Friday, May 4, 2012

God Bless America!

God Bless America!
In a recent letter to the editor, John Driscoll General Manager Templeton Municipal Light &Water Plant (TMLWP), wrote a very thoughtful explanation of the water and electric rates in Templeton. I agree with most of his points. I am glad Mr. Driscoll exercised his right to free speech to write this editorial without the knowledge or approval of this Light & Water Commissioner.

As an elected official, I am also a special municipal employee. As a special municipal employee I am afforded certain rights. One of those rights, is the right to due process. As an elected official, I do not forfeit my right to free speech. I do not forfeit my right to participate in any public forum including submitting postings to Pauly’s Templeton Watch. I am not as fortunate as Mr. Driscoll, who seems to have inside access to the Gardner News editorial staff. I called the Gardner News today to inquire why Darren Elwell’s editorial has not been printed. It was submitted on April 27th and has yet to appear on the pages of the Gardner News. Isn’t that curious?

At the end of Mr. Driscoll’s editorial, he states that all light and water ratepayers are welcome to call, e-mail or visit the office if they would like the facts. If you click on this link you will open up to the TMLWP website. As a commissioner, I have advocated to update this website. I believe the internet is an important communication tool. I haven’t been able to discern anyway to send an e-mail message to TMLWP from the information provided on this website.  Maybe if enough light and water ratepayers called TMLWP and requested that this website be updated this situation could change. Please feel free to call the TMLWP at  978-939-5323 from 7:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

God bless America and our right to free speech.

Julie Farrell

24 Myrtle St.

Baldwinville, MA 01436

978-939-2501 home

978-340-2503 mobile


  1. We came from Ashburnham. They have a great web site. You can pay your bill online!

    1. My experiences with Mr. Driscoll has involved the topic of removing Fluoride from Templeton's water supply. Mr. Driscoll was adamant about having fluoride in the water so that water leaks could be located when a rupture occurred. Mr. Driscoll agreed Fluoride has been used as an insecticide and a rodenticide but has not made the connection that customers who may be drinking the water may be affected similarly as the insects and the rodents. Mr. Driscoll has not done his due diligence on fluoride and most likely will not do his homework on the subject and will count on the alleged snake oil salesman Myron Allukian for advice. For more information see page 250 in Fluoridation and Truth Decay by Gladys Caldwell and Philip E. Zanfagna, M.D. concerning Myron Allukian (a protector of the Harvard Endowment). If you are a mother or father of children in Templeton I implore you to do your homework on fluoride. Templeton Mass Afa is a facebook site dedicated to getting the information out to town residents on this subject. If you think getting your child to soccer or a sports team practice is more important than getting this material out of your child's drinking water you are mistaken. Mr. Driscoll is from Leominster and this city according to Mr. Driscoll never added fluoride to their water supply. Worcester Mass also has refused to put fluoride in their water supply as have other communities who have hired people with intelligence to look after their drinking water. Please take the time to become informed on this subject, your health and that of your family is at stake. I look forward to debating anyone on this subject including dentists and doctors in the area. Pete Farrell.

  2. Thank you Kimber!
    I have been trying to get UNIpay at Light &Water for over a year now! I have been it absolutely positively can NOT be done in Templeton!

    1. Yeah, and we know why that is, don't we. If it can be done in Ashburnham, it can be implemented here. That would save us a lot, wouldn't it. Thanks for all your efforts, Mrs. Farrell. I wish more people could see how hard you have worked FOR them in areas that they do not even have a clue. Anyway, thank you again, for trying.
