Saturday, May 5, 2012

To reach out, May 1 1:38 AM

Well said to KM 526 whoever that might be. You said it almost as good as I would have, except I would have used a few choice words with my layman's terms, language. It sounds like Bernie Madoff all over again. Everybody is a liar except him "Bernie” that's why he only got 150 years in jail. I guess the judge felt sorry for him. LOL.  When those LTPS INC people going to smarten up? As I said before, when they start believing their own lies, it's too late for chicken Little, what do you think?

Getting back to the town's finances, KM 526 says don't go bashing, use that time to try to save us money, that way it saves us all money, well said KM 526, in my opinion you just haven't gotten the drift of this big, big problem here in Templeton or you wouldn't be talking that way. If you don't understand the saying "three wrongs don't make it right" well I'll tell you about the three wrongs, Bob Columbus, Virginia Wilder, Patrick Mullins. Those are three wrongs, get it? If you haven't attended board of selectman meetings or watch the DVDs, why do all three of those select men vote as one. In other words, Columbus says we are going to rehire Carol Skelton on a part-time interim bases. 99% of the taxpayers in that room loudly protested this issue. Then selectman Bennett spoke against the issue, then selectman Stewart spoke against the issue. But Bob Columbus continued to address the meeting and said I need a motion to rehire Carol Skelton, Virginia Wilder made a motion, and Mr. Mullins "yeah right Mr." sorry about the Mr.  part, seconded the motion, are you still following me KM 526? Columbus says now we will take a vote, Bennett says loudly - NO. Stewart says sadly  - NO. Mullins as usual looked down at the table in embarrassment  and said yes, Virginia – yes, and Columbus yes. Then taxpayers loudly protested and a lot of them were in "plain English" thrown out of the meeting by the direction of Wilder and Columbus. In my opinion Columbus, Wilder, Mullins incited a riot, but it was quickly quelled by the police. See the DVD. 99% of the attendees telling Columbus not to do it. What saying now KM 526? answer that on the blog so we can all hear your response. I always appreciate opinions, but to out right twist the issue is not good. For anyone. Do you know the old saying-sticks and stones will break my bones "but" names will never hurt me? Well names must be hurting someone. Are you part of the let the people speak group? Hey, twin one - you sound like you know something, and to you do is stupid you sure know what you are talking about. Why do a couple of people called us concerned citizens "stupid"? And you and MaggieBalins – D.Ob. Can’t classify anything, not even three "stupid" selectman and trying not to forget that D.Ob is the one that made the word stupid famous. Get it? Is back in the stupid, what answer? Yeah that  is stupid. What "stupid" are you people talking about? That “stupid” okay now I get it, lol.

 I just got the message that Isaac is re-signing the advisory board why? I hope Charlie P and Will S don't get mad about  that, lol.
 Lets Look over the meeting warrant  real close before the town meeting, speak out if you find anything wrong, other words "Tampered with” you know what I mean. I have someone special checking them with me, guess who? Joe Boyd still can’t get answers from Columbus, what a stall job he’s getting. But we will get justice done on this whole scandal here in Templeton. Well Taxpayers we will see if Dennis Obrien is right about all us taxpayers being “stupid”.
 So get out and Vote Monday May 7th . Vote For Julie Farrell and don’t forget to write in”David P Bergeron” for Moderator and fill in the oval next to the write in on the Ballot.
And one more thing – write in vote for school committee Rae Ann Trifilo – right on the ballot under Deborah A. Koziol, who you should vote for also (it’s a vote for 2 on that one)


  1. Its important that people who have not been participating in the vote in town get out and vote on Monday. If you want clean government at a local level participation is key.

  2. FYI - I heard via the proverbial grape vine that "THE" Planner has also resigned. She got caught. Great detective work, huh? How many years has she been doing this? The ball is rolling. The sticks are falling one by one. Word on the street is that the famous "they" were out to get her and SG the housing agent. The famous "they" may get this town in shape, whataya think?

    1. she got caught when Jeff Ritter was here - she had been doing it for years under the eyes of Carol S. Carol S knew but she "liked" the planner-

  3. Who is The PLanner? What did she get caught doing? Who is the housing agent? There is so much going on, it's really hard to keep up. One thing that I learned in an auditing course is that people need to take vacations, etc . and have someone else take over and this is where you find stuff. As in Mr. Ritter taking over for Carol is a good example. We will probably find out stuff we don't want to know about our town accountant when we hire a new accountant. P.S. The political ads in the Gardner Snews were very comical and totally opposite of BC position. Could have almost put Julie's name in replacement of Bob's. Just my opinions.

    1. I found BC's adds laughable, who is he kidding. When the crap hits the fan you will see alot of guilty people running for cover. There is no shame in the GN. I still wonder if these young guys are "on the take"? Maybe free drinks at the turtle? That I can under stand, but to just be so one sided, that I don't get. Maybe I,m just a stupid old lady.

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  4. There's a pretty good spoof of the whole situation posted as a comment on the Worcester Telegram site:

    1. I was trying my hardest to get this posted. This is EXCELLENT!!!!

      Everyone needs to go to this site and read this

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Templeton First wrote:
      SIX cops at the meeting
      Per order of BOB
      King of Selectmen
      He's trying to rob
      The citizens of rights
      He's made it his job.

      He gets his ideas
      From the has-been-in-charge
      The guy selling berries
      Whose pension is large.

      Bob's got some supporters
      There's Scrappy, for sure
      And reliable Ginny,
      With intention so "pure"!

      With escorts by cops
      To their cars, off they run
      They peel out and speed off
      From the cops, nothing done.

      Destination reached,
      They make their reports
      Ginny: "I Motioned"
      Scrappy: "I seconded"
      Bob: "I ejected"
      They say.
      The Great Man just smiles
      And then doth he say:

      "You've done well, my Good Servants,
      You'll have breakfast and Lunch
      At the Turtle on ME.
      You'll be rewarded
      Just wait and see"

      Scrappy smiles,
      Ginny swoons,
      Bobby scowls, then he says
      "I'm concerned 'bout the papers -
      how long will they hold?
      How long for our secrets
      How long still untold?"

      The has-been scowls too,
      Has reason to worry,
      A Loan application, signed by King Gerry.

      But then a thought flashes,
      He grins ear to ear,
      He calls Lenny's number,
      And sure enough, Lenny's there!
      He gives the instructions,
      While his lackeys await
      And finishes with this:

      When told by the Counsel
      "We'll just take the fifth"
      He happily answers
      Of course! And "Forthwith!"

    4. SIX cops at the meeting
      Per order of BOB
      King of Selectmen
      He's trying to rob
      The citizens of rights
      He's made it his job.

      He gets his ideas
      From the has-been-in-charge
      The guy selling berries
      Whose pension is large.

      Bob's got some supporters
      There's Scrappy, for sure
      And reliable Ginny,
      With intention so "pure"!

      With escorts by cops
      To their cars, off they run
      They peel out and speed off
      From the cops, nothing done.

      Destination reached,
      They make their reports
      "I Motioned"
      "I seconded"
      "I ejected"
      They say.
      The Great Man just smiles
      And then straightaway:

      "You'll have breakfast and Lunch
      At the Turtle on ME.
      You'll be rewarded
      Just wait and see"

      Scrappy smiles,
      Ginny swoons,
      Bobby scowls, then he says
      "I'm concerned 'bout the papers -
      how long will they hold?
      How long for our secrets
      How long still untold?"

      The has-been scowls too,
      Has reason to worry,
      A Loan application, signed by King Gerry.

      Then a thought flashes,
      He grins ear to ear,
      He calls Lenny's number,
      Sure enough, Lenny's there!
      He gives the instructions,
      While his lackeys await.

      When told by the Counsel
      "We'll just take the fifth"
      He quickly replies
      "Of Course! and "Forthwith!"

  5. THIS IS AMAZING! Shakespeare has nothing on this poet!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hope this was a leason learned, What goes around comes around!!!!

  7. to twin one the planner was putting in her pay slips as "salary" 32 hrs but was only working about 16 per week - hourly employees are suppose to put exactly what hours and what days are worked on their time sheets

  8. Can we get that poem set to music with a video - what do you think -Pete???

    1. Gee, I would like a job where you work 16 hrs. and get paid for 32 hrs. What have I done wrong? The signs on the corner of Otter River Rd and Bald. Rd. look real good. Our thanks to everyone who let us put signs up on their property. It means alot. Great poem, it should go down in history as one of Templetons' great hits!{as Pauly says, Hee, Hee.

  9. I printed out 20 copies of this Poem. Anyone want a copy. I'll be sitting with Julie's sign most of the day today.
