Saturday, May 26, 2012

a blog from Doug Morrison

This is my personal opinion and I am not speaking on behalf of the Senior Center Oversight Committee.  

I just read the emails between Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Ledger regarding the senior center soil testing.   

Mr. Driscoll did attend the SCOC meeting and we listened to the information he had to present.  I suppose the response could have been interrupted as hostile, but when people are condescendingly blasted with unfounded ANONYMOUS ALLEGATIONS who in their right mind would expect a calm and friendly response.  It is unfortunate that Mr. Driscoll finds it an unbelievable waste of his time to meet with the citizens that pay his salary and finds their input irrelevant. 

Mr. Driscoll had one goal that evening, walk out the door with $900 of the senior citizens money.  He could not or would not answer our questions.  He could not or would not provide any evidence that indicated a need for testing. 

The dirt was moved from the site simply for convenience.  There was and still is no evidence that any contamination exists at the Bridge street site, which is why there were no concerns about moving the dirt.  IF any evidence existed it would have been tested before starting any excavation.  The dirt was taken to Sadies pit, which still is and has been the standard practice of the town for at least the last 50 years.  Since this pit is in one of these protected areas why hasn’t TL&W had the practice of taking material to this site stopped?  I guess contamination was OK with TL&W before April 2012. 

We all remember when the DEP spent millions of dollars testing and replacing the contaminated soil in Baldwinville.  They stopped when the test levels were so low that no risk remained.  Guess what, those low readings were achieved well before reaching the senior center site, again proving that no evidence exists to raise concerns that any contamination exists at that location.

At the meeting I presented Mr. Driscoll with a list of questions and asked him to produce the formal complaint that started this investigation.  Well to this day none of the questions have been answered and no formal complaint has ever been produced.  This complete waste of tax payer funds (testing, employee wages, time spent, etc) is being driven by an ANONYMOUS ALLEGATION. 

I am confident that there is little chance of finding any contamination at the Bridge Street site and a 100% chance that contamination will be found at Sadies.  It is not testing the senior center site that I am against, if any evidence existed that indicated to do so or if a formal compliant with any legitimate concerns existed.  But I am against wasting the taxpayer’s money on this absurd anonymous allegation.  As a tax payer and rate payer I can’t understand how Mr. Driscoll is so far out of touch that he doesn’t understand that paying the $900 is not the issue, having any department paying it with no evidence is the issue. 

As for the remarks/threats regarding the installation of electricity for the new senior center.  The security lights for the donated building were a requirement of the Town’s insurance carrier, not a generous gesture by TL&W.  I expect that the town is being charged for those lights along with all the other street lights, but I have no evidence to prove that.   

The BOS authorized all town departments to assist with the project to keep the cost down.  The light commissioners did approve TL&W to provide labor and expertise to extend the water lines and electrical lines to the building.  The water department side of the house is going the extra mile and providing the labor to bring the lines and conduits all the way to the building, the project is paying for the material.  The light department side is bringing the electrical service to the transformer across the street from the building.  I do not know if it is customary for an electric company to provide a transformer or if the property owner provides the transformer.  I find it hard to believe that those large green transformers serve only one site, and I don’t recall seeing those big green transforms for sale at Home Depot. 

Nonetheless it is truly appreciated that the light commissioners and the TL&W department stepped up to help with the senior center project.  The Friends of the Templeton Elders sent out a town wide survey about 5 years ago and the response that came back was that the town’s people did want a new senior center but did not want to incur a lot of debt for it, and wanted to see local contractors used to keep the money in our local economy.  In order to achieve this it is important that the town use a much internal expertise and resources as possible.  The SCOC seeks and has received many donations which are also helping to keep the cost down.

Mr. Driscoll’s quote at the meeting that “he could CARE LESS IF A SENIOR CENTER IS EVERY BUILT IN TEMPLETON”, was more than unbelievable and a true testament to his arrogance and contempt towards the citizens and rate payers in Templeton, and he should be shown the door forthwith.  The anti senior center accusations were not directed at Mr. Driscoll but at the person making the anonymous allegation.

Contrary to the belief of some, the citizens of Templeton are not stupid and to me this looks like nothing more than another childish political maneuver to cost the town millions of dollars now that the citizens have taken off our rose colored glasses and are no longer willing to accept the lies and crap being shoveled down our throats.

Now a couple of analogies for Mr. Driscoll.

A home owner in a zone II protected area orders some dirt from a landscaper.  Is the truck driver required by law to stop at TL&W before his delivery to provide legal documentation that the dirt is not contaminated?  Is the home owner required by law to spend an additional $900 to test the dirt for contamination before the truck driver dumps the load?  If some anonymous caller from Town (or anywhere for that matter since they are anonymous) calls TL&W and says “I think the dirt that was just delivered to a home owner is contaminated.”  Would this be sufficient cause to give TL&W the right to require a home owner to legally prove their dirt was not contaminated?

Let’s imagine for a minute that ALL of the rate payers in Town stopped paying their light and a water bill until Mr. Driscoll employment is terminated.  I’d bet we see some immediate action.

The SCOC attended a BOH meeting and communicated the same information to them as we did to Mr. Driscoll.  The board ended up coming to the same conclusion that there was not enough evidence to support the need for a test.

The SCOC is meeting about every other Wednesday at 6:00pm at Scout Hall, please check the town web site.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

Doug Morrison a proud citizen of Templeton Massachusetts


  1. I am a member of the senior center oversight committee and board of selectmen. At a selectmen meeting, Gerald Skelton did raise the issue of soil testing at the bridge street site so before Mr. Driscoll goes off that gerald skelton is no where in this conversation shows how little he (driscoll) knows or he is trying to keep any attention off of little jerry. I believe Mr. Driscoll should check just who he works for, it is the Templeton municipal Light dept. Not Driscoll, Blais or skelton light company, Templeton Light, so drop the attitude and get with the program, as in helping Templeton all you can, as was said in a movie, True grit, "you take my money, you wear my brand' Well this is Templeton and you work for us and you take our money. Be ready for the questions and probably demands to show just how the amount of money that is used in Payment in lieu of Taxes. There has to be a fomula or process that is consistant and not the pleasure of the light commission, whom by the way should remember they are elected and subject to recall. One of my long term plans as a selectmen is to explore and hopefully see to fruition is the creation of a department of public works where highway, sewer, water and parks & cemetary fall under one umbrella, One manager, field superintendents or foremen and all working to one goal, provide services to Templeton in a cost effective way and eliminate the duplication of to many chiefs. Alofty goal but doable. Right now, I want to see any official in writing complaints about the soil and evidence to back it up. The federal EPA and the state DEP have all the records and if the testing showed dangerous levels, they would have kept going because the federal funs for those projects don't run out. Since there use to be PCB's and may still be in transformers, perhaps we should be testing the light dept site on a regular basis. Mr. driscoll's arrogant attitude is going to result in one thing, the light & water meetings becoming very well attended and lots of questions being asked. I do know one thing, if secretaries can be paid 50K a year and all the salaries at light & Water can be up there, there seems to be plenty of money coming in and it is time Templeton has access to those funds in the form of a fair, consistent PILOT, voluntary or forced, your choice. This whole soil testing thing is nothing more than a political football being used because the town hall floundered because of the leadership failing to be upfront and honest and now that project is dead and the senior center is coming about. Bring me some facts Mr. Driscoll and we will talk, otherwise I don't give a damn about any anonymous complaints. I work for the people of Templeton and they want a senior center. They also want a light dept that helps them out and contibutes their fair share like they are required to do. Mr. Driscoll, tell your commissioners to be ready for alot of questions come their next few meetings

    1. I think there's some contaminated soil in the blueberry and squash fields at Echo Hill. Who do I call? Public health department? Anonymously of course!

  2. I've never seen a L&W meeting listed on the town website calendar. Are they posted there and I just never noticed? Is it not the law that all public meetings be posted on the website?

    1. And, yes, I also remember hearing Mr. Skelton asking about why there was no soil testing done at the senior ctr. site. I believe it was the last meeting that he appeared at a BOS meeting to present the progress report on the 252 project. I also remember he was not forthcoming with info and was very rude and defiant to the BOS when they asked specific questions regarding 21E testing at 252 as well as when they asked for other info from him. It really doesn't take much brain power to see his comments about the senior ctr., his bad attitude towards answering questions and an assumed link to the anonymous request to L&W @ senior ctr. If the BOS meeting minutes were made available to the public on the town website, this discussion could be easily found and I could provide a date to the meeting I am recalling.

  3. The posting for L&W are on the town Clerk's bulletin board. Sometimes at 690 Patriots rd. Never on the Town's website. Another question to ask...maybe on June 5th. Watch those bulletin boards!!

  4. HELLO it is obvious to this day GS don't get it

    when you buy any industrial building the first thing is to have a 21 e done .all before any money is transfered that is a common practice and have the seller pay for the 21e also

    well the senior center is not an industrial site HELLO

    what a waste of money

    1. This is the time every board in the Town of Templeton has to stand up and be accountable. I thought Mr. Driscall was kind of winey when he reported on his meeting with the people on the senior center committee. I almost asked him if he got beat up by a bunch of little old ladies? Jeff is right, it is time to drop the attitude, there is more than one strong women in this town, so get a grip, and stop wineing. I would not give a second thought to a complaint unless it was signed. Someone is enjoying the show, we should not give them the satisfaction.

    2. Just look at WHO Mr. Driscoll was "trained" by! Isn't that a tell all as to why the attitude. It is time we get a citizen committee board to oversee the TMLWD & not the crony light board. They must be thrilled Julie is off the board. She is the Only one in years that Tried to make it known what was happening over at that dept. & make them be accountable. Don't worry people are beginning to get the point again that this is NOT a few people's Municipal dept. but the Townspeople own it. There is going to be a lot of restructuring as time goes by. We will deal with one thing at a time but will get there. When you have elected officials & heads of depts. yelling at a meeting (a few years back) that someone took $330,000.00 of "their" money (no, it was the town's & that's US) & whoever okayed the hook-ups for water at the Day Mill project to be forgiven was going to be in Big trouble. I know someone who saw a certain member of this notorious gang slam his fist on the back of the bench at the Kiva DEMANDING to know who took "his" money!! Oh my, can you imagine that? I am sure more people can now. See, this is the "monster" that was created by letting "it" go unchecked for too many years!! This mindset is actually mind boggling. How can you be that full of yourself??? Well, it is coming around now & we are going to "see" where all OUR money has gone. When you can compromise the safety of the town by shutting off the lights on elderly, sick, isolated people who depended on that light for safety reasons & have No regard for the impact it had on those people & again DEMAND that they sign a contract (strong arming) or pay if they want that "ON THE STREET" light (not in their yard) put back on when you have a surplus in the bank, then you definitely have something wrong upstairs. Thank you Lord for not making me that kind of person!! I'll take less in my life, keep trying to help others & not sell out my soul for a few bucks, thank you very much. My opinions with my red hard hat on!

    3. Is Mr Driscoll a clone?

  5. Am watching a replay of the Selectman's meeting where Mr. Driscoll spoke to the board regarding soil testng from the sight of the new senior center and have a question and a comment. What does Mr. Driscoll have for an education? I hope he's not the brightest bulb in that department because if he is we are in BIG trouble. Citizens 4 Templeton need to keep a close eye on that department.

  6. LMAO you anonymous people out there can you label ya selfs #1-2 -3 ect!!!and did you see on the news tonight the the us gov wants to ban anonymous comments on blogs on the INTERNET ,,,lol big brother s watching

    1. MikeC -
      I wouldn't be LMAO about your basic constitutional rights. Big brother is watching. There is a full frontal assault to shut down blogs like this one. I think I need to write a blog about this topic. SOPA and PIPA might, might be history, but CISPA Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act is wending its way through the federal legislative process.

      There are many powerful people out there who would like nothing better than to turn our constitutional rights into kitty litter. Including your first amendment right to free speech.

      More on this later

      Julie Farrell

    2. The legislation requires that the web administrator of any New York-based site, including blogs, social networks, online publications and message boards, "remove any comments posted on his or her website by an anonymous poster unless such anonymous poster agrees to attach his or her name to the post," upon request.

      Bloggers jumped on the news, pointing to disparities between the text and the U.S. Constitution. The main argument is that under the First Amendment, we, as citizens of the U.S., are granted freedom of speech, so that Congress, and state legislatures by association, may not make any laws abridging this fundamental right.

      Like a vast majority of the Constitution, the First Amendment is not overly broad and does not explicitly identify what constitutes free speech, so we are left wondering if anonymous online speech falls into the category.

      Looking to the precedents set by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit focused on defending free speech and privacy rights, notes that the nation's highest court has "ruled repeatedly that the right to anonymous free speech is protected by the First Amendment." The EFF cites the 1995 Supreme Court ruling in McIntyre v. Ohio Elections, which protects anonymous speech, referring specifically to printed pamphlets, but its holding does not cover online speech.

      Time references an earlier case, Talley v. California, but that too involves anonymous printed speech. Opponents of the legislation will have very few constitutional cases to draw upon in order to support the assertion that the bills violate the First Amendment.

      It's for this reason that anonymous online comments fall into a grey zone.

      Anonymous comments came under scrutiny from news websites in 2010, as publications ushered in changes to their online comment moderation systems to weed out trolls, but publishers are not liable for the content anonymous commenters post under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. However, comments can be subpoenaed and websites may be forced to reveal the identities of the commenters.

      Despite individual successes in exposing the identities of anonymous online commenters, no state has proposed an overarching piece of legislation that, if passed, would have such detrimental effect on anonymous online speech as this one; after all, New York City serves as a major hub for website headquarters, hosting numerous newspapers and blogs, including The Huffington Post.

      Thus far, individual cases have varied based on jurisdiction, depending on a website's privacy policy and applicable state laws. Some states, such as Florida, Montana, Oregon and Texas, have even protected anonymous online speech under shield laws, which are usually reserved for reporters and their anonymous sources.

      Although the legislation has not been voted on and is currently under review by committee, it still represents an immense threat to online anonymity. Either of the bills could be passed by the legislature and signed into law without much opposition. It's only in the aftermath that opponents could take the constitutional argument to court -- and even then it's not a strong one backed by specific precedent.

      Also on HuffPost:
      These huge sites protested SOPA. Will they protest the proposed ban on anonymous online comments too?
      11 Huge Sites Protesting SOPA

      ya think them goons in mass will not adopt the legislation !!!!

  7. another Anonymous here with my opinion - does anyone see a pattern here - Town employees that are also Templeton taxpayer seem to be a different breed of employee - example - Alan Mayo goes above and beyond - other employee/taxpayers Deb Dennis, Kate at the Selectmens office, Luanne and Sue at the assessors, Carol Harris, Dianna Morrison etc but the employees who live out of town seem to want to screw us taxpayers. Just my opinion

  8. okay Mike C templeton employees/taxpayers v employee from out of town is me anonymous # 9

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It is not really where people live, in Templeton or out, it is the individual. Tammy Coller, the former treasurer lives in Orange, yet she cared more for Templeton and her job performance than that 65K a year former town coordinator (so-called) carol skelton did. Luanne Royer actually lives in Philipston but Tom and Luanne are originally from Templeton and have business here in Templeton along with family. So the blanket statement that town employees who live outside of Templeton just want to screw us is not a valid point. Remember, sean Hamilton lives in Templeton and so does Dana Blais, it seems more appropriate that it is the culture of Templeton light that they are above and beyond Templeton, they can do what they want and they have been allowed to do so for too long. Time to ask Mr. Driscoll how come light trucks are at the Turtle having breakfast when they should be working. Time to investigat the actual power the taxpayers have over the light department and enforce it, remember this when election time rolls around again for Dana Blais which will be in 2 more years, but recall is possible.

    1. Jeff B - you are right - Tammy did do an awesome job. Bub Chase doesn't live in town and does a good job. Guess I just get frustrated that we have some employees that don't seen to care about the town that employs them. J Driscoll has stated that he doesn't answer to the tazpayers. did the Tax collector give back the money that she took when we didn't have a treasurer. Ron Daven doesn't live in town yet he is on the Senior Build comm and the Board of appeals. Without you, Julie, Pauly and others watching and making us aware - were would we all be?

  10. To Doug:

    Thank you for your service and for calling the TLWP out on their conduct regarding this project. Perhaps Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Davan could reach into their pockets and foot the bill for the testing. After all between the two of them, they take about $200,000 per year out of Templeton.

    How about the light dept charging Verizon and Comcast to hang wires on their poles yet they don't share any of that fee with the Town? Oh yah, they pay that PILOT which is insignificant compared to their profits....Just my opinion

  11. By the way, does the Water Dept pay a PILOT? I don't remember seeing or reading anything about it...sooo...if the Light Dept PILOT covers both those enterprises is the Town even being reimubursed the indirect costs of supporting those two enterprises?

    Here is a homework assignment. Open your Town reports, add up salaries paid out for water dept employees over the past few years. Next, look at what has happened to your water bills. Finally compare the water payroll to say the payroll of other Town Depts. Is it any wonder they are broke? Julie was our best advocate when she served on that board. She asked the difficult questions that were usually not answered. In my opinion the TLWP employees didn't even treat her with the respect they showed to the other commissioners.

    1. All of this bad attitude is going to be their downfall. This is a job they are paid to do, not their devine right. We pay their salaries. They work for a company, not a country club. The attitude that they do not need to respond to questions, is not ok. When we talked about how much fees effect a new company in town, I need to remind everyone, three businesses have not made it on Patriots road in the past four or five years. My sister owned Pat's Farm Stand. She worked night and day to keep it going. The store location is great, It is hard to produce a product people are willing to pay for. The other problen, the most recent people had was, without work in the area for people who did construction, the lunch crowd deminished. The extra money they had was gone. One person tried to sell fancier sandwiches. She was asking too much for them. A working man does not care what kind of bread he eats, as long as it fills the whole in his stomach. They also can't pay as much for lunch as you would pay at supper. If the money is not there it is not there. End of business! The additional cost of heat, electricity, workmans comp., insurance all these things add up. The town adding increased fees does not give anyone a leg up. This and everything I write are my own opinions. Thank goodness we have this blog as a way to reach out to the rest of the citizens that care what happens to our town, and its taxpayers. Bev.

    2. I agree with you 100%, Bev!

  12. geeese i put a big post up there and it was there and 20 min later it is gone wtf!!!!big brother watchen

    1. Maybe the light company has found a new way to shut us up? Who knows!

    2. Now, there's a thought, Bev, that makes you wonder!! With all that is going on & what I have seen, nothing would surprise me now!

  13. mikec, I have had the same thing happen to me. I asked Pauly about it & sometimes the code 1st takes it but if there are capitals or other letters missed it then goes to spam. Something like that. I have had it go away, redo it & then it pops up the next day so maybe yours is still there in the spam box. Check tomorrow. I have had to delete duplicate blogs because of this. Now, I wait before posting the same thing & see what happens. Oh yes, & I always copy it to my mouse, at least, before sending to post, just in case it does get lost in spam space.... Then again, maybe Big brother is watching. Actually, he is watching but maybe now he deleting at will & that is not Pauly, I mean the govt. Make sure you read what Julie is writing about this very subject. We all need to start banding together to retain our freedoms cause man are they going FAST!! My opinion whoever is watching! You got to watch all your words, too, because they are taking note of specific words & phrases under the Patriot Act. It was a good thing right after 911 but you know how something starts out okay & then gets abused. Sort of like what we are seeing here! Again my opinion., as always, while I'm still able to express an opinion. Who would have ever thought this country would be heading downhill so rapidly? We need help from on high, right Bdg13! I mean that seriously, cause man just cannot govern himself. At least not for too long. Look at all the great republics they only lasted about 200 years & then fell. We are over that now so are "living" on borrowed time. Enjoy it while we can.

  14. You are right reachout. They didn't treat her with respect for what I believe are at least 2 reasons. First of all, they are angry that she was "upsetting the apple cart" because she was trying to clean that cart out of the bad apples by making them accountable & getting the info out to the Residents who PAY their salaries! Secondly, many guys do not like the fact that they are dealing with a woman, and a very intelligent, knowledgeable of the facts kind of woman!! If they had their way No woman anywhere would serve on any board. See, it impacts on their "good ole boys club". How dare she even question them, is what I think many feel. However, Julie is a very honorable, committed individual who knows what is right & what is wrong & she will see to it that those things that are not "quite right" are made known! They don't like that! They have had it too easy for too many years & now they actually have to answer to some (in my opinion) very underhanded (putting it nicely) things that have been going on for way too long now. But, then I say how can you treat someone with respect when you are not worthy of it yourselves, even though Mrs. Farrell tries to be as professional as possible No matter what is thrown her way. I can tell you she is one very strong lady, committed to the truth & determined to do what is right for Templeton. If that were me, after the recall fiasco (man or woman), I'd have thrown my hat in the ring a long time ago. But, she knows that was NOT about her but something much bigger. As I said previously, I believe there are some people who are divine appointments from "above". To me, Julie is one of those people for this point in time. Plus, you need to have the will & desire to give it your all for that cause. We are blessed to have her here because this fact finding mission that she has taken on is very time consuming, in addition to her BOS seat, working full time, taking care of family obligations, etc & she doesn't HAVE to do any of it but has chosen to do so, not only for her family, but for everyone in this town. The same goes for Pauly & others that I have mentioned numerous times. None of these people Have to do this. They are willing to take a lot of time & energy to keep us informed & free to make decisions that will surely impact not only whatever future some of us have left but, that of many generations to come. As Julie has said do NOT let ANYONE take your voice away or your right to participate in your OWN government. If you do, you may Never get another chance to decide what kind of future you want for you or your children. More Below....

  15. Continuing on, I know there are people that are reading these blogs that think what are they talking about? That could never happen here. I urge you, as well, Look very closely to what is happening all around you here. It is a reflection of what is going on in the world everywhere right now. It is not magically going to go away if we all don't do our part. We all need to keep our govt. (on all levels) in check before they keep us in check. Patrick Henry words are true now, too. Give me Liberty or give me death!! I prefer Liberty but will fight for my rights to the death. No one is going to make me not be able to voice my opinion. I know what it feels like to be knocked down for a while out of fear of retaliation! I have already been threaten with this end, right in this town, for speaking at my own town govt. meeting on issues I cared about for the greater good. Don't let yourself find that you are a victim, as I was. It is traumatizing, I can tell you that. Most have no idea how hard it was & is for me to have come back to even speaking on Pauly's blog. When someone threatens to do away with you or your family, it is very hard to come forward again, especially when you feel you are alone. As another blogger said, there is safety & strength in numbers. We need to keep the support strong. And as I said before, we are NOT dealing with Nice people here. I remember thinking after one of those incidents happened to me, I have seen crime stories on TV with bold brazen threats like this but never thought it would happen here in wonderful, sleepy town Templeton. And I certainly didn't think it would ever happen to me just for being concerned about some issues that I thought needed addressing. Little did I know I would strike a very bad chord that would lead to that outcome. A very learned man told me that often times these are exactly the type of communities Big entites come into to "wine & dine" the depts. that appear like they are in financial trouble & tell them they will give them anything they want, as long as, they help them get into town to do their "dirty" business. Once that happens you can "kiss: your town good-bye as you know it. I say do your watching, research, supporting & anything else you can do to not let that happen EVER. We averted disaster once before, we can do it again with the same safety & strength of many! Please do Anything you can that will help us to "keep" our town!! Don't let others sell you out just because they only want something for themselves & have no regard for who gets hurt along the way. Please keep your eyes & ears open as much as you can & report to Pauly's blog if you think it will help. Thank you for reading & your consideration on my thoughts & opinions. Have a Good, Safe Memorial Day & Honor our Military, Past & present. Thank you!


    2. Isteach-thank you so much for speaking out. Its so important to hear everyone's story and experiences. I hope that you speaking out will encourage others to tell their story as well. It must have been so scary to go through what you did. I hope it is comforting to you to know that there are people on your side and you no longer have to sit in fear all by yourself.

      I agree that these small-minded good ole boys don't like intelligent women...its harder to "control" them. Look at how they treat their wives. Look at who calls female employees "girls". They better learn to get used to the idea that women are strong and intelligent and are in politics to stay. There's a lot of strong women here in Templeton and they have bigger (insert noun here) than many of the good ole boys! (And I don't think any woman has had to sue the town because they weren't getting any from their spouse)

  16. Thank you, it is comforting, I can tell you that for certain. Yes, this has been a long time coming. I know they thought they could bully me into thinking THEIR way (NEVER) but I am even more sure of what I had originally thought about all this MESS. You don't come after any citizen in town for speaking properly & respectfully at a town meeting, especially for the things that I brought up, unless you have something to HIDE! They have been doing a good job of hiding a lot all these years. They are ticked (putting it mildly) that Pauly's blog came along & that they couldn't keep Julie off the BOS. I PRAY for their SAFETY & that of their families all the time, as well as, Jeff B., Bob M., Bev, Sue & anyone else who is doing the RIGHT thing. I would like to request that Bdg13 & anyone else who wishes to, to please do the same. As there is safety in numbers in the "real" world, there is also strong power in prayer! That is my opinion. I respect how anyone else feels about it but, I truly believe that is what has gotten me through all that I went through years ago trying to bring "LIGHT" (get it, as Pauly would say) on the "DIRTY" subjects at hand. Many involved will get what I am saying. As time goes by, I believe more of the town will REALLY get it. As Bob Mitchell (another hero here, wrongfully recalled) would say we are not parasites so we do not wish to be a HOST community to unwanted guests. Notice host is the first part of hostage. If we give in now to continued demands (albeit getting lighter as times goes on), that's what we will be, hostages in our own community. Like I said before, if anything happens to me, it is well documented with my family & my attorney who is most likely the culprits. I don't want any of what I say to discourage anyone from speaking out. to the contrary, I am trying to do just the opposite because if you submit to a few shady characters & their dirty dealings then you will have no say EVER again. Please be active in your community & when you go to meetings, speak out or whatever you decide to do, please do it with a "battle buddy" & never go it alone like I did. I grew up here when it was a close-knit community & I was still living in that era when I got blind-sided by a most shocking set of events! I am still reeling to this day at times, if I think about it. I am so glad there are numbers of people who are getting it so that Pauly, Julie, Jeff, etc. etc. will be Safe in all that they are doing to get this town back on the right track. God Bless you all. As ever, all my thoughts & opinions. Thank you once again for considering what I have to say.

  17. Isteach needs some help and can get it by letting all know who, what, where, and when, so WE can take care of business at hand. Get to the bottom of this asap! And lets leave no stones unturned!People are united and thats the key,Don't be afraid. Tell US,Expose ALL of them for your own safety!

    1. Yes, I do & I have added security cameras, lights, recordings, etc on at all times, at home & no matter where I go. Hopefully, they will think twice because it is getting hot! I will be known one day, I'm sure, to everyone but not quite yet. Thanks for your support. Please be careful & let's stick together, even if it's on Pauly's blogsite for now. I am very saddened by a few people that I grew up with that I see selling us out but, who knows maybe they were threatened, too? We need to feel safe here again. EVERYONE OF US! I am doing my best to help but can't do it all just yet. Also, I don't have all the answers & proof but more is coming to the surface, I believe, by many, not just me. Too much for me to carry as a burden alone as you point out. Don't worry there are enough who know me & I have a higher authority over me so, Bless me Dear Father. Oh, and I NEVER sleep at night right now either so, let that be known, too!! Thanks again for your concern & wanting to help this whole community. Be vigilant & take good care! I feel strongly that we will prevail.

    2. H5... I know what you mean & are not trying to find out who I am but, that will likely happen if I say more at this time. Also, please know that I don't have all the names, places, dates, financial dealings, sideline money exchanges?, etc. but, I think the secret meeting people do. That's where we need to focus, I believe! My opinion

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