Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day four of siege

 In my opinion at 10:15 last night, on the third night of town meeting, when moderator David Bergeron asked for an adjournment "politely" at 10:15 at night, get it 10:15 PM. Why do a handful of nighthawks say-keep going? It took us voters and bulls---ters three hours to go through 13 articles from number 31 through 44. How long would it have taken to finish the remaining articles? Three hours? Into 1 AM-2 am, or not even finishing that night? I like David Bergeron's reply to those nighthawks
-I am old and I am tired, I am not going to ask for an adjournment, we are adjourned thank you. Good job Dave-I guess some people (voters) that come to a town meeting do not, and I say "not" believe the town moderator runs the meetings, not the people. Get it? I am going to wear my hardhat at the fourth town meeting night, why? Well first off, Dan Keeney asks a lot of important questions and Bev B asks a lot of important questions and answers also, hee hee-hee. But some people just ramble on and on and on. Now let's get back to my hardhat. I sit down in front, close to the town moderator and I see "because the stage lights have been adjusted properly" our moderator gets aggravated with some of those people (like any normal human being) that comes to the mic to speak. I know tempers flare and people speak out of turn and that's "just one of those things" that happen. But if our town moderator's temper, get it "if" Dave’s temper gets out of control and he throws that gavel, I want to be protected by my hardhat. Hee-hee-hee. Of course this is my opinion. Others might just "duck" and let the next guy get hit with the gavel, LOL. Now let's get back to "bashing". Have you noticed three members of the "so-called" board of selectmen when asked a question by a voter at the mic. Dan Keeney, for one, those three members look at each other as if to say-who, can answer that question honestly, or who, can even answer the question? Chris Stewart tries to give an answer, but it just never comes out good enough to satisfy Dan. But that is "just one of those things". I PHC, Sr, am again asking for help to answer me a good question? Is your newly reorganized board of selectmen going to be called "Bob Columbus two"? Other words, Julie-yes-Bennett-yes-Mullins-no-Wilder-no and I, Stewart vote no. Pretty good planning, in my opinion, huh. Are you my friends and foe keeping up with me? Good-now look at the once dysfunctional advisory/finance committee. For the past few months, "right Charlie" and because of the popular recall Inc. issues and obstruction of justice issues. A taxpayer during advisory/finance committee meeting, asked a question to the chair, Isaac Matson that person (taxpayer) was Will Spring from Hubbardston Rd. Not directly answering Will Spring’s question as a taxpayer, the chair sarcastically said to Will-do you want to be on this board? And make no mistake about Isaac saying sarcastically to Will Spring, "do you want to be on this board?" Well to chair Isaac Matson surprise, Will Spring said - yes. Then Isaac sarcastically answered to Will Spring "come on up here". In my opinion, Isaac stuck his big foot in his big mouth. I PHC Sr knew it was not a proper move by Isaac. But don't forget-Isaac was the Chairman, like Boob Columbus, remember? When Mr. Spring sat down at that table it was the beginning of the end, in my opinion, of the dysfunctional advisory/finance committee. Mr. Spring with the help of Charlie Perkins, Darlene Budzynski and Joel Thompson turns that board into a-almost normal board. Get it, almost normal. Mr. Spring played a big, big part to balance our budget, along with Jeff Bennett and Julie Farrell. In my opinion, Mullins, Wilder or Chris Stewart do not deserve any credit. And you taxpayers know why, and Pete Kasper don't beat on Mark Harranass from the Gardner news. He-in my opinion, is catching on about the other side of the story. I heard today, May 22, 2012 that the town can expect some resignations soon. Is that true? Is Mike C a devil in disguise? Hee hee hee, and yes people it was a little bird that told me via phone call this morning. And no, it was not Mr. and Mrs. Bird, sorry Kevin. But "it's just one of those things" that happened without "intent" here in Templeton. I was going to wear my hardhat for the selectmen's meeting, but in the Kiva I can sit way up back, hee hee.

Note 7 PM agenda item R I P for town Council for FY 13, hee hee, rest in peace. Many thanks for reading my opinion.


  1. Psa 127:1-2 Except the L-RD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the L-RD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
    It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

    1. Maybe I am really stupid, but I just do not understand a thing Bdg@@g13 just said...Maybe at this point I am tired, and don't really care. At any rate, Pauly, do you have a hard hat for me and every one else that sits next to Bart? Any way, why he went off like a rocket was for one thing, he had convinced him self that Chris was going to side with Scrappy, and Vgin. I know I was kind of holding my breath tonight. It did not help that Chris would not admitt K&p had screwed up, that it really was illegal to pay Jeff without going to a town meeting. As anyone with a brain can figure out, just because the lawyers said it is ok, does not mean its ok...No sh--, Dick Tracy. As we went down the road, I heard not only once, more that once, "I can,t believe it, he really voted with Jeff. and Julie" Bart said he was trying to make a point..I guess! At any rate, It took alot for Chris to Stand up for what is right. I can imagine he will have to deal with my buddie, Mr.Q. Mr.Q is his father in law. I'm tired, see you guys tomorrow night. Bev.

    2. Just curious, does Mr. Q ever go along with anything that is brought up by either Pete or Julie Farrell or does he wait like a snake in the grass waiting to attack? Mr. Q, you had your opportunity to do what was best for the town. For what it's worth this stupid taxpayer thinks that Chris Stewart is doing a good job. Hopefully he has told his father in law that it's his turn now; take a back seat pops. We have to agree to disagree and still get along in the best interest of the town. Yelling and screaming at a meeting is not accomplishing much. To Mr Curtis we are moving on but there are some wrongdoings that have to be answered before the town can truly move forward.

    3. If Mr. Curtis cannot understand that there are issues that need to be addressed that may not be pretty or pleasant, then maybe he should resign his "ethics liason" position. When wrong doing has occurred, when people feel their money has been spent unethically, when they are lied to, it is a natural reaction to voice their frustration. In order to "move on", questions need to be asked and answers need to be given so that those mistakes are never made again. You don't just act like those things never happened and you never speak of them. We are supposed to LEARN from mistakes. I believe, this is why ethics rules are put in place...to learn what is right and what is wrong and not to let them happen once you learn the rules. It seems to be a huge deal that the man responsible for dealing with ethics issues for the town would not understand the basic functions of ethics rules.

      The new BOS has been very good at addressing some of the past mistakes and I am grateful for this. That is moving forward. However, there are still some issues they need to publicly addressed. The bullying problem in town business is very real and has gone on for a number of years. This is at the heart of all the pain. It needs to be addressed and eliminated. And it won't be easy or pretty. Ms. Wilder needs to pay close attention when this is discussed. The outburst of rage she displayed at the selectmen's meeting last night was frightening. I would not want to work with a person who has that much rage festering inside and lashes out at anyone that opposes her. Is this learned behavior from her buddies Columbus and Skeleton? Subconscious guilt can be a nasty demon sometimes.

    4. Ms Wilder voted against contacting Mr Ritter to return to his position. For the same reason her side kick did? Is the no contact one way? Did I hear her say Mr Ritter contacted her with apology cards? ???

  2. To me what was more important is that it came out thet bob columbus signed a document to oblige taxpayers to pay for services in the amount of $2500.00 in addition to what was already voted on, except the selectmen never voted or talked about it, another columbus move that shows what kind of guy he is. You look at the signatures, skelton and columbus and that is why mr. curtis should understand people still want their questions answered. You want to move on, answer their questions. Something with the words settlement and claim in the title of the document is a claim or settlement and is covered by town by-laws. Bring attorney jenkens to selectmen meeting and let him explain why it is not covered by town by-laws.

    1. The BOS need to learn that there is a lot of free legal opinions they can get from calling the state agencies directly and not instantly go to K&P for answers on every little question. Mr. Bennett & Mrs. Farrell know this already and I hope the rest will follow suit. Asking anything to K&P is pointless right now as they have proven that they will cover their own rear first before giving an honest legal opinion to their clients.

      And how is it that such an super important attorney as Lenny Kopleman has the time to entertain a phone conversation with a small town Athol Daily News reporter? Does anyone else find that odd?

      One more point...when Mrs. Farrell and Mr. Mitchell lost their seats on the BOS, they still attended meetings and participated in the discussions. Where is Columbus and Skeleton? Maybe some of the questions regarding why checks and documents were signed with no vote of BOS would be answered if they attended and defended their actions. It just goes to show who ACTUALLY is working in the best interest of the town and who is not.

    2. I do not think I'd show my face anywhere in town if I was Mr Columbus. What he did to the town as chairmain under the direction of skeletons(in the closet), VW and Scrappy is unforgivable. Shows his guilt by staying away and not defending his most important decisions.

  3. I hope the release of the executive session minutes will indicate why the "Settlement agreement" for Mr. Ritter was not covered under our bylaws. I'm very tired of our town counsel looking for loopholes to do an end run around our by laws. The Bylaws says what it says. It should mean what it means. Article VII - Legal Affairs Section 2. is pretty straightforward. This is not the first time K&P has "opined" that a settlement isn't a settlement so it does not need town meeting approval. Look back at the Casella deal.[Go to recountcoming.com and click on Casella and Kopelman & Paige....the same situation for a lot more money!]

    Anytime it is inconvenient (or not in K&P's best interest) to follow the bylaws, an exception is found. The exception is never written down. Again the reason I would like RFP's for town counsel is to try to to save the town some money. IF THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES FOR LOUSY LEGAL ADVICE, WHY PAY TOP DOLLAR?

    Again, these are just my opinions.

    Julie Farrell

  4. Thanks julie and jeff for posting. I try to keep up with everything, but its helpful to be able to go back and read these, and catch things i may have missed. I appreciate Bev's and others points of view. I totally agree with all of you and cant wait to see K&P find the door, along with VW and Scrappy. :)

    1. If K&P have the nerve to bid on the job of town council, I feel they should be told we are not interested. The damage that they have done to our town, will take years to undo. Some things can't be undone. Their bad jugments have caused alot of pain. I agree with what Julie says. Vgins response to Mr. Ritters hiring was scarey. When I called her the queen of mean, I was not Kidding. Mr. Ritter did nothing to deserve the abuse that was handed out. As I always say, it will come out in the wash. Bev.

  5. I agree much has yet to be answered, however, it is going that way with Julie and Jeff working together for the townspeople. Chris, I believe, has been doing a good job. He seems to be trying to be fair to us so let's be fair to him--give the guy a chance! The other two? Well, we all know they are a different story but don't bring yourself down to their level--just keep a wide open eye on them. See you all tonight!

  6. Just trying to encourage faith and right intention. I know may seem cryptic using Scripture, but it will make more sense and difference in the long run. God bless all and Mazel tov!

    1. Here is my interpretation of BdG@@g13 first comment. Hypothecation is when a borrower pledges collateral to secure a debt. The borrower retains ownership but it is hypothetically controlled by the creditor. The debtor is beholden to the creditor. The debtor is the Corporate United States of America incorporated after the Civil War and the creditor is the international bankers. It is believed this hypothecation occurred under FDR in 1933 after the Geneva Conferences from 1928-1932. These Geneva conferences set the terms for the world bankruptcy that occurred due to debt brought on by WWI. WWI was a contrived war brought on to cause massive debt. These guys who do this for a living are smarter than your average bear.
