Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just some notes before election day

I found out  that some comments were going to spam. I have unmarked them as spam I'll try to work on this problem - for some reason some people are being blocked - if any one can help with this issue please shoot me an email.

2nd - Steve L put his trailer(with Julie signs) on Baldwinville Road across from the entrance to Narragansett and Steve Brehio moved it and put his trailer there.  See what kind of people we are deling with.

3rd - we need people down at the entrance to voting at the Middle school tomorrow 11 - 7 - bring your signs.


  1. Just a thought about the computer problem. I notice when I have been bumped out and have to retype, another comment has come in at the same time that I am. Don't know if tht would be the caus for being blocked or not.

    1. Olive is not even able to log in - I checked all the setting and nothing has changed - "anyone can comment as long as they are logged in - also olive is nolonger allowed in as a follower - just a little paranoid becuse niether olive or me changed anything

  2. I just came back from checking the campaign area. It looks fantastic! A great big THANK YOU to everyone for their help, from making signs and stuffing envelopes to setting up for the election today. Your support means more than I can say.

    Please remember to vote today. Don't forget our write in candidates David Bergeron for moderator and Rae Ann Trifilo for school committee

    Julie Farrell

  3. Since the problem seems to be limited to olive I suspect a virus or some other web site has adjusted her Internet browser settings. If she has some other browser than IE like safari or Firefox to try one of those.

  4. When I left the C4T Rally yesterday, I took a ride via Baldwinville Road and saw the big red truck and people behind it. They must have made their move minutes after we set up the flatbed. Hopefully there won't be "fights" around this stupid move. Can we do something about the registeration of that truck? Isn't it supposed to be resgistered to house it on property? Wouldn't it be funny if we could have it removed by a Cosentino tow???? Just a thought and just my opinion.

  5. just trying to see if I can reply
