Monday, May 7, 2012

more waste of our tax dollars

It appears that the Building Dept just bought a Keurig coffee maker at $128 +-    paid for out of their office expense budget - the warrant was signed by certain selectmen (do they even look at what they sign) Is this why the building dept had to go to the Advisory board and ask for extra money out of the reserve account.


  1. unofficial results.. Julie won. Bob got spanked by the voters whoooo hoooo

  2. Guess I don't have to cry after all. So happy. Going to sleep really well tonight.

  3. Apparently voters want a democractically run board, they want to be listened to, they did not like a town employee being dismissed unfairly and they want their questions answered. They want elected officials they feel they can trust. They want to be heard and they spoke loudly today and I hope the message was heard. The recall folks did not come through so it is time to clean house and get back to doing the business of Templeton and not the business of a family or a law firm. Someone said in the gardner news that a second message needed to be sent and I think it was. bye bye.

    1. You know, they say " you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time." With no help of the Gardner News Julie won tonight. The people of Templeton also won. No more shady deals. It is not going to be easy to dig ourself out of the hole Mr.S and crew got us it. I ask that the People of Templeton be patient. It is not going to be easy, but we can find a way. Gee, I hope soneone cancelled the order for the MARBLE..Please!! HEE, HEE.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is awesome! Should be a blog entry of its own!!
