Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Farrell reclaims her seat on board

The Worcester Telegram says it all in the title !!!!!!! 950 - 633!!!!! anyone hear the official results for Dave B????


  1. The results are posted up on the town web site....Dave B won 854-568

  2. I got hopeful when I saw this headline:
    "Two men charged with stealing sewer grates"


    Wasn't there a "gag order" that is lifted May 8?

    1. I would like to know about that order being lifted, too.

  3. This is a great day for Templeton!! next step will be taken in August! maybe they will resign now....

  4. This is a new beginning. We need to try to go forward, and get good people in important positions. Last night I spoke to some guys who said they found it hard to speak out in public. You need to know your thoughts are important. You are doing a very good thing just by being there. Don't ever think someone will laugh at you. Just do your best, and it won't take long, and you will be more at ease. The town needs you guys to speak up. You can be a Harvard graduate, and not have a ounce of common sence.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd-SLRyuRq0&feature=player_embedded#!

    1. Anonymous,

      FANTASTIC YOUTUBE POST. Everyone should watch this. This gives meaning at the Federal level, the state level, and the town level. We are the collateral.
      Thanks Again.

  6. Congrats Julie, and welcome back where you should be,and may I say are truly much needed by us all!
