Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuna and Cindy's daughter

Let's all keep praying for Cindy and Tuna's daughter!!!!


  1. Just a brief update. She is showing improvement, but has a long way to go. Prayers are needed and welcomed by the family.

  2. Is there anything that we can do to help the family? There are many generous, kind hearted people in this town just waiting to help out.

    1. I can tell you what they could use. My husbands granddaughter had a serious head injury two years ago. She was in the hospital 132 days. They could use money. Traveling back and forth to the hospital, paying for parking, food{who can cook there is no time]eats a hole in savings. Any one close to the family, check on rest of kids, Make a meal, check on animals, offer to babysit. Pray alot, any and all prayers help. Olivia[Barts granddaughter] is alive only because God kept her alive. This is what the doctors said. I have known Tuna for a long time, he is a good guy. His daughter is young this helps. I hope this helps.
      , Bev.
