Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Election 2012

Election 2012
In my opinion the election was a sure sign of see you later alligator, the swamp is going to be drained and the town of Templeton will be safe. And many kudos to Mark Barrieau May 8, 2012, 4:49 AM. A must read comment to everyone in Templeton. Thanks again Mark. Do you all remember TCAD, no dump? Well did you see Foxborough board of selectmen-to this casino group-like Bennett said bye-bye,
never again let one dictator and two others try to upset the town and the voters like it has been done-here in Templeton. Columbus had no comment to the Gardner news about his defeat, May 7 election. and to those three people at the rally across Narragansett school, voting place, in front of the long red trailer. I saw your middle finger sticking straight up at me as I drove by with my big Mack. I knew I was number “1” in your book anyway. I should have stopped and punched you, yes punched you out, get it so do that gesture when I am not driving and see exactly what I mean. I'm not blaming you, Columbus, I saw you give me a thumbs up, thanks for the thumbs up, and Bruce Miller says thanks also, hee hee hee. Anyone else want to own up to the high sign to me, well anyway let's get back to the coming  of the town meeting and special town meeting. All concerned taxpayers must attend. Because the whole meeting could be in trouble. Articles have been tampered with, being changed, article 39, 60, 61 who submitted these articles is this a secret also? Or is that the way it is? I received via my cell phone a request about a comment this past week, I did not comment on this issue. Whoever did "do is stupid" has all the rights in the world post a comment on my blog. I would read it. I keep all printouts from Pauly's Templeton watch. I have approximately 600 to 700 pages all in 250 page notebooks. I keep these comments to keep the honest honest, get it? Other words if a comment is not true or degrading I can't do a thing about it, I do not believe a comment is made to hurt anyone in general we should never stop freedom of speech. It has been done here in Templeton too much in the last few months. And I have a few choice words for those three that are responsible-I am not going to forget or forgive those three people in question, I will mudslinging those three people for ever and one day. If you haven't attended a selectmen's meeting or watch the DVD please don't comment in the negative about the blog. If you want to make waves please be careful, other words if you live in a glass house do not throw stones if you have something to hide don't tell anyone that might find your hiding place. Get it don't add insult to injury, or stir any old stories about something, someone else might be ashamed of. I hope the above satisfies the restricted phone call I got today from a lady that should answer to the blog with comments. And help keep lying mouth shut. Don't forget, pedophiles don't have a conscience and need to be stopped now!! If you agree please comment if not give me another call, thanks again “ restricted” this is a good reason for my blog, everyone knows me, but I don't know a lot of “restricted” people. So sound off people,  I am listening and reading every comment that comes in, up to date we have had over 120,000 hits. Pretty good,huh? 

PS finance/advisory meeting Wednesday starting at 5:30 PM at the middle school cafeteria-please all be there.-Thanks for reading.


  1. Pauly you need to get one of them portable spy dvd making machines to get them all on tape so we can see them making azz of them selfs!!!

    1. I can`t seem to find Mark Barrieau`s comment. Where is it?

  2. One question: Has one set of 'gods' by mutiny striven to supplant other more powerful 'gods' to free themselves and secure their own hegemony?

  3. Dear BdG@@gl3
    That is why it is important for people to keep attending all meetings. So that elected officials are held accountable and answer to the people. For me, it is about public service. I may not always make the "correct" decision, but I am able to justify the reasons for the decisions made - usually based on finances.

    Julie Farrell

    1. All men are tyrants if allowed to become so. When people fear the government we have tyranny. When government fears the people we have freedom. If man will not be governed by God he will be governed by Tyrants. Eternal vigilance my friends. We have much larger problems to face on the horizon.

    2. HAHAHHA!!!! You all sound like Mad-Eye Moody!

  4. speaking of TCAD, 40% bob went to tcad meetings looking for votes. got elected, jumped into gerrys lap, and the rest, as they say is history.. speaking of 40% bob who has according to the snews"no comment" tell him, if you see him because doesn't check this address, not to feel bad, he didn't loose, TEMPLETON WON!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I would have flipped you off too, you blundering oaf!

    1. hey Pauly you have a fan !!!!

    2. Yes, this blog is like the special Olympics.

    3. yup the truth hurts doesn't it Mr wales

    4. LMAO, glad you could get off your barstool and join us WW

    5. So I have a ale on the occasion, but at least I'm not a crazed psycho who was thrown out of political office.

    6. to W Wales - Please do not make fun of the special olympics they work very hard to participate (this shows you have no class)and as far as a "crazed psycho" you must be talking about BOB C. Ha- Ha

    7. One, I find this whole "politically correct" thing quite annoying. And no, not Bob, but "Paul" of "Pauly's Blog of Lies"

  6. Hey WW
    to which crazed psycho do you refer?

    1. HOORAY11, The king is gone. Better days are ahead for Templeton. The new comers have lost their boss. They have a choice to make. The crew of two can now work with the other selectman to do the they can for the town, or they can continue their ways of cronyism. If they remain as they were, I hope resigning would be considered by them. With the hard decisions that have to be made, the BOS do not need unnessary hasseling. The town needs to run like a business, not as a social club. Best of luck. Papa Bear

    2. Hey over and out! I mean Paul!

  7. Dear Whilhelm Wales in my opinion you are a moron and why don't you step up to the plate and I'll show you what a liar is. and don't call my blog a blog of lies, AH and never mind- hey over and out, lets just say out - as in out in the open, not hide in behind a computer, bring in on boy - hot and heavy about my "lies" prove it. And I say the say the same to Bob C your neophyte pal.

    PS put the lies on paper, stupid I'll be waiting (all night) for your response. hee- hee- hee-right!

    1. Pauly, I think some of these guys missed it. The full moon was last Saturday. Time for them to go back to the cave. Bev
