Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hard hats, hardhats

In my opinion, hardhats are protection to your head. I am satisfied with that rule. I've been trying to find some type of hardhats for our wallets, get it, for our wallets!!! I'm sick of trying to protect my wallet, by sleeping with my pants on. How about you people? Hee-hee. I have three hardhats that I use. My white hard hat is to show that I am the boss, get it, the "boss". My second hardhat is yellow, get it yellow. I am passing them out to the recall group Inc. my last hardhat is blue, I gave out hundreds to the people that signed the recall, get it blue. I have 10 red hardhats coming for the investigators of obstruction of justice issues. Sooooo-beware of the red hardhats,
okay "is teach", and as Dave Bergeron says "is that clear to you people?" Hoo boy, more dirt coming out of the comments. Yes I agree on a comment by-anonymous, it won't slow down until at least one person is jailed, then the domino effect will start. Do you people agree?

I heard through the grapevine, that more bogeyman stuff is going on at 690 Patriots road. Lenny said Kate and Nancy are gone from 690 Patriots Rd. and Virginia is at the helm. Hoo boy, hang onto the zip line, weeeeeeee are ready for another ride. But this time it will be the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, sorry no Columbus, hee hee. I should find out tomorrow what's going on at 690 Patriots Rd., do you think it might be mutiny for the rest of the booty? Or maybe someone is making a deal with JBM for a rebate on the rent to fund an interim town coordinator for four or five weeks. What do you people think? Come on sound off, especially you-is teach, you must have some idea about the subject.

 I just watched the 8 AM news on channel 25 Fox. A group of women are going to give up sex for one month for survey-yes "I said give up sex for one month" Hoo-boy I hope that survey is headed this way, can you people imagine a few women giving up sex to Templeton for one month? Yes I said "to" Templeton pretty good huh and? I'm going to ask Julie if she can talk the Light and Water dept to give up sex to the Templeton residence for year or so, oh,oh, Board of Health agent layoff the fluoride and get salt-peter ready, hee hee. Are you people following me -on that no sex for month issue? It was on Fox 25 news at 8 AM Saturday 5/26/12 check it out online. I'm going to call Pres. Obama and ask him to join the survey imagine what the US could save in one month, what you think?

 What do people think of putting a 007 listening device near the selectmen's table when they-the selectmen go into executive session, wowzee and hoo-boy would that will be exciting? Of course with Julie and Bennett and newcomer, so-and-so on the board why go into executive session, ask the target if the target wants to be open session or is this executive session going to be like the $14,000 resignation of the former town coordinator, with a 3 to 2 vote hee hee, get it, resesign plus $14,000 for gas money to Harvard (the town), not Harvard Law school, hee hee.

A friend asked me why I don't run for the board of selectmen. I said -are you kidding me? I'm still running from the recall bull---T. Get it? Man oh man why can't people just leave a natural man alone?

I noticed in the Board of Health meeting minutes, the Board of Health agent thinks the depression is over "it is for him $$". Now he wants to raise rates out of sight. See Board of Health meeting minutes of May 3, 2012. Do they call this move of raising rates 175%-a must, or is it-just one of those things. Look around Templeton Phil, not Boston-you are being paid very, very well for your services, why push the issue? You Phil, are now under the microscope -so careful, careful don't try to fill the cookie jar too fast. Get it the cookie jar? In my opinion when a person wants to start a business they "the applicant" don't want to sell the ranch to go into business here in Templeton. How about it-steeple antiques got any comment on the Board of Health issues? The economy is not going to come back for 10 to 15 years so cool it-Phil. Who do you think you are? The Light and Water company, hee hee or "Baldwin Templeton" in the fluoride issue with no choice? And on and on and on. And Pete F, it is not, and I say not, only the fluoride that is killing us in Templeton. Got a comment on what else in Templeton is killing the town? Only use 500 sheets of paper to tell me. That's the limit 500.

I got a three dollar raise in my Social Security, and someone here in Templeton wants seven dollars of it, pretty good huh. Seven dollars out of three dollars, oh oh, no money left for high blood pressure pills. And to those -you know whos, I do not want to join Hitler's perfect society-it didn't work for Hitler- so why try it here in Templeton? WWII. Speaking about politics, I just planted those seeds from the handout at town meeting from state rep Denise Andrews, I don't expect anything special from her as a state rep but this fall when the seeds bloom  I can have a good "smoke", get it, seeds and good smoke hee hee.

Thanks for reading my opinion's

PS Jim White only gave out a paper pamphlet to read, shame on you Jim for not doing one of those seedy handout things. Okay everybody-please reply.


  1. Thanks for ordering those Red hardhats Pauly, for the Obstruction of Justice investigators! I am going to give these other issues some thought & will get back to you on it. Most of what I know or would say right now would be speculation at this point. However, from what I have witnessed in the past I believe it would be reasonably accurate speculation! There are some nasty dudes here, as you already know! Keep all those hardhats at the ready. As far as the wallets go, not even an Aluma wallet will protect against these thieves! LOL.. I agree with you that what is going out of our wallets is way more than we are putting in right now. I don't know this Phil agent but, yup, he has got to STOP with the nonsense of thinking we can fund these "dreams" anymore. Even Boston wallets are emptying out at a faster rate than can be supplanted by these ruthless politicians & unethical agencies. So, people from near & far have to readjust those rose colored glasses. Better yet, take them off & see the sludge these dirty players have left behind as tracks. It is those tracks we are now following & it will be interesting to see who else's door they lead to! And these are all my thoughts & opinions! Pauly, we are closing in on them, thanks to you in a huge way! Better order more than 10 Red Hardhats. I'll chip in for them. LOL

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The Board of Health has alot of power. They can raise the price of permits, make rule changes and we pretty much have no choice. Seeing we do not have very many businesses in town that can make it, you would think a good agent,[does not matter what dept] would go out of the way to help a new business get their feet on the ground, not knock the feet out from under them. It is easy to sit in your office and say "Oh,why don't we make the fee 175.00". Ok, we raise vegetable plants. Do you know how many plants I have to sell to make that money back? The answer is too many. Inflation is doing a job on what we buy. You don't have to be a rocket sciecetist to figure that out. I have heard some chatter about someone giving a new business in town a more difficult time than necessary, You don't have to prove to anyone that you can be a hardass. Do your job and be fair. That is all you need to do. Maybe it would be better if these guys lived in Templeton. Then maybe they would really care what happens around here.

    3. You got that right, Bev!! Just look at his pay (that WE give him) & $175.00 may look like nothing in his mind based on his wage earnings but again, I will site the DOR report that documented that the AVERAGE household income in Templeton is ONLY $23,000 per year. Going according to that $175.00 is a lot of money! Now, the Health agent or whatever board looks over these things may just want or more accurately SHOULD go over this report & see who the people are that they are trying to "STRONG ARM" the additional fees from. As you so wonderfully pointed out, it is not that easy for people to start a business at all, let alone having the boards, who should be on the side of these businesses, find some other fees or hurdles one has to jump over to get started. Pauly knows all too well how they tried to do everything possible to Stop, not help start his business. If they were smart they would do all they could to encourage small business for extra revenue added to the economy. Some of them get a Big head with these power trips they are on & don't use Common sense or decency when making decisions that could actually rev up the economy, not continue to slow it down! Doing the work you do is very hard & it does take a lot of plants to sell before you could pay that fee. Many of these "officials" have had it too easy & don't know the toughness of early Yankees & what we have had to go through to make an HONEST living. Now, they want to take that means away by Over regulating. These regulations (in my opinion) justify their jobs. I think certain licenses & fees are okay if reasonable but they are getting over the top. We need to go back to a smaller govt. with less intrusion & be able to "live" again without being bullied in another way!! Get right with yourselves agents & the communities you are serving. Stop being self-serving or I say throw all the useless bums out. I am sure there are good ones but, we need to start weeding through the bunch. Don't you have to do that regularly, Bev, to keep a good crop going? If there are bad weeds left unattended don't they just Choke off the good plants? I believe that is a good metaphor or analogy for these agencies that are setting up people to fail instead of helping them "bloom". Thanks for pointing this out, Bev. Lots of reform we need to do to make this a more viable community again. Remember your places on all boards. We are watching you all now & taking notes!! As Pauly & Bev say, NEVER again will we be so trusting as to keep our eyes shut for so long! NEVER AGAIN!!

    4. Bev...kind of off subject but where do you self vegetable plants I am looking to buy some.

    5. Bart and I own Barts Farm at 900 Central Street in Leominster. It is Rt12 south, the street that goes from Leominster center to Sterling. My husband is probably the best grower in Worcester County. He grows a large variety of vegetable plants and flowers. We are open from 6-9 every day. [Pauly do I owe you for this add?]I don't want the add police to come after me.

    6. No Bev just let Sue know when your winter squash plants are ready.

  2. Oh yes, and people better take you seriously with the WWll analogy. Loss of Freedom starts insideously, just like Hitler did back then. My Dad didn't fight in the Battle of the Bulge (as my Mom was back here welding tanks & making ammo for the effort) to see all they fought for be given away to "rats". Yes, rats, carry the plague, as well as, being the plague itself. As Julie says, do NOT let anyone take your right to speak away. If that happens, it just goes from there. More & more is being taken away everyday. If we forget the lessons of the past we are destined to repeat them. That is as true today as when it was first said. We have a few self-entitled people who seem to think that WWll was fought & won just for them! Well, I got news for you, we are fighting another kind of war right now, right here! God Bless all the "soldiers" here in town. We need to stay in close formation & bring the enemy down. I don't mean any disrespect to the real Soldiers. And don't forget all our current Military & past Veterans this Memorial Day weekend. Please remember them all the time & thank them when you see them. Freedom comes at a huge cost. It is something that we must be vigilant about all the time. God Bless our troops now & always!! I thank you for your sacrifice! Never forget or we will have lost all battles! Will be back, Pauly. Your bravery & stepping up to the plate with your blogspot is another way that is helping to keep us "armed" with info & is another way to fight this fight we are in. Hardhats & helmets abound!

  3. Pauly, I am not sure why I have had a few blogs that have not shown up when the code is entered & accepted. Then I write them again & the old blog appears the next day? Can you check on that. Thanks. Now, I copy everything in case that happens again. There might be a repeat of this that pops up tomorrow. If that happens, I will delete it. Thanks again

    1. sometimes they go to spam and I don't catch them right away - it may be because the code was not typed correct ie upper case vs lower case. I'll try to check the spam more often - whoops I forgot to sign in so I guess I'm anonymous too - Pauly

    2. Thank you Pauly, It just happened again so,I deleted the double blog above. Now, I'll know to wait a bit longer & see what happens.

  4. Does anyone know if Carol has any hard hats for sale in her barn? Maybe I'll walk over and see right now, seeing that she is open for business again...and Ginny is sitting right next to her! Oh, to be fly on the wall in that red barn!

    Are there any bylaws regarding operating a retail store without any license or permit? Are there any laws regarding how many "yard sales" one can have in a row before it is deemed a business? Just wondering...

    1. Do you think the BOH Agent gave the new Antique Shop in East Templeton a hard time because this Shop would take away business from Echol Hill? After all, Phil is a GS buddy.

    2. Just something to think about - Mullins worked at the Wichendon Recycling center - it is aledged that he "took" scrap metal to sell, what is everyones thoughts on the fact that 1 - poeple always throw out good stuff 2 - Scrappy and Gerry S are very tight (they have breakfast together daily) so whos to say that some of the "used" stuff Carol sell from her barn didn't come from the Winchendon recycling center via Mullins.I heard someone from Winchendon saw a something that they had paid to get rid of at the recycling center at "the Barn" Just something to think about. excuse me Carol - do you have receipts for purchasing that stuff, do you pay sales tax?????
