Tuesday, May 8, 2012

judgement Day 2012

in my opinion this day Monday, May 7, 2012 is truly a Judgment Day. I don't believe the Lions Club will go because of their ties with Columbus, if that be the case I feel sorry for the lion's club members that have to live with not honoring the creed. And a note to Tina from McGann family because you don't believe in taking advice from your lawyer either, what Julie and Bennett and Mitchell made judgment to, in other words-fire Carol Skelton was approved by the town lawyers and Carol's lawyer -see e-mail. I guess you-Tina, did not get the other side of the story

and there was no DVD. I blogged a copy of the obituary of common sense did you happen to read it? I PHC Sr made a request on paper, get it on paper, to the chairman of the board of selectmen at the time about the distrust I had a Carol and recommended to him and Dennis O'Brien to fire Carol a year earlier and handed the request in hand to Chairman Dennis O'Brien. Because as I stated in that letter my distrust for Carol. I also mailed a copy of the letter to all five members of the boards of selectmen to their homes via the Templeton post office. The chain of command says i should have gone thru the Town Coordinator, ya right! I did just that many many times and I say not even one,  of about 25 complaints were answered. I have the time stamped copies and lot of other copies of wrongdoing in Templeton. And Tina, I posted a letter like this letter months ago I guess you didn't get that one or you weren't concerned then. Like I said to Jay, get the true story not a "boogie man story". I will wait your comments on the blog. And Tina i am not mad at you I just want you to know the truth about Carol. Thanks. Bad influence got Carol in a lot of trouble? Ask the people that no longer have to worry about theirjobs, Tammy Sue Adams Scott Sawyer,  Jeff Ritter, the 90 day survivor of the town hall conspiracy, I could go on forever but I only have 10,000 sheets of paper left so I must be conservative so I can pay my taxes well time to go vote 11 AM.

Well people I got stalled again to vote. I got a call asking why I posted a reply about Stevie in the hot up to start with I don't know how to use a computer "smart huh" but now that someone mentioned a hot tub and Stevie I'm going to check it out, hee-hee-hee. - Yup Yup, I found the tub and the Stevie. so what, I know about 10 Stevie and also a lot of people with hot tubs, is it getting interesting yet? But I guess if you are guilty of playing in the hot tub with little girl, dirty dirty 30 years or more. Now I know it isn't my nephew Stevie, because he is not kinky and I don't believe Steve from 666 Baldwinville Rd because Garnet would beat the sh—out of both of them, and it can’t be Stevie Wonder, because he has class. And it was not Steve Laprise because he was in the hot tub  with Rosella, Ho Boy Guess who it might be. So I'm going to ask "do is stupid" and find out exactly who this Stevie that has episodes with a girl is, okay?                                          Hey "do is stupid" can you give me a hint who the Stevie of the hot tub fame is. I won't tell anyone, I will stick with the recall Inc. group and keep it a secret, get it-secret. 

You must know it's election day and I have a lot of work to get my going to election wagon all spruced up to show off in front of all the Julie supporters and the few Columbus supporters get it the few. end of story thanks for reading my opinion.

This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was too busy driving my Mack up and down Baldwinville Rd – I will post pics later!!


  1. Forget the hot tub. This is not a political issue. We are not mud slinging. If someone has a legitimate problem, the police department is the place to go. We have taken the first step to solving the town's problems, now lets proceed with the process in a polite and orderly manner.

    1. Where do you all stand on the elementary school? Do you realize our classes are over populated, the building is filled with asbestos? The health and education of our children are at risk and many of you spend countless hours tracking the whereabouts of individuals and posting your personal awfulness. The time for small town farm politics has gone. This town has a multi million dollar budget and needs professional leadership. Stop your Hate and move on to what's important.

    2. I don't know about anyone else but I'd like to know about the hot tub. Has nothing to do with the town but interesting subject to get our minds of politics!

  2. Just in case people need extra reassurance that voting Columbus out was the right choice, here are a few examples of what occurred yesterday outside the polls:

    Several Julie supporters were harassed by the Columbus supporters as they walked by their camp throughout the day. There was no need to say those mean things but, as bullies, I guess they don't know any other way to act. (shameful that a sitting selectwoman would act that way to a female citizen). They also called the police on Pauly when he pulled his truck over for 90 seconds on the side of the road saying he was blocking traffic. Really? Police don't have anything more important to deal with than responding to useless Wildskelbus demands? They also gave the finger to people that drove by with Julie signs on their cars. Also, a car went by and a young lady climbed out of the window and screamed a very vulgar phrase full of obscene language directly at Julie.

    This is learned behavior from their parents and other adults and it is not right. Its a perfect example of why the bullying behavior that has festered for so long in our community needs to stop and it starts with the adults. We need to build our community into a more supportive and honest place. We need to set examples for our children and grandchildren by showing how to deal with conflict and heated issues through respectful discussion.

    I'm also hoping that Ms. Wilder will have to learn to communicate better in meetings now that she won't have free rein over the mic. Rudeness and bullying is wrong, Ginny, and I guess you have to learn the hard way. Lets hope you learn it quickly. "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I hope the Brehios, Skeletons, Columbuses, Wilders, Matsons, Mullins, and all the other families in this "camp" will learn this phrase and take it to heart. You can't treat people like crap and expect to be liked or respected. Your behavior is WRONG in all societies. Please learn your lesson and try to be kinder moving forward and contribute in a polite and considerate way.

    And Mr. O'Brien...think three times before you open your mouth from now on. You can't call a whole town "stupid" and think nothing will come from it. Us "Stupids" were smart enough to vote Julie back in and begin to clean up the mess that you and your playmates created. Please resign from the school building committee if you truly want a school built. Just enjoy your retirement. Work on your yard. Work on the Lions Club projects. Stay out of town politics.

    THANK YOU to everyone that helped re-elect Julie and voted for her. Its a step forward and everyone's efforts are very much appreciated. And Thank you to Julie for stepping up and taking the heat. She's been harassed, bullied and knocked around for long enough. She's a tough lady, but she needs as much support as ever to begin to fix the financial, legal and moral mess that has been handed to her.

  3. Let's get focused on our new Elementary School - enough with your Hate and mud slinging. Our children need a healthy, safe environment to learn. Do you realize we have 200+ children in a building everyday with asbestos? Overfilled classrooms? The health and education of our children is important. How can you help?

    1. Anonymous - have you not been paying attention? We are talking about waste in the town - waste like overpaying and wasting over $500,000 on a building for a new town hall when we need a school first - wasting over $500,000 on studies for land for the school over the past 2 years - for the money we wasted couldn't we have used J Brooks free land and bought land to preserve for open space and wetland replication?? Do you realize that people of all ages cannot afford their taxes - do you realize how many people have lost their homes here in Templeton - do you realize how many homeless children are in the Narragansett School system - do you realize home many families have doubled up? Mr Columbus and him "team" wasted $14,000 plus legal fees getting rid of Jeff Ritter. The town planner was putting in to get paid for twice the hours she was working, (over $20,000/year) Job created that are not needed - affordable housing coordinator (16,000/yr) $3000. for three desks over $5000. for an apprasal for a golf course (did we all forget that one Jerry S) etc. so maybe if all this waste stopped there would be money for a school. - just my opinion.one more thing - my son back in 1991 had chapter 1 reading class in the stairwell (no available space) at ET school - taught by Gladys Salame (Bev's dear friend)and he still went on to become a Marine!!!!

  4. STOP with the asbestos "card", that is a way overated abused excuse when people want something new. Learning should come from the Teachers, not a building. WHEN the town can afford a new school, then people will vote one in.

    1. Asbestos is only dangerous when it is frilable.{sp] If it is loose, in the air, if you breathe it in. Asbestos can be in putty on windows, in the glue under floor tiles, It can be used for siding. Yes, it can be dangerous, but not always. This is another government directive that costs a fortune to get rid of. Sorry, but if it was a direct danger the kids,they would not be allowed in there. We need to figure out how to pay off the loan Mr.JS recieved for 252 Bald. Rd. We need to figure out how to get things done, with out putting every one in the poor house. It is never a good thing to spend money you don't have. Some of the people who were in charge, have been doing that for a long time. I want everyone to attend town meeting. You will be able to speak, and have a say in your government. The only stupid people are the ones that think they are smarter than every one else. This is all my opinion.

    2. I'm confused anonymous! Are there two people here? Split personality? In three comments above from "anonymous", two are pointing out the danger of asbstos in the school, and one is saying "don't use the asbestos card " to get a new school. Please explain.

    3. Over crowded, asbestos, classes flooding, windows can't open, no temperature control, not up to state codes - everyone should be outraged! Education is the Number One Priority our town needs to support. We need tax revenue from commerical businesses to help the tax payors. We need progess - those trying to prevent it are the ones increasing the debt. The people will vote in the school NOW and take advantage of the state financial aide. The board will do its job and represent what we want: A NEW SCHOOL!

    4. A bit overdramatic? the building IS NOT what teaches our kids, If there was not so much waste in the administration and them more worried about their salaries than the kids education they would have maintained the schools they have. Yes we do need a new school, BUT, when we can afford it!

    5. I agree with Checkn000. Do we have a split here?? Anyway, I'll go for it. Yes, 1st Anonymous, a bit dramatic! The 2nd Anonymous is correct!!! The first one needs to do more research. Kids used to learn even better than today when they were in a one room schoolhouse with no amenities. It is Not the building but the time spent with good teachers that get our children the education they need. Too much administration & overspending on inflated salaries! No, We cannot afford a new school right now. People have got to stop being so Whiny & Spoiled. The self-entitlement has gotten us into most of our problems in Everything!! And that is my opinion. Great to see everyone else's. Because of all these "splits" we got a lot of work to do. This is an example of why Julie has her work cut out for her! Just the beginning of a long road ahead. Good luck & thank you Julie & all the others representing us who are concerned about righting this town. Happy 250th!!

  5. I am new to posting and I said don't worry about the false info you read about asbestos, I clicked on the anonymous tag which it looks like anybody can, so at least 2 maybe 3 people with same name. No Cybil here

  6. Okay, pretty dificult to respond in this situation. I would change my handle and get away from this argument anyway.

    1. Yes, I agree with you again!! Good point Checkn000, as always!

  7. I agree Anonymous! Education is not only important to the children but the growth and stability of the town. Directly relates to property values and the future of our community. Our teachers have done a wonderful job teaching in these conditions we need a new school.
    Vote YES for our Elementary School Project! Yes for education! Yes for individuals who need handicap access to the building! Yes for attracting new homeowners and businesses!

    1. You know guys, there is no point in a arguement. There are alot of needs, this is the problem. The police need a decent department, slow down and read what observor said at 5:39. We are in deep s--t, like it or not. Because of the poor management in the past ten years, we are broke. That means we have no free cash. The warrent for the town meeting is a disaster. It has been bent, folded and mulitated, so to speak.. Unless the good fairy comes with her fairy dust and turns our bills to be marked paid, looks like it is up to us to figure this out. So the way I see it, everyone is not going to get what they want. This is a reality. Bev

  8. Yes we need a school. Taking advantage of state money and free land seems like a no-brainer to me, but I honestly never looked at the expenses, taxes, budget.... I don't think many could argue against it, unless of course you have more pressing issues like survival and job loss, unless you can't afford to pay your mortgage, buy food and clothing; unless you're retired, and on a fixed income. You can't blame the elderly and less fortunates for feeling the way they do. Are you on a fixed income, or worse? We're a community that needs a support system. It comes down to sound management and fiscal responsibility. This is why its important to vote, and get involved. We don't need the quick fix, we need a real, long-term plan (that doesn't involve Casella Waste Management!) Majorities rule, even when they are ignorant and disinformed. Get involved, go to the meetings, join in the discussions yourself! You can't expect somebody else to fight for your rights while youre "dancing with the stars". Apparently, the Selectmen needed the desks more than your kids. Its time to wake up from our marketing stupors, if we can, and face facts, we're a dysfunctional town and we're broke! Lets improve the tainted system first so voices can be heard and the misappropriations can end. I have school age children right now, but we need to prioritize, and collectively do whats righteous and ethical, and not just when it impacts your own narrow personal interests.

  9. The town needs MONEY will the Templeton Mall project ever get completed? Do you know the story with that? Tku
