Saturday, May 5, 2012

A response to Heaney

hey Bernard, did you just wake up? I am quoting your ad for Columbus. "We finally have a board that can work together" yeah right! Three members of the board working against all of us voters. Don't you watch the DVD of these meetings? If you do, why do you say a board working together? And no we do not want to keep it going. That three member board Columbus, Wilder, Mullins are the biggest disgrace a town could ever endure.

Again watch the DVD, don't listen to "Tokyo Rose"come to the meetings and Bernie, if asked, who is Tokyo Rose, don’t say she was a teenaged idol during WWII, tell the truth about Tokyo Rose – My Marine corp history talked about Tokyo Rose and the three on a match warning to smokers. Has stuff like that missed your memory? Maybe Columbus could help you out with some answers, even if he has to lie to do it. And to Marybeth Krauss, have you been sleeping through this whole mess? Your ad for Columbus said just that. I guess you missed all the DVD’s lately. Starting when they were first available. And while Columbus working hard too in keeping Templeton a place where people want to live, yeah right. When Columbus went below the belt against Chris Stewart to be Chairman, was another eye opener. Since then it nothing but a big mess . Today Friday, May 4 we, as in taxpayers, finance committee, or the advisory board are looking for those so-called dedicated Selectmen to attend tonight's meeting at the Kiva, at 6 PM and if anyone of them did want to show up they better have their scripts, because they have a lot of questions to answer by a board that is more important than the board of selectmen. For example who changed the wording on some of the articles? Who is trying to tamper with the articles? That meeting is going to be recorded by many of us so we can have proof of the answers we get. No more hearsay, bologna.And Kate Fulton better smarten up – people are sick of her rambling on about nothing, and interrupting the Chair any other members and the audience when they are speaking, this blog will probably be too late for the meeting at 6 PM Friday, May 4, but we are trying to get word out. Did any of you know it alls, ever get a printout from our lawyers about how to conduct a dismissal of Skelton, if not shut up. In plain English get the facts on paper, get it- on paper. Not from the third seat on the right as you enter the candlelight or the thirsty turtle, or the onion, get it? If you want to see somebody stutter and turn purple asked Dennis O'Brien about the dismissal of Carol Skelton. And do it in person its fun to watch him when cornered.
10 PM Friday, May 4, 2012-well the finance committee/ advisory board ended tonight after three nights, thanks to Chris Stewart we finally got at least one selectmen and Chris like all of us was in the dark. I knew that from long ago, he and Jeff Bennett have been left out of the loop on everything. Those town meeting articles have been changed, altered, tampered with by a couple of people and we are going to get to the bottom of this sh----this week. When I say jail time it's going to be jail time. Note-Kate Fulton’s answers, on questions to the advisory board, - “Scott Sawyer recommended this, Scott Sawyer changed that, Scott Sawyer did this and so on,” or the selectmen wanted this, for the selectmen voted this”but a lot of the articles are not worth sh----. And don’t excuse my layman's terms. We, the whole group that attended those three nights meetings are going to pursue this bull---to the end. And I want to hear from a higher authority that there is no criminal intent, to what happened to our town meeting warrant. All those articles that were tampered with after they were voted on and printed into a booklet. If these articles make it to town floor you better plan on a long two or three nights and possibly a police interference. Tell Whittaker  to talk to Will Spring and Charlie Perkins and others on the advisory board just for some info for himself. Tampering and changing town meeting articles is not the thing to do. Watch for the outcome of this bull---thanks.
PS some people call it mudslinging, but most of us taxpayers and the atty general call it - get the truth out to the voters.


  1. At one meeting that Mr. Heaney actually attended, he was overheard saying to those around him "this is no way to run a meeting," and he continued to say how he conducts monthly meetings of another organization. This just proves that it's not job performance that these "Team Columbus" supporters value, rather, it's their "dear friendships" and alliances.

  2. Good going Pauly I am appauled that the articles were set up to set up the people. Columbus, Skelton and these attorney's have clearly had personal interest, some articles are automatically voting for the 2.5. I am so tired of their crap. I am voting NO across the board, I don't trust any of them. Which will hurt the town. I can only pray to MY HIGHER POWER the Julie sits on the board on the 7th. Would Mr. Matson have said anything if these articles were infront of him as he sits alone. It's a shame that the articles would be this. SHAME ON THEM.

  3. It might be wise to have the town meeting as scheduled and pass over articles 31 and 34. Vote on article 30 - to see if the town will vote to rescind the vote about ambulance receipts from Nov 7th STM which passed unanimously. Once that vote is taken a budget can be presented at a future town meeting. Continue on with town meeting and vote on the enterprise budgets and other items.

    Then, have the BOS schedule a different Town meeting so the articles can be worded correctly and a proper warrant can be posted and a budget based on real numbers NOT assumptions can be constructed. At this point, I don't think there is any way a substitute motion can correct the material defects in the way these warrant articles are worded.

    An article could be added to this future town meeting, to address how to pay back the $1.9 million short-term loan which is scheduled to be paid back in November. Apparently, this small detail slipped the current BOS chairman's mind.

    Julie Farrell

  4. the fire dept guys are not happy what was done to there articles !!!!

  5. I was at the BOS meeting when it was voted NOT to take the fire and ambulance funds, this article was written in total disregard to what the taxpayers and the BOS voted on, this does not seem legal to me. Mike - i'm sure the fire department is really angry about this and they should be.

    1. I can not believe what they have done. I think Julie is right. I can see no way we can fix these articles on the town meeting floor. I was surprised the guys from the fire dept, did not say more over the appointment of the new fire chief. It gets to a point you have to sleep with your eyes wide open, and they still can find a way to pull some crap.

  6. a Bigger problem is the new interim Fire Chief is a BIG fan of J. Skelton and Columbus. Not in a good postion with over $200,000 at stake from the ambulance funds.

    1. Lets pray after May 7, we do not have to deal with that issue. If what has happened with this town meeting warrent, it is clear out town coordinator is not fit for the job.

  7. We need to stay on top of all these meetings regardless of the outcome of this election. I hope I win. If I do win, that does not change the wording of these articles or the budget based on fantasy figures. When did the current BOS vote that ambulance services are not essential services for our townspeople? In the budget discussed on Friday night, line item 145 Fire dept./EMS requested $175,000 Selectmen's "balanced budget" $20,000 Override column is $175,000. How does the BOS propose to protect the townspeople with a shortfall of $155,000 in the EMS account? When did this discussion take place? Who was present? Did the discussion take place at a publicly posted meeting? Is this why Scott Sawyer has resigned effective June 30th? Who made this decision? When was this decision made?

    Stay alert and follow the money.

    Julie Farrell

    1. JULIE so after a few months and the 20k is gone what happens then?

      i do believe under state law if you have a ambulance you cannot go backwards if you do not want to pay for your own you have to have a contract with a outside vender to keep the same type of service
      these people are playing with life and death seconds count !!!

  8. i can not believe what is said in the gn today !!clumbass and heaney have there heads up gs posterior saying that all the problems is you people are causing all the problems in town
    who is in charge of 252 bald rd 600k GONE!!
    who is having people escorted out of meetings by the gestapo
    for asking questions
    who has been playing games with the town meeting warrant
    who has given 14k to quit a job and is a direct violation
    of town bylaws
    who has hired a dear friend a direct violation of ethics
    who has fired a town coordinator and lawyers just before
    there term ends
    I KNOW WHO!!!

    1. What's up with this heany fella. Rumor has it he was following GS around like a puppy dog who had pissed on the carpet at that recount for farrell and mitchell. You got nothing to lower your head for when in the presence of that guy bernie. A marine should check his masters credentials before becoming a follower.

  9. "SIX cops at the meeting
    Per order of BOB
    King of Selectmen
    He's trying to rob
    The citizens of rights
    He's made it his job.

    He gets his ideas
    From the has-been-in-charge
    The guy selling berries
    Whose pension is large.

    Bob's got some supporters
    There's Scrappy, for sure
    And reliable Ginny,
    With intention so "pure"!

    With escorts by cops
    To their cars, off they run
    They peel out and speed off
    From the cops, nothing done.

    Destination reached,
    They make their reports
    Ginny: "I Motioned"
    Scrappy: "I seconded"
    Bob: "I ejected"
    They say.
    The Great Man just smiles
    And then doth he say:

    "You've done well, my Good Servants,
    You'll have breakfast and Lunch
    At the Turtle on ME.
    You'll be rewarded
    Just wait and see"

    Scrappy smiles,
    Ginny swoons,
    Bobby scowls, then he says
    "I'm concerned 'bout the papers -
    how long will they hold?
    How long for our secrets
    How long still untold?"

    The has-been scowls too,
    Has reason to worry,
    A Loan application, signed by King Gerry.

    But then a thought flashes,
    He grins ear to ear,
    He calls Lenny's number,
    And sure enough, Lenny's there!
    He gives the instructions,
    While his lackeys await
    And finishes with this:

    When told by the Counsel
    "We'll just take the fifth"
    He happily answers
    Of course! And "Forthwith!""

    -- Posted by Templeton First on Sunday May 6, 2012 at 3:50 PM
