Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mr. Mullins

This was sent to me anonymously for the blog.

Dear Pauly,
It appears that Mr. Mullins went into the Selectmen's office yesterday (may 21st) and hand delivered to Nancy,  someone's resume who was applying for the Accountant position. Does anyone else find this totally inappropriate - a selectman hand delivering a applicants resume/job application. I believe that this would make Mr Mullins in conflict when the inteviews/voting for this position are done. 
Mr. Mullins seems to have a real problem with ethics.


  1. Are there any desks or other metal objects missing? If there are, we may have to have a shake down

  2. Speaking of the junkyard dog. Is the gag order lifted yet so us taxpayers can run that dog out of town Just my opinion.

  3. He has a problem with not just ethics, but also the law! It was interesting to see him conversing with our town counsel during town meeting. Not a care in the world!

    1. Scrapit likes his women pretty. Did you see the smile and red face as he "conversed" with her. Let's see how he behaves on Wednesday night!

  4. Doesnt surprise me... Look at his connections and how he got in... Better than everyone and above the law.

  5. And the town counsel... Yeah, 'eye candy' for him and the former selectman. They didnt get reappointed as counsel for their intelligence or rating. Theyre known as a low-end firm that picks up confused municipalities, as i've heard from other legal sources, not even in competition with them. Just look up who they represent. Who else would chance bending rules and ethics for a couple selectman and a coordinator?

  6. Very good reason not to consider that applicant! Any news on the gag order? Does Templeton have all their scrap under lock & key?

  7. This is a very interesting piece of information. Mr. Mullins, when he "resigned" his job at the Winchendon transfer station, claimed that he resigned because he had a better opportunity.

    Is that opportunity in "Winchendon", as he claimed in that Gardner snooze article?

    What is he doing glad-handing in our Fair Towne while he should be working?

    My opinion is that the voters of Templeton deserve to know what happened to Mr. Mullins' dream job in Winchendon. I need to take a vacation day to be off work Monday thru Friday. I'm sure most people who work for a living are similarly encumbered. But maybe our scrappy "Selectman" can strighten me out if I am incorrect as to why he was spotted at the town office. And as to why he has so often been spotted eating at the Thristy Turtle since he pursued "other opportunities" at the expense of his public-trough job in Winchendon?

    If Mr. Mullins would address the question as to whether the rumors are true-or-false, that he got caught stealing at his job in Winchendon, this particular "constituent" would greatly appreciate that action.
