Thursday, May 31, 2012

same old tune

I was watching the news on Fox 25 this morning at 8 AM. Elizabeth Warren was being asked a question about her heritage. “Boom” in comes Duval Patrick answering Ms. Warren's question. Hoo-Boy hang on Fox news, the reporter said to the governor-what are you doing answering Ms. Warren's question? The governor said "because I'm here". Does this sound familiar?
But the reporter did not give up with the governor trying to "but"   in again. Ms Warren finally said “ I will try to answer that question” to the reporter. Then Warren stated the same explanation of why she is running for office, corruption, yes corruption in Washington and all over the country. people losing their homes and nobody in Washington is listening. Sound familiar to Templeton? Well my advice to Elizabeth Warren-come to Templeton for a few hours and talk to the people that know what's going on with the economy, not the fat cats as she calls them. Warren is running against Scott Brown. I think Scott Brown is going to win the job. In my opinion if Warren allows the governor to "barge" into her  conversation with the Fox 25 news reporter and gives his-the governor's opinion, what comes next? Will the governor be answering all of Warren's questions if she gets into office? Hmmm, you be the judge, other words did Gov. Patrick help Warren or hurt her? Her campaign? If Elizabeth Warren has any power at all, why doesn't she write a note to the attorney general's office and the ethics committee and asked both of them-why other people in Templeton who sent "registered mail" letters for help being ignored? It is long overdue, now pay close attention. I heard through the grapevine that a selectmen in Templeton was forced to vote "yes" do any of you people believe that? Well Bennett was not there-guard duty and Julie would not allow anyone to force her to vote "yes" and I think Chris Stewart knows how to vote on his own. But who voted last Mullins or Wilder? Or should I say who voted first? Good question or what? I thought the selectmen were only going into executive session, so we did not stay after the advisory board meeting. because we didn't know it was going to be a regular meeting after the executive session. Was it on the agenda this way? All four of us taxpayers wanted to attend that selectmen's meeting. Hey people who was on trial last night at the selectmen's executive meeting? Who are they going to be asked to join the railroad? Get it –who are they railroading now? Or did someone get bullied at 690 patriots road? Asked the phantom? Or are you just going to wait to find out through the grapevine?  

Isaac Mattson turned in his resignation from the advisory board last night, going to college, out-of-town. Joe Boyd got appointed to the advisory board. He will do a good job for us taxpayers, As I attended all the advisory board meetings that board has one more member that needs serious attention. But of course that is only my opinion. Am I right Charlie? And again to you people that are unhappy with the pay cuts and loss of services and the elimination of unnecessary positions, have you tried  for a “paid” job. Or in other words around Templeton, that so-called pay more than Templeton? And don't forget the shell game only hurts the situation, other words-robbing Peter to pay Paul, does not fix that broken part. And it's only a band aid, type of fix. So if you don't know how to budget you are also in trouble like our town of  Templeton and and it will come out in the wash – it will come out in foreclosure sales, get it? Bye-bye for now and a happy hard hat to you – in my opinion- that is.


  1. Yeah, Pauly, how come your/our complaints have been ignored (or have they)? at the AGs office! Isn't that terrific (lol) that they addressed the bogus complaints against Julie so Fast! Why is that? Is there some connection there to someone here that we don't know about or are not seeing?? Hmmm, makes one wonder doesn't it!! I don't think Elizabeth Warren is the one to ask for help since her "1/32th Indian heritage roots", that got her all those cushy high paying jobs, doesn't really make her our best kind of saviour!! At least, not in my opinion! Of course, she'll tell you she only marked the box Native American Indian because she thought it would help her meet interesting people!! Good lord, are we "making" any ethical people any more? Well, Julie sure is ethical but, look at what that got her, an Ethics complaint filed against her! Geezzzz, I tell ya, the twisted nature of things just goes on & on everywhere, doesn't it! No wonder this country is in such a Mess! As always, my opinion. Sorry, I have to keep saying this but, it is unfortunately necessary in this over-litigious society we are living in!! Have a good night. I must get some work done in between these blogs. LOL

    1. ADDED NOTE....I didn't mean to make it sound like the AGs office had anything to look at Mrs. Farrell about. They don't, plain & simple, although nothing here has been plain & simple!! The Ethics Commission addressed the "phony bolony" complaint against Julie. However, there are close ties there in Boston with these agencies, I'll bet. So, was just asking why haven't Pauly's Obstruction of Justice complaints been looked at? Now, those are something way worse than any ethics charge is!! And Julie's situation was baseless but, it caused her a lot of unnecessary trouble, grief & aggravation, which I believe it was intended to do besides their (those who filed the complaint)hope it would get her barred from holding public office!! Now, to me there is a Huge Ethics violation, wasting that agency's time on unfounded, frivilous complaints!! Again, my opinion! Sorry to have to repeat this but as you are getting the picture, we are not dealing with very nice people here that we are talking about, that would have done that to Julie!

    2. Oh yes, one more thing regarding this ridiculous Ethics charge against Mrs. Farrell. There was some scuttlebutt about this by BC in the GNews so, to counter concerns relating to this the GSnooze was contacted to insert an editorial stating the facts in this case from Farrell's side. I know the person very well who went to the GN paper to see about getting that editorial put in print about why this "manufactured" ethics complaint came about needlessly & with great harm intended toward Julie. The individual carrying that message to be published was met with much resistance. Since they so frequently put GS, BC's editorial slants in the paper, this person thought there should be no problem getting a fair & balanced view before the reading audience. Well, this insertion was on a time constraint due to an upcoming election. The snews delayed Ms. Farrell's rebuttal or at least her story almost until it was too late & could have cost her the election (this was the one prior to this last one that she ran in & got elected). Was this delay deliberate? In my opinion, I believe it was since the person who brought the editorial in got no reply & was told they didn't think they could publish it in time so sorry about that. Huh, was the thought? Why can the other side get their views printed so easily? Well, to prevent any further delay the carrier of this editorial said okay to the editor, I want it in as a paid political ad then so it gets in on time! Well, "after they & Mrs Bell gave it much thought" they decided (with the money) they could put it in. Gee whiz, isn't that another amazing thing that can magically happen. But, this person, from what I understand, had to practically beg to get this "editorial turned paid political ad" in. I believe that was because it was about Mrs. Farrell & Not BC or GS. This is just speculation & my opinion about it all. You decide what you think after all you have read & seen here, as of late, thanks to Pauly's blogsite. Again, thank goodness we have this way to communicate. At least for now. Let's get as much out there before someone tries to shut us down!! Thanks to all who contribute. It is so important that you do. My blogs are only a small part of the story. I don't have all the answers though at this point I wish I did so this could have an end put to it. Thanks for reading my thoughts & opinions based on real events, as all my blogs are!!

    3. congradulations to joe boyd !!!!! i'm sure he will do a good job !!!! julei and fred need all the help they can get !!!!! joe not being a skelton coatholder/butt kisser is a great thing for templeton by itself !!!!!! he also shows me a lot of common sense needed in templeton !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
