Monday, May 7, 2012


WOOHOO - It's Election Day -  OK everyone get out and vote!!!!


  1. Just testing comment posting because of the trouble

  2. Julie won!!!!
    Chris Stewart won Light and Water!

  3. Congratulations, Julie!! From my entire family. We Thank you for working for all of us!! Templeton has a chance again!!

  4. Congratulations Julie. What a relief.

  5. Congratulations Julie. Anybody hear about Dave B?

  6. Congratulations to Julie, Dave Bergeron, and Carol Harris, and THANKYOU to Jeff Bennett and Pauly. This Blog, LTPH, Citizens4Temleton, etal. did the job without the "man on the street with spam". Remember, we are not at rest yet. Julie is going to be strutenized by both sides. Every step ahead must be carefully thought out. Personally I want to see CS out and if possible Jeff R in, but, wait until June 30 so as not to interfere with his buyout $.

    I have learned a great deal from the comments and blogs here. We must still remember that there is always room for error on either side. Some people here know the truth and some opinions were based on rumor. It's not easy to know which sometimes, but, it will be essential from here on for the truth to prevail. Those of you who know, please make sure to correct the rumor for us.

    Next BIG step is to take each line in the budget (may take us til June) and vote to give the taxpayers a break by pulling out the waste.

    The results of this election are a big step forward. HAPPY 250th FOR TEMPLETON!
