Sunday, May 20, 2012

Phase 2 of Zippity Doo Dah!

I just had to make four French toast, three glasses of bottled water, 2 heartburn pills a jug of ginger brandy just to quiet my nerves from last night special meeting, hoo boy! What a blast, now I have to remind some people to read the Gardner news today Saturday, May 19, 2012. To start with look at the info on town meetings, read very carefully, dates, times, etc. this is not the first time for the Gardner news, did someone put too much pot ink in the roller, LOL. Also, note the letter to the editor from Mrs. Gould, of Gardner.
I bet Mayor Hawke don't like the way Mrs. Gould says "it like it is". And to you Jerry Taft, I did not renew my subscription to the Gardner news. I am just taking advantage of what I paid for in advance, get it, contract, okay? And to Mike C the witness stand is going to be rebuilt when we get done with the Phantom and the others. Good answer or what?

Okay, enough planning ahead, let's get back to phase 3 of our town meeting. I tried to make a bet with Joe Boyd last night at the "special" selectmen/finance board meeting about what I thought might happen, Monday at the third town meeting. But Joe said "no bets" not even a handshake, on that issue. Joe said, too many secrets and too many unanswered questions still haven't been addressed. All bets are off, my bookie said he would like to get involved, but he has a previous appointment out of town. Get it, a previous appointment out of town? For a bookie? Pretty good,huh? Sounds like Columbus at candidates night at the Kameloht. And I can't take my mind off of your con com agent’s statements about himself as con com agent. And how bad he is needed in Templeton, wow!!! That agent’s position was created back in 2002 by the same people that are part of this big conspiracy in Templeton. Remember, I said the position "not" the person. Yes, I have it all on paper certified, get it, certified. And that position was "voted" get it "voted" to hire a consultant, not an agent, by a certain majority of the "then" and "now" board of con com-and yes I made complaints then in 2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-and I still have not gotten an answer from the "majority" 3 of our board of selectmen. I forgot to mention it is 7 AM Sunday and it's a beautiful day, Sue is going shopping and I'm going to ignore her two dogs this morning because I can't get my mind "and I have a good one" off this whole conspiracy, tampering, changing of our lives by a handful of parasites that are stealing, cheating, lying, altering, sneaking, (690 Patriots Rd incident 2:25 PM Saturday). What was a certain select person and the Phantom doing in our offices all alone on a Saturday afternoon? Are they the town's new janitors or did those involved not know "we" as citizens of Templeton "secretly" set up a temporary surveillance system to try to protect, yes protect, what's left of our town records and respects. If it's against the law or not we did it, and will accept any punishment the taxpayers want to give us for doing this responsible thing. And thanks to Mike C for the donation of the $1400 surveillance system "it works". I PHC Sr, did that sometime ago but it was on a much smaller scale. But it also worked very well for my personal information. And hey Mike C did you notice I say, don't call me a liar so many times. If a person tells the truth and can prove it on "paper" and DVD and some eyewitnesses do you think an honest person will tell him he is a liar? In my own opinion us taxpayers only have two honest and dedicated selectmen in Templeton, Friday nights meeting convinced me totally. I knew how two of these selectmen were going to vote just because of "collusion". But the breaking of the "tie" vote was totally unacceptable not only by me, PHC Sr. But by most of the people in the audience that knew the other "side of the story". Yes, I am ready for a slander suit, but I have on paper and on tape recording of the so-called agent, lying, cheating on town records, on mileage payments, cheating on phone use and cheating on his payroll sheets, hours worked, days worked. I had to do the investigation about the so-called con com agent, because our police department would not believe me PHC Sr "on paper", get it? On paper, that is why the present board of selectmen should recommend at town meeting Monday, May 21, 2012 to not and I say not, continue to support the conservation agent position. The "intent", hee hee hee, of this position back in 2002 was for consultant when needed "on call". Not a so-called 23 hour week agent with benefits-sick days, vacation days, personal days, insurance, mileage, personal use of our con com phone and our town owned computer that I, PHC Sr as a senior con com member was not allowed to have the password to check on the honesty of "your" con com agent. When I complained to Dennis O'Brien, as my witness, ask him? When I went to the town "coordinator" she told me Chairman Grimley was the boss, well you all know that story. So I went to the chief of police about this issue with the con com agents town owed computer. Guess what, chief Whitaker told me in layman's terms, it is not criminal. In my opinion, so if Chairman Grimley doesn't want you, PHC Sr to use "your", get it "my" con com town owned computer, I can't make Grimley allow you access. Pretty good, huh? It's 11 AM Sunday 5/20 and I got myself so pissed off on this issue, I yelled at Sue's dogs and I just took one of my heartburn pills. So I would have the "intent" to continue this letter. Soooo, can I ask an off the wall question? To all your voters, do you believe there has been a big, big, big conspiracy going on in Templeton for the past 10 years of what? Look at the condition of our town? Yes our town!! I would call it "my town" of Templeton, but if it was my "all alone" town someone would listen to me. I guarantee that statement, right "Columbus"? And another good point at town meeting, don't be rushed on voting, it's our money. Other words make sure all items are voted on - one by one-other words, don't let the powers to be stuff two or three items in one article-Note article # 31. am I right Mrs. Smith and especially Bumpsy Dennis? Mr. Dennis brought it to my total attention to this article. Now it is going to be voted one by one. Was this a sneaky move or "just one of those things"? And please attorney Kay Doyle, do not use those law school words. We are all layman here in Templeton and we know what "intent" means especially here in Templeton for the past 10 years. Am I right taxpayers, and voters? Soooo taxpayers, throw "out" the con com agent position, now---Templeton has many, many qualified, state certified, honest consultants close by-Chuck Caron in Westminister for one, to consider, only when needed and even Dr. Neil  Anderson. Get it, only when needed. And not a full-fledged marriage agreement, saving $40,000 a year. Now you voters can laugh out loud, hee hee. By the way, what is a conspiracy? A few people in Templeton can't find the word in the dictionary, how come? Also the word "nepotism" as in Carol, Virginia, Mullins.

 Well my heartburn is gone and Sue's dogs are quiet, so I think I will go "streaking" through my 4 acre field, hee, hee, hee. I hope no one will see me, I don't think I could stand all the attention, hee, hee,hee and "don't look, Ethel".

This is in my opinion, thanks for reading my opinions is a  nice Sunday 5/20/2012.


  1. My question about the $1400.00 "given" to con com member Jo Anne Burdin, were any receipts ever turned in? How many hours were these funds for because I have seen 100 hours at $14.00 per hour and I have seen 221 hours. I do know it was in the gardner news about how many hours and how much the individual was asking for. That is a good starting point to demonstrate to anyone that things in Templeton have not been done right for a long long time and these need to be revisited if for no other reason that towns people know what was done by who and when and what was involved so it never happens again. To me, that is a reason for an individual to not be reappointed to the con com, just like shaun grimley asking for a legal opinion to see if the con com could keep Paul Cosentino sr out of a meeting of the con com, which Paul is a member. Carol skelton actually passed that onto to K&P. Of course that could not be done. That alone is reason enough for shaun not be allowed to serve on the con com but a reason why he should not be affordable housing coordinator. if shaun would do that to a member of the con com, what else would shaun do to say a resident he does not like. Another reason why carol skelton needs to stay gone, along with husband gerry and bob columbus. still waiting on reply from ethics on dennis o'brien.

    1. It is time to clean house. Not allowing another member of your own committee to attend a meeting is selfish, childish, and just plain uncalled for. If you do not like some one, get over it , or just stay home your self. If you are going to be mean to anyone, you should not deal with the public. To forward something like this to town council is rediculous. No wonder our lawyers bill has been so high. Why didn't some one use commonsence and just tell him no!

    2. JoAnn Burdins's original request was for just reimb for stamps & phone calls less than $100.00 - then George Andrews said there was $1400. left in the ConCom expense acct and if JoAnn didn't take it it would go back to the town so G Andrews and shaun Grimley, Irwin Henricken and other ConCom members voted to give her the money except Me and Will Constange we voted no!see how long I have been fighting this sh----

    3. good job paul keep up the good work

  2. ya that camera system works great i can see everything right on my cell phone and it is clear as day!!!Pauly do you have the dvd making machine all hook up so we can record all them wrong doings going on at 690 patriots rd....and just may be we can catch the Ginny dancing on them new desks

  3. The J.S. crew and all his loyal followers, have been playing in our bank for too long. Some of these people have had the run of the town because we let them, for one reason, and we trusted them for another. I think maybe at one time when the building boom was at its biggest, when alot of building permits were handed out in one week, maybe then you could justify a full time building inspector, board of health agent or conservation agent. Even at 20 or 30 hrs a week it would be hard to find a reason to pay a person to do what the members of the board could do them selves. Some people may not be very happy with this arrangement. It is so much easier to let some one else do it instead. {I think it is called spoiled .} You have the J.S. crew used to doing what they want, tell them no, and they don't like it!! Tell the other Boards no, and they are not happy either. Oh well, oh well, I do not think that it is written any where that we have to provide for any body. We are about as broke as they come, The good times are over! We should have money in the bank like Phillipston...Maybe we will if we can get our act together. The Phantom and her side kick most likely were not up to any good. Don,t hold your breath, that play has not seen it's final act, I'm afraid. Bev.

  4. Just a thought to concider. Has anyone in town politics thought of the town maybe going to a 4 day work week. How much dallar savings could be seen by doing so. Other towns have done this to save money. I`m sure working Monday to Thursday and closing down Friday would not hurt the normal operation of the town and it would save not only on employee pay but also fuel, electicity, etc.
    Just another thought to throw around.

  5. Steve,
    I like that idea. It is probably worth looking at. Winchendon, Ashburnham all work a 4 day week. I think it would take more than a weekend to try to crunch those numbers. It is definitely a possibility in the future.

    1. Ashburnham has a long day on monday (7:30 am to 7:00 pm). Then 3 days of 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. Works out to about 37.5 hours factoring lunch breaks. Being new to this schedule, in my opinion it works well for those taxpayers working out of town and since it coincides with Selectmen meetings which are held every other week on mondays probably promotes better attendance.
