Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hey anonymous-which one?

In my opinion, of anonymous on 5/ 22/2012 11:20 AM. It has already been set in stone that we are doing a recall on Wilder and Mullins. We have the proof on paper so we don't have to go to the nursing homes or the hospitals to get signatures. We will hand out a pamphlet explaining why we want a recall on Wilder and Mullins. And it won't be hearsay, it will be on paper-get it-on paper. For a voter or taxpayer to read over and over again, before signing the recall sheets that we already have printed up and will be checked and recorded with the town clerk. All the signatures will be legible and addresses will be clear. And no, yes I said-no, six signatures and addresses by the same hand writing will be allowed. Please don't ask me why? I paid for copies of all the recall sheets,
certified by the registrars, and I PHC SR have a lot of doubts about those recall sheets and the signatures. Many-many doubts, and this statement is my opinion. I spent days and days on those recall petitions and I have things documented. So bring on the "where is your proof" recall group 2011. And you will receive your proof-maybe. I want Mullins and Wilder to suffer just like Julie and Bob Mitchell did, I will not say and suffer the embarrassment Julie and Bob suffered, because no man on earth can embarrass Mullins and Wilder. I have tried many times, but now I just brush it off as "just one of those things here in Templeton". And they don't even seem to be embarrassed by their own actions(scrap metal issues in Winchendon, running to Camp Skelton every night after town meetings and selectmen's meetings, bullying and harassing Jeff Ritter etc etc). My "intent” is to dress up my recall petitions, nicely. I have a perfect "sample" to guide me. Guess what my "sample" is? Hee hee hee, only the signatures will be changed to identify the registered voters names and addresses in precinct A-B-C-get it? and our appointed checkers won’t have to struggle to verify those signatures as in the recall of 2011 of Mitchell and Julie. Is it true that me and our town clerk have the only copies of those recall petitions both for Julie and the recall petitions for Bob Mitchell? Is that the truth, or is the truth out there, or is it all bull---T? Does the Phantom know who will win? Is my old saying still good? Ya- know 12 of 15 people against 4500 taxpayers must be still in operation right?
A friend just called to inform me of some resignations in Templeton. I said that's old news, I heard it this morning. The selectmen's meetings are still as messed up as usual, in my opinion Chris Stewart should swap places with Nancy Paradise and maybe things will smooth off, it's getting better, no cops, no guns, no big sticks except the one Bumpsy he uses to steady himself. And keep some members of the board of selectmen on edge. Why would Bumpsy use that walking stick for any other reason? With all the nice honorable people on the board of selectmen of course these are all my opinions and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, yeah right. The bull---that is still being pulled on us taxpayers, just is not fair. Chris, always picking on poor Pete and tells us taxpayers to quiet down and then tells us taxpayers to slow down, but must hurry up. Hoo-boy, which is it Chris? I know if I were making 100 bucks an average hour I would not hurry that is until July 1, then the board of selectmen meeting is going to go as follows. Okay taxpayers lets say the pledge and get out of here because we as in board of selectmen are not elected officials anymore, we are volunteers get it? Like the con com, "volunteers" to quote Virginia Wilder, we work hard and deserve that $5000 a year, it looks to me, that three members are on the board of selectmen and two members are running a railroad, is that true Pete K? As far as tonight's(Wednesday’s) agenda goes whoever wrote that agenda must be mad at the budget, that took a lot of things out, so the one writing the agenda left a lot of things out, to even the score I guess! Speaking of scores, it's always been three against two, what happened, did someone want to win and change the score? Hoo-boy when can I PHC SR sit at one of these meetings and not be told to shut up? Well tonight it was Sue Byrne who told me to shut up, guess what, she had to ride home in the back of my pickup truck. I bet she will not tell me to shut up again, oh she's going to take her own car.

Thanks for reading


  1. Don't think gettin up a posse and hangin the wrong people like the Ox bow bunch did is good for the healin in town. Facts are a good thing to go by and we need to see all of them before movin forward. Hope Tex Ritter returns and brings some of that professional stuff with him. What happened to Mitchell and Farrell at the hands of Let the People Speak was shameful. Gosh even I felt bad for the two of em.

  2. Follow up to what was done wrong, legal bill for April is in and it is for $4,289.47, which includes $411.97 for toll calls, on-line research, special postage, express mail boxes of files from town hall, that is a very questionable call and it needs to be addressed. If that is reference to town legal files, why is Len Kopelman charging the town to obtain the files he went after, as in accepting the change back to town council? Are we suppose to pay for len kopelman to come get files that belong to the town in the first place? Is this the handling of town finance that the columbus group, Templton1st talks about. You can not make this stuff up. and reproduction of documents. Some interesting items on page 3, $115.50 for 2 telephone conferences with opposing counsel and to telephone conferences with chair columbus to edit settlement agreement. $33.00 to review e-mail from chairman of selectboard / status of negotiations, for what, Jeff Ritter to resign? $33.00 Wait, there are two charges for same day and same amount, double billing perhaps 4/9/2012, .70 hours at $115.50 attorney initials DCJ (David Jenkins) 2 phone conference w/opposing counsel & 2 phone calls w/chair of BOS to edit settlement agreement then 4/9/2012 DCJ .70 hours @ $115.00 numerous calls w/opposing counsel & chair - resolution of the case, talk about milking the taxpayers. $33.00 to impplement settlement agreement and $99.00 for multi phone conferences for implementation of settlement agreement. Sure alot of charges for something that the chair said was not a settlement agreement which should be covered by town by-law involving more than $1000.00. Violation of town by-law by a majority of board of selectmen, columbu, mullins and wilder, can you say RECALL? A total of $49.50 to speak with Peter Montgomery, the attorney from the firm that town insurance chose to initially represent the town and 3 selectmen against the complaint filed agaist said parties by carol skelton, the very personcolumbus, wilder & mullins tried so hard to get more money for to keep her working for town while spending money w/K&P to split the response of the town and 3 selectmen, which in the view of myself and attorney, favors carol skelton. What a setup, file suit against town, have town counsel paid for by taxpayers, go about the task of splitting response of town. Talk about a crooked game, in my opinion of course. What is not talked about is who instigated this action, perhaps the town should demand town council come to a selectmen meeting and explain this action. Have Mr. Jenkins come before the taxpayers and answer some questions, say while we are interviewing for town council. $33.00 for conference w/bob columbus about employment of acting town coordinator, talk about a stacked house. See, this is why we as a town can not let this go just yet, too many questions need to be answered before we "move-on" I hope Rich Curtis reads this so when he comments on moving on, he understands why these questions need answering. Off to attorney general to see if chair violated town by-laws and what remedy is, jail perhaps and where was town council on this matter? Don't pay one dime on this bill until those things are settled.

  3. "nursing homes, hospitals for signatures"! Love it...How Reagan was created!

    1. Jeff is right. To move on is just fine and dandy, but if move on means sweep this crap under the rug and let these guys off the hook..I say no way!! They,meaning the Skelton crew and lawyers, are adults. They had a choice to make, do things right and legal, or dirty and illegal. The choice was made by them, and they need to answer to someone for it. One night Bumpsey said to me," havn't you ever made a mistake?" I said "sure I have , but I don't steal." I told him, "if you don't want to be called a thief, don't steal". People have choices, especially when you are a adult. Whats that saying, "If you play you pay."

    2. I'd like to see Ms. Wilder and Mr. Mullins off the BOS, however, I'm not sure this town needs another recall at this time.

    3. I say leave them on the board and let the townspeople continue to watch and see how stupid they really are; what liars and cheats. The longer they stay on the board the stupider they look and they have NO control any longer. Keep all eyes and ears open; continue to show an interest in town business and attnd all the meetings you can. Ask as many questions as it takes. Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett have made themselves very available to ALL townspeople(no restraining orders) and will find the answers if they do not have them. (Boob hung up on a taxpyer when the questions were to tough to answer!) What is the cost to the town for a recall? Is it worth it? I am one of many who would like to see them along with a few others chased out of town but they are still digging holes so we can bury them.

    4. I agree, let them make more fools of themselves than they already have. They are going to be shot down by their fiends (oops I mean "friends") anyway to serve the jail time so that will be good that we won't have to waste time & money on getting them out of office when they will already be in jail. Oh, and at least Boob hung up on that resident. I got yelled at over the phone by him. I thought wow, I don't let anybody in my household yell at me so, I think I will just let an elected official do it. Yeah, right, little man!! Adjusting hard hat but at least now, I don't have to think about wearing earplugs anyway. For the time being that is. LOL

  4. They're all at Echo Hill right now as of 6:30 - Columbus, O'Brien, Brehio, Heaney, the driveway is packed! God only knows what kind of damage they're plotting!

    1. Last night we weren't out of the town meeting for five minutes before Ms. W drove into the Skelton homestead. Wonder how that report went!

    2. i bet there having a meeting on who is going to take the fall for this mess do you think they will draw straws for it

    3. I went by Echo Farm on my way home from work tonight and there were a lot of cars in the parking lot. This was around 8:30 PM - I was wondering what was going on.

    4. American Idol is done, Maybe they are all meeting to see who to nominate for the New JACKASS tv show

    5. Probably talking about what the next move is. Steve Brehio caught in the sand pits with a gal from the Winchendon dunkin donuts, I got to start drinkin coffee and tracking little stevie with a camera. Grimley probably wants to know how he is going to keep a town job like he was promised.

  5. Shaun Grimley and ConCom Agent David Koonce are there too. Wow what a crowd - hmmm let me see a any smart people in that crowd - NO, just a bunch of people who have taken our money - and ruined this town - is S Brehios wife with him - now there's a state employee (courthouse) that dug in the old court records and distributed copies. I wonder if the Atty General would like to hear about that!

    1. OR, maybe little small man Stevie B. would like his wife to hear more about the little blonde he got caught with in the sandpits very recently, DD Girl???

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Before I go on, I want to apologize to anyone who may be offended by my statement. I do not think moving on means sweeping anything under the rug, but, I do think we need to pick our battles. The unethical act of "going to nursing homes to get votes" has been spoken about many times recently. We all know this is wrong and I believe VW is well aware that everybody knows about it. If this is something we can prove and take action with the ethics commission or attorny general office, etc., then let's go ahead and do it. Talking about it just adds fuel to the fire, and doesn't help the cause we are fighting for.

    My feeling is that we have taken a great leap in the right direction with common sense and integrity. Let's not fall to the level of those who put the town under duress to get what they wanted. The people, armed with the knowledge they have learned from this blog, HAVE spoken loud and clear. The town's vote for the articles and the budget speak for itself. I surely do not mean to stop keeping our finger on the pulse of the wrongdoings, but, I do mean to use our power in a strategic way and not a way that "incites" a nonsense reaction. My humble opinion.

  7. Well check, I don't want to have a "fire" just to have one, but some of these things are bad enough that they need to be addressed, getting signatures from a nursing home will only help with the recall, it is not illegal unless one can prove the person did not know what they were doing. The real pressure comes from Winchendon and Templeton, in what is provable and I have enough, I believe. When you are billed for work on a settlement agreement and a paper is signed that says settlement agreement on it and you have a town by law on settlements, I do not see the argument that $14,000.00 was not a settlement. When there is a document or documents signed by the chair and there is no record of a vote to allow him to do that, well that is not a possible wrong doing. The concervation was paid outside his grade and it is on paper from an attorney paid for by taxpayers, this shows that the personnel policy needs work and it shows the need for the people to keep an eye on "us" as in the board of selectmen. If we are not going to follow our own by-laws, approved by the attorney general and the AG is not going to do anything about it, then why have them? They would be shown to be absolutely worthless. It was shown the other night when the select board began to talk about town coordinator and some people became outspoken and yelling before they even heard what was to be talked about. In the end, those people seemed happy about the direction we were trying to go in, which proves your point Check, don't go off the reservation just because some immoral, dirty tricks were done. Make it known, remember them and yes, move on, go after what is provable, illegal and action can be taken on. We can not go on screaming about every little thing that was done wrong for ever, we do need to get working on the future and that will involve working together. Ya toss out the rotten apples, not the whole bag. Sometimes ya just cut out the bad part and keep the rest. So check, you and I agree in principle.

  8. what gets me is why would cs want to do that job after getting fired you are not wanted and at her age just retire and enjoy life gs has a good retirement they dont need the money ..i dont get it why the push to be TC may be she knows where we put them wireless spy cameras last week lmao!!

  9. Thankyou Jeff, and keep up the good work. I am definitly on the same page and not challenging you and the research you are doing for us. We DO need to know this. Just think how long it has been going on. (a few million $$$$$$ ago)

    I love the spy camera info. Maybe they are planning a barbie....going away party. Ya think? Or, a "ReGroup and Attack" strategy. I think we will be ready this time.

  10. Personally I think it is a combination of things, something that someone does not want brought out and also so many deals made that unless they are in power, they cannot pay off. Looking over some of gerald skelton's work, he is smart and very organized, so they are up to something cause so much is coming their way, that is they only thing left, defense is over, time for attack so be ready

    1. Yes Jeff you are right, I suggest, too, that we all try to be ready for them because I believe this is way bigger than anyone really knows here except the players themselves (who most likely are reading every word we say)! This is my opinion & I have had this same opinion about as long as Pauly has, at least 9 maybe 10 years but nobody was ready to listen to what I had to say back then. I know Pauly's frustration trying to get justice because at that time anyone I mentioned my thoughts to about them being unethical, it was tossed aside as just my opinion. Yes, it was & now others are beginning to see what I was saying & also viewing them for what they really are. Not until recently were there enough people affected by the bad decisions that GS & gang made to really make it apparent what these unethical people are capable of. I know first hand only some of what they are capable of in the dirty ways they will play to get what they want. I have also seen (& felt) what Nasty things they will resort to to get you Out of their way if they think you are impeding them in their quest for "more". Just because GS & CS have not been seen at meetings recently does not mean they are out of the picture. They may be running a bit scared but don't underestimate the vindictive, angry, entitlement character of this "regime" or their Connections. Again, in my opinion, they are not only arrogant & greedy but mean spirited people who think they are more deserving then the rest of us in town. Why else would you do the stuff they have been doing for so many years without regard for the well-being of the town at large? They have done everything for themselves & do not care who they hurt to get it!! Isn't that right Mr. Ritter, Julie, Bob Mitchell, Atty Graves, Tammy Coller, etc, etc!! They will surely throw the people who think they are their friends under the bus if they think it will exonerate them from any wrongdoing. They are well oiled, well- heeled, well connected & I believe they are linked to some pretty BIG unsavory characters who are telling them what to do. I believe, there are people we have not seen who are behind the scenes telling GS what to do. Even though GS is surely a Big player in all this, I don't think he is the main "kingpin"? I don't know for certain who else is involved but I have my guesses of just some. I was threatened in the past (in obvious ways & some not so obvious) & for the bold reasons they came after me it just didn't make sense. And because it seemed like I was a lone warrior at the time, they gave me a warning not to pursue the avenue I was going down. Pauly knows this feeling. I can tell you that I agree with the people who say we need to move on but I more Strongly agree with Pauly that not before or not without them being held responsible for their actions that have so adversely affected this town. One major reason why so much collusion & corruption continues to flourish everywhere is because all too often no one is held accountable for their actions. This is not revenge but JUSTICE! Bdg13, I have my peace but justice can be had if we do it the right way. I believe we are doing this the right way! All my thoughts & opinions expressed here. More to follow!

    2. Is Cassella Waste the puppeteer? Now those are the BIG boys.

  11. Best offense is a good defense. Batten down the hatches!

  12. according to the american public power association, the median Payment in Lieu of Taxes or PILOT in the Northeast is 4.3% of electric operating revenues. According the annual town report of 2011 on page 53, the total electric operating revenues were $7,876,343.00. (net, as in after expenses if I remember my high school accounting correctly) so if you take a round number of 4% of that $7,876,343.00, ya should come up with $315,053.72 (that is what my calculator says) someone please check my math. So that $100,000.00 from Templeton light seems a little light if one goes by the american public power fomulars and charts. The national average is 5% so I think Templeton light should be writing another check for Templeton for about $150,000.00 in addition to the 100 grand they voted for town meeting. Taxpayers may need to attend meeting of Templeton light & water commissioners and ask some questions. I think they are first tuesday of each month.

    1. Templeton Light Company still belongs to the town, not the gang who thinks they own it. I don't care if it is an Enterprise or Pilot Fund, that was okayed to be established to help with town expenses. It was not to be used as someone's personal bank account. Unfortunately, it appears that the latter has proven to be true. Yes, it is time for them to fork over the rest of "OUR" money to help with town expenses especially since most of the trouble we are in is because of someone from there. My opinion, as always! " The Truth is Out there" & the truth will set you free!! Julie Farrell has said this for years & they get worried every time she finds something else toward that goal. There is way more to come. This is just the beginning & we do have to Batten down the hatches as she suggests! They will not go away without a fight!

    2. I did not want to be seen as a hog so I did not suggest the entire 315 grand, sort of give them time to get use to being held accountable, do not want em to go into shock over there

    3. As a newly elected commissioner (if we can't attend the meetings)perhaps Chris Stewart could ask some questions for us. I know Julie would be(and still might be!) asking the right questions had she been elected to the position.

  13. Remember to ask politely or you risk being labeled a "nimrod".

    1. Like I told Bart., the final act is not over with these guys. They can cry, moan and groan, but if we had the money that was frittered away, some of these people would have jobs. People would not be cut, and if they acted with the best interest of the town first, we would not be in the mess we are in now. I told you what I had read. They say,[money experts] that what we are earning today is equal to what we made in the 70's. Because of inflation our money is not buying us what we need. The money the light & water co. pay us is not enough, it is not equal to what they gave us in the seventies. Do you guys understand what I'm saying? Jeff is right, they need to come across with more. Bev.

    2. That is because they don't want anybody to question the possibly "underhanded" things they have been doing. We let one person have too much "power" (pun intended, LOL) over there! Julie, I wish there were more nimrods (Nice Informed Model Resident on Duty) like you, then we wouldn't be trying to get out of the trouble they put us in. Thanks for all you have done & continue to do. If I wasn't where I am at this point in my life, I would be honored to serve along side you & Jeff B. Thanks again for representing those of us who can't be in attendance all the time. You are appreciated more than you know!!

  14. Looking over the last 10 years or so,guess the have built up the 1.6 million certified free cash on our backs!Look at your bill and see the charge for being a customer $4.00?
    WTF is that te way the light dept gets the extra $$. I think the light dept has a big bill to pay off sooner than later so the town has a stabilization acct not the light dept! 1 million will do!
    anyone second that? 100,000.00 per year 10 years = 1,000,000.00 thanks, customers

  15. i have a question how do the tax payers pay back that money that was used out of that 1.9 we just send the bill to GS since he applied for the loan with out a selectman vote ?

  16. Does the town have the 252 folder yet? Would this folder be empty? Are keys turned in? Maybe the light dept needs a building to store transformers and other items in We could get them to purchase it for say a cool 1 million of OUR money?

    1. Oh no, they won't store them or anything there, they just take Street lights down & whatever else they can confiscate & sell them to add to the "kitty" fund. For the newer residents that were not here a few years ago, Yes, they went around town shutting off people's lights, taking them down & selling them off for extra money? with a surplus sitting in their (NO, OUR) coffers? As you say H5, WTF, who the H--L does this being think he is? My goodness, how can you be so arrogant & so so greedy as to think it is all for you & not care about the safety of the residents in this town who elected you to guard over our best interests (not his), were nice enough to give him such a Super cushy job & retirement with all the perks & then go stick it to everybody here except the few & I mean very few cronies they have. Hush money works. There are people who have a lot more knowledge of what is happening "underground" but have been given what I term (my opinion) is the hush money to be quiet about all that they know. Believe me, when we get all the rest of the evidence we need to nail them & it is piling up daily, they will pin it all on their little puppets, right Pauly! Mark my words, VW, BC, Scrappy, & anyone else they have taken "under their wing", they have set you up to take the fall. They are quite savvy to have gotten this far without being caught so I think it is going to be interesting to see who they have "picked" to be their "chosen ones" to go down for the count. The show should be quite a ride & possibly be in line for an "Oscar". I bet all the "private meetings" are getting hotter by the minute. Hard hat & body armor still in place. All my opinions here.

  17. i think we need to turn it into a gentleman's club

    grimly needs a job as a bouncer and Columbus can arrange the entertainment lmao!!

  18. Oh, I believe this gang has already tried to okay a "gentleman's club" in a different location complete with, well you know. LOL. I am telling ys, this is some gang! I think the ties run very deep. So deep that the pit is dark! Have to always preface or end my blogs that all I say is just my opinion.

  19. Reading some of these comments puts a reminder of a meeting I attended over a year ago. It was a meeting concerning the completion of the Back Bay Project and a few other interests that concerned citizens had. A question came up, I don't exactly remember what it was, about Senior Center. The answer I do remember. The gentleman conducting the meeting asked what Mr. Songer would think about it and Mr Grimley replied "we just won't tell him". My opinion of him was formed at this time.
