be jail time, as well as, monetary compensation for the pain & suffering in causing severe hardship to Mrs. Farrell, not to mention the cost of the attorney fees that were needed by her to defend these FALSE accusations to the Ethics Board in Boston!! Each time I think these "rotten screwballs" can't stoop any lower they pull another super nasty costly "stunt". Believe me, if we added up all the UNNECESSARY costs & burdens they have put on us good, decent, honest, hard working taxpayers we would have enough money for all those things we had to cut. How WASTEFUL, SELFISH & RUTHLESS this last 10 year regime has been. Poor Julie, Bob M., Pauly, Jeff B. & a few others who have been trying to fight this battle alone. It has been so very costly in so many ways, in addition, to being extremely exhausting, to say the least. Thank you Julie for being able to withstand the heat that has been put on you. We are fortunate we have you here or that corrupt gang would have continued on unchecked until the very last "bone was picked clean". Hopefully, we caught it in time. Everyone needs to hear that story Julie when you are up to it. Instead of heaping hot coals on you like these unscrupulous bums have, I am sure most in this town want to heap Big Blessings on you & also your husband for all his "due diligence" through the years on a number of other issues. Besides Pauly, I Thank you God for the Farrells!! And that is my opinion!

  4. Y'all need to click on that bi-polar disorder advertisement and get some mental help. There is and never was any corruption in Templeton other than the occasional carton of milk gone bad...Why all these tears? Get medicated and get a grip!


    1. I thought you were understanding what we are talking about so, you've changed your mind now? So, Who's bi-polar then. We are consistent in what we say, no flip-flopping here! Therefore, It's not most of us that blog on Pauly's watch that need the Mental help!! I think you know that by the statements you have made previously about some of the shady dealings you have referred to, that no one knows about them better than you so, I am betting this was your way of a joke. Laughing anyhow. Must be that B-polar switch that just flipped on! Oh, and Julie, glad you are off those meds. LOL

  5. Been off the Meds for awhile now. Never been better

    1. BdG@@g13 reminds me of someone else that is off their meds[not a good thing], and is missing her off switch. Maybe they are related, or are the same person. Wouldn't that be something! Well deary, if you do not think there has not been corruption in Templeton, I am afraid you also suffer from delusions. It seems strange that anyone would give Mr. S. the time of day. It seems like the kid from TGN can't get enough of the JS bunch. I am willing to bet there is something fishey somewhere along the line. How can a person who is suppose to be a professional newspaper man, even if it is in Gardner, miss the whole story. I do remember years ago, when a selectman from Baldwinville was in office, the reporter from TGN would write a column about the meetings. You would have sworn this guy was the second coming of Christ. He could do no wrong. I guess some people just see what they want to see. I just find it amazing, and so unfair to the people who buy the paper. Just because this kind of reporting is done every day in bigger cities does not make it acceptable or right. It would be a good idea if everyone stopped buying the paper until they produced a balance view. The way it is now, it is not worth the paper it is printed on. What do you guys think? Oh yes, this is my opinion, as always. Bev.

  6. I think BdG@@gl3 was joking in the comment above. I was joking as well. I was never on any meds and I never developed a taste for the "Kool Aid" dispensed by the powers that were.

    I think I have my files scanned for the Ethics complaint so I should be able to post that sometime this weekend. For the records I have a had a number of Ethics complaints filed against me. I have also filed a number of ethics complaints against individuals who I believe have violated the Ethics law. I have come to the conclusion that the Ethics Commission is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kopelman & Paige. Lenny was instrumental in drafting the new Ethics laws. I believe nothing goes through that commission without his oversight.

    I will not speak to Ethics unless my attorney is present. The complaints against me never went to court. I had my attorney draft a response to Ethics that went on for 32 pages. This response is a masterpiece! I have not heard one word from Ethics since that response has been filed. It was some of the best money I have ever spent! I will post a blog with this information. It does run on a bit, but the footnotes are wonderful.

    Have a great weekend! Congratulations to all the NRHS grads! I hope you get to have an outdoor graduation!
    Julie Farrell

    1. Hey Julie, I guess at this point I'm loosing my sence oh humor. If Bdg@@g13 was joking, i'm sorry about my response. Just a reaction, from the war we have been in for to long. I was not joking about the GN. That bothers me alot. I think i'll go water some flowers.

  7. In my OPINION, having K&P write ehtics laws is like having a person who has committed a crime pass his own sentence on himself. I am not saying they have but, I guess seems that is what we get for letting all these Washington politicians & big lawyers do the same thing. Always been more than one standard of living, set of rules, etc. in this life. Sort of like the old British Upstairs, Downstairs mindset, or the Irish Land Barons who felt all thsoe below them were peons & serfs, read (Road to Serfdom ) or the Railroad Barons here, like the Vanderbilts, BC (lol). Oh well, we'll just keep plugging along & hopefully we'll clean house completely one day & go from being "downstairs to upstairs" again!! Thanks Julie for your insight & hard work. Have a blessed day everyone!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. For the record, I do not believe in socialism or redistribution of income from those that have higher incomes, as this current Big govt. administration does (they are probably taking notes on me on this one, lol). But, I also don't believe in fleecing the trusting public, (not so trusting now) price gouging, strong arming, over regulating, over taxing, setting ridiculous operationg fees for small business, etc. etc.& ABUSING capitalism to get those higher salaries & money to fund unnecessary projects. Maybe, I am being too hopeful but, I still, with all the corruption going on around us, (near & far) believe we can still have a better, higher standard of living & do it honestly if some people weren't so GREEDY & self-entitled. Why does ANYONE have to get bonuses of millions of dollars when they already have at least a 6 figure income. Now, that's another area that is bogging us down & taking away the "little" guys jobs & shipping them overseas because labor is cheap & they can screw those people over so much easier. On the other hand, this welfare system is out of whack, too. I do believe in helping those less fortunate (as daily more of us are falling into that category) but, Why should I have to pay for someone's healthcare, who wasn't even born in this country or is in prison for wrongdoings, when I can't even pay for decent coverage for me & my family & I am working for it? And you don't want the Govt. to take over something so personal & private as healthcare is. Look at what is happening in Europe. Socialism doesn't work, people need to! Well, that is another story, another time. Getting off track a bit but these are all problems that have added to the downfall of America. It is from both sides & those of us who "were" in the middle class that are getting squeezed from all angles. As Pauly notes with all the job losses, foreclosures, immoral hikes in taxes, commodities such as fuel charges, & as we all know the list goes on & on, we'll be lucky if we survive another year! Oh well, as you say Pauly 12-12-12 so not to worry! Again, even with all the evil forebodings, try to have a most pleasant day. It's beautiful & sunny out there so I am going to enjoy it. And no, I don't just blog here, we have to work part time jobs now to make up for the "good" ones we have lost. But at least we have some work! Lots of hardworking people have lost everything!! So, I am doing my best to try to help bring light to things where I can, when I can. Oh, well, One day at a time!! ...Just My thoughts & opinions expressed on all my blogs.

  8. Yes, just a joke. I was actually diagnosed bi-polar way back when I believed in psychiatry and it's tricks...Worse set back my life ever suffered. The stigma stuck with me and everyone and anyone would use it as a weapon against me in whatever way they may...Shrinks can be heartless and people seven times as when you are known to have anything to do with them...
    The powers that be love using any weakness to crush an opponent of corruption, and they used it against me time and again, as they stole from me everything I ever had and loved in this world. I had a home and family in Templeton. Lost it all because of corruptions seeking to steal land and hurt my good name any way they might. It is hard when you are hurt by people you look to for help and security, but it happens everyday and we ought to blame each other as much as anyone who would do such things. If we don't stand together and stand for something we'll all be conquered by nothing.
    Shabbat shalom

    1. I am sorry for your losses BdG13, very sorry! And those cruel people will "get theirs" someday. Unfortunately, they don't usually get it until they have hurt many other people along the way. What you say is true about stigmas. I have seen it happen to others & shame on those who use it against you. Your scriptures are true, though you won't get the corrupt ones to believe it. If they did, they wouldn't be corrupt!! But, that's okay, I would still rather be standing in the line we will be standing in when Judgement day comes & contrary to what these ruthless people think, It will come!! God Bless you for speaking out about it & just plain GOD BLESS YOU! He is the only one that can give us "peace that surpasses all understanding"!But, then again you already know that. Have a wonderful day in the midst of everything!

  9. I would like to know why citizen who own property are consider / taxpayers ? what is term taxpayer . it says it all we are holders in due course of the so called property and tax without our own measure we never come to own the property as the so called town /state seems to own it all How is this ? does the state or town hold a "Allodium deed" ? are you a holder of true allodial right to property you realize if you own the property there can be no affix tax without your consent . What the town and state is doing under color of law is issuance in which you agree . Citizen of this republic have a absolute right in ones own rights to own property and not be cause to scams and fraud . if you dont pay your property tax the owner comes to collect and throw you off your rented land . So how is it do you title your property form them ? anyone ???
