Sunday, May 27, 2012

another song

This one is about Flouride


  1. I can't be sure but that could be me in the last row of that party shot, of corse I was a lot younger back then. Didn't know there were that many books on this fluoride subject. Don't give up that day job who ever you are.

    1. It would be nice if our town officials would spend time learning about floride, atleast read some of the material, before they spend our money and use our time trying to keep this issue off the town meeting warrant. Another one of the "if it an't broke don't fix it" routines. You know I really think its time for some people to begin to realise that they don't know it all. Just maybe someone knows more than they do! I had a wonderfull grand mother. She was the kind of person who was in her eighties, but she was never old in her thinking. I just hope I can be like her. You are never to old to learn new things. You can learn something from every person you meet, if you give yourself the chance. Alot of this, I feel is the problem with some of these guys, I think they feel threatened by a strong, smart woman. Well, get over it! The strong, smart women are not going away. Right ladies!

  2. Well put Bev. At one time Dr. Allukian and his mentor Fredrick John Stare out of Harvard were proponents of fluoride to strengthen the bones of these strong ladies hips much like fosamax (no fluoride) is advertised these days. Even though the research had already showed that fluoride actually weakens bones Dr. Stare and Dr. Allukian continued to spread this misconception because they may have believed people will believe anything if it has Harvard backing. Adrew W. Mellon the first man in the video was head of the treasury back when the Public Health service fell under the Treasury Department. Mr. Mellon named the town Denora Pennsylvania after his wife, this town was the spot of the largest alleged fluoride disaster in America due to an inversion on Halloween weekend in 1948. Mr. Mellon knew that fluoride was the most litigated pollutant ever by far and may have believed giving fluoride a more friendly perception would help in legal matters. Fluoride was also used by the war machine in steel, aluminum, ceramics manufacturing as well creating the hydrogen bomb. The second man in the video is Oscar Ewing he was an Attorney for Andrew W. Mellon at Alcoa Aluminum and worked on Harry Truman's re-election committee in 1948. It is believed Mr. Ewing is a Harvard Alumni as well. If I remember correctly Harvard had something to do with the radiation experiments on Fernald School boys. I guess what I am suggesting is that it is not Ms. Crocker or Ms. Flis or Mr. Leger or any of the nice dental hygienists who put the eff in fluoride but more likely men like Dr. Allukian and the big money (Harvard Endowment) behind men like this. I believe anyone taking the time to investigate who is putting the eff in fluoride will agree.
