Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Last night of town meeting - wow hoo!!!

What was with Ms Wilder making a substitute motion on the Citizen's petition for the  Pajari money/Gilman Waite article.  and Mr Scrapman 2nding it.  We all didn't think fast enough - we should have asked VW to explain her substitute motion and asked Mr Mullins why he felt it necessary to 2nd it.  I hope all the pro recall people were watching.If I were  them - I'd be writing letters of apology to Julie and Bob M. - Pretty sad when selectmen (VW & PM) are more "intent" on screwing with Julie and the Citizen's petitions than  supporting an article for the kids. They should be ashamed of themselves.  So everybody, listen up an pay attention (as  Pauly would say)- we have two selectmen elected in January 2012 that have proven that they do not work for the taxpayers or the residents of our town - they only care about their own agendas. (K &P -Getting rid of mr Ritter - bringing back CS, to screw with the articles - Going after Julie - ) Oh yeah - and guess where VW made a beeline to after the meeting ------------ Echo Hill!!!!!!!

I hope every parent out there hears about this!!! So the next time you all see Virginia Wilder or Pat Mullins please tell them you are ashamed of them and ask them to resign - tell them we don't need them on the board.  Forthwith! they are not working for us and they tried to take from the children!!

Hope Mr Pajari comes back and haunts them!

Anonymous #9

Ps thanks Pauly for posting this.


  1. What did Wilder want to do with the Pajari money?, and what was the final outcome of that vote. I missed last nights meeting, is there a place to see how each article went?

  2. Wilder made an amendment to the motion to take 75k from the Pajari Fund for the Gilman Waite project and the remaining 75k to go into the Towns Emergency fund. Scrapit second that motion 2000th of a second after she read it.
    Just maybe the two of them still thinks funding C.S. salery account is an emergency. Just my opinion of course.

  3. I do not think VW or Scrappy are smart enough to realize that the people of Templeton have NO respect for either one of them. At least LTPS were smart enough to remove their facebook page and drop off the face of the earth after the people spoke. If they truely cared about our town they would resign so as to save the town money to be spent on a recall.

  4. She probably knows what the April bill is going to be for K&P...he he he

    There was also a second amendment proposed to use the money not only at Gilman Waite but to repair the skate park and other parks in town. While there was good intension with that amendment, it was defeated. (We really should look into raising some funds to cover those costs separately because it is a good thing to support.) But with the Pajari money, everyone prefers to finish Gilman Waite in order to have one rec area not only fully completed but also for it to include handicapped accessible elements in the playground--a wonderful feature the community should be very proud of. Right now, our community needs a positive lift and a project void of any political BS. Gilman Waite will benefit the entire community, not just the kids. With restrooms, concession stand, walking path, playground, tennis courts, ball fields, etc. it will be a wonderful place to hold future community events as well as regional sporting events. People from out of town have already complimented the complex and its not even done yet! Alan Mayo and numerous others have put so much energy into seeing this project to completion. Their efforts are very much appreciated. Its people like them and projects like this that is the "real" Templeton--why this is a good place to live. Get the hint, Ginny and stop with your nonsense!

    1. I appreciate Alan wanting to get Gilman Waite done, but it is a he-- of a long away from Templeton Common, or East Templeton. How are the kids going to get there if there is no one to give them a ride. Templeton's skate park [using that term loosely] always has alot of kids there. We need to see if we can get some work done there down the road. Bev

    2. Bev-Maybe C4T can do a fundraiser for the skate park. It didn't sound like it would take too much $$ to seal coat. It sounds possible.

    3. one advantage of finishing gilman waite and having handicap play ground, which ever side of the fence you are on with that issue, it is worth note that having that completed and with those issues included, seed money for future improvement to other facilities could become available in grants and other avenues because Templeton would have one completed facility with handicap access. I believe this could be used as leverage for grants and over other communities because look here mr. state or mr. fed, Templeton has already demonstrated we are leading the way because we have the first complete facility with handicap access on the fields so everyone can participate as much as possible. In my mind, that is a big bargaining chip.

  5. It's amazing just how out of touch Ginny and Scrappy are with most of their constituents. A wise man said last night that it's impossible to embarrass these two, and he was right! Ginny just sits there shaking her head while Scrappy blows bubbles with his gum. I don't know how they can sit on stage in front of the town, be unanimously defeated on several motions, and still think that their way is the best way for the town. Self awareness is important, but it's clear that these two are either two stupid or too stubborn to face the facts. Can't wait for Ritter to return!

    1. Narcissim. Plain and simple(as in th minds of the aforementioned). Resign you two bird brains FORTHWITH.

  6. There seems to be a "CULT" that has been growing at Echo Hill. Just look at the way Scrapit and Ginny behave - they do everything that CS & JS tell them to do - with no regard for the consequences to themselves. It's sad to be taken in by such a crew! Templeton IS a good place to live. So Ginny "get the hing" stop trying to ruin our good town and residents. There is always the option to leave.

  7. Replies
    1. Another expense to the town but a good investment. To bad they wouldn't just listen to the people they fought(lied) to allow to speak and hear them asking for them to resign FORTHWITH.

    2. Movin on makes a good point. Town meeting should be recorded like selectmen meetings so everyone in town can hear the arguments for and against each article. Almost everything Phil Leger and Myron Allukian said concerning fluoride can be refuted in the book "The Case Against Fluoride" by Connett,Micklem, and Beck. Myron knows no one has time to check his facts and Phil most likely never knew the facts in the first place. By recording the debate on town meeting floor obnoxious people like me can go over the article and point out to people who have neither the time or inclination the facts. It is these facts that are needed to make an informed opinion.

  8. Hi, Olive, here. Lets see if this posts correctly...It took 4 nights of town meeting plus two advisory board meetings and one joint advisory board/BOS meeting to fix the mistakes that the Skelton/Wilder/Columbus/Mullins crew have made to the warrant articles and F13 budget. It will take many more meetings to fix the wrong doings they have executed over the past 4+ months. One has to look at the total amount of money this bunch has cost this town, nevermind the mental distress to everyone. Their wrong doings and selfish intensions have been exposed (and I'm sure far more to come). The majority of the town will never support them or their actions ever again. Its time for them to throw in the towel and move on. The damage is done and we're not going to entertain any more bullying, lying, harrassment, stealing and self serving actions anymore. If they have any sense left, they need to resign ASAP as in today and leave us alone. Its over. WE DON"T WANT YOU. And if they cannot understand that by seeing the election results as well as the town meeting results then maybe they listened to Mr. Bergeron's wise words at the end of the meeting. "You don't learn anything by listening only to yourself"

    If you are to participate in local government, you have to learn to listen very carefully to the people you work for. This is a collective corporation. EVERYONE has a right to participate and a right to be heard and a right to be respected. Wilder and Mullins bring nothing to the table of any value. Mullins does not think for himself. Wilder has a temper that is possibly worse than Columbus'. Its possible they could learn to change their ways before they are booted in August? Yes, of course its possible. But that move last night to manipulate the Pajari money shows they are still playing the same tune. So, please Wilder and us all wasted time and energy and resign...FORTHWITH!

  9. On a good note, after checking with AG office, Dept of revenue and the attorney from K&P who was in on the "resignation" of Jeff Ritter, stated to me yesterday that there is nothing in that settlement agreement that would prevent Mr. Ritter from coming back to Templeton, or the selectmen from voting to ask him to come back. Something financially has to be worked out to have him back this year and certainly an offer of at least one year appointment, 3 would be better but that is the next step, officially present an offer and work out details and see what Mr. Ritter's answer will be. Probably expect push back from somewhere or someone because we have not buried the echohill gang deep enough yet, but I am working on it. Templeton taxpayers, never quit, never stop asking your questions, the answers will come, just not as quiclkly as you may want but there are people who are trying to get them answered. Sometimes when you sit where I sit, at the selectmen table, you get to see some things that the general public does not get to see, trust me on this one, wilder and mullins are not looking out for the town, as in the taxpayers. One day soon, you will be able to read this on paper, just not yet.

    1. Thanks for the good news...there is light on the horizon! Thank you Jeff for your good work. Info sharing is never a bad thing. I hope and pray Mr. Ritter will not hold the actions of a few stupids against the whole town. We really respect him and would love if he would give us a second chance.

    2. At the selectmen's meeting VW started hinting that Jeff Ritter hadn't done a good job - she claimed he sent her an apology card - Well Ginny, you and Carol S and Kate Fulton and Dennis O'Brien have been making statements that Mr Ritter didn't know what he was doing. Well the man has more intelligence in his little finger than all of you put together, lol. And as far as the apology card - he sent it to you after he was blamed (unfairly)for the screw up of the posting of the warrant. - This shows what kind of integrity the man has. Something Ginny and Scrappy, Obrien, Skeltons etc don't have and never will. and for Scrappy and Obrien- in layman's language "integrity" means "honor". anonymous #9

    3. Jeff has alot of faith that the local paper would print the truth. In what life time ? I still think we should go and see Mrs. Bell. I only hope she does not agree with the work her staff does. I am hoping she is not aware of the truth?! Good luck with that. Bev

  10. Know that there is a document dated April 3, 2012 from NETCo, OPM for 252 town hall project. It is addressed to gerald skelton. Netco is/was looking for an additional $2500.00 for services done during the bidding process. The original contract called for $4500.00 for services in phase one. This was discussed at an open meeting of the muni bldg comminttee. This document was submitted and signed by David Lager. It is signed by Gerald Skelton on 4/5/2012, Scott Sawyer, town accountant on 4/11/2012 (as to availabily of funds only) nice note but since these bills have been coming out of the 1.9 million short term bond, what was the purpose of that note? Lastly our old friend, former chairman of the select board Bob Columbus on 4/5/2012. One problem is the select board did not vote on this, as in to have the chair sign it nor did we look over the contract or have the man come before the select board to justify this increase. The present board of selectmen will be discussing this and decide whether we should pay or not. I personally believe when you agree to do something for an amount of money, you stick to it, even if you under estimate how much it will cost or how long it takes, you use that as a learning tool for the next time you bid. Enough money wasted on this project, next time plan more, spend less and be way more open with taxpayers. If we have a plan and put it in front of the taxpayers honestly, I believe they will support it. When a committee wants to spend about $250.00 per square foot to rehab an old building and you can get a brand new shell for $144.00 per square foot I think that needs to be discussed. When the taxpayers feel they are being hoodwinked, nothing will pass and that is not a good thing either. We have to spend money to run the town and we have to spend money to maintain things, we just need to be smart and honest about it and taxpayers will support it.

  11. Bev, you always have such good ideas! Gilman Waite is nice but it's true that there are many who may not be able to get there. Time to get more of that money we have sitting at TLWD to help kids have more recreation areas, instead of sitting in front of video games, texting or being at the computer all day. This is a major contributing factor to the children's health at risk these days. Good suggestions, as usual, Bev.
