Saturday, May 19, 2012

from Pete F

I think I got it this time Paul. Title: Choosing to agree with Richard Marion on Fluoridation.

Templeton Residents should get to know Richard Marion author of a recent Letter to editor in The Gardner News titled “Choose not to be handed a mandate on fluoridation of water”. Mr. Marion is a top-notch athlete and performs at a level most can only dream of when it comes to long distance running. Mr. Marion is not the type of person who tells others in the community how they should or shouldn’t live their lives. Basically speaking Mr. Marion represents the silent majority, a good American.

In my opinion the point to Mr. Marion’s editorial is, it is ok for you and your family to use fluoride any way you wish but please allow me the same courtesy of not using fluoride if my belief differs from yours concerning the effects of fluoride. Live and let live.
In my opinion the first statement from Myron Allukian and Phil Leger concerning their duty to promote fluoride was the only accurate statement out of their mouths.
According to Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Law Part I, Title XVI, Chapter 111,Section 40 it is the law for Myron and Phil to promote fluoride.
Templeton residents will want to read this General Law carefully. Section (5) promoting and providing technical assistance, monitoring and evaluating population-based dental programs including, but not limited to, community water fluoridation programs, school prevention including, but not limited to, community water fluoridation programs, school prevention programs, mobile and portable dental programs and other programs to improve access to services; Some believe this law is paid for by the very people who are being poisoned by it.
Templeton residents who attended the discussion concerning discontinuing the practice of fluoridation know and trust the dental hygienist and nurses who spoke to the article. Ms. Crocker, Ms Flis and the twins, I know and respect. If I were to tell them that they and there families were going to be given a drug that has been shown to do much harm to almost every organ in the body it is my belief they would not be interested.
What the anti-fluoridation people are looking for is a way not to put what we consider a poison into our bodies. Many believe that fluoride is truly “The Devil’s Poison”.
So what is the answer to this dilemma? Does a majority of Templeton residents get to decide to poison the other Templeton residents?
Would it make sense to make available fluoride free water to those who believe fluoride is harmful?
Should the water department install and maintain filter systems that remove fluoride for those who believe fluoride is toxic?
Is the Templeton Board of Health now legally responsible for health affects that may be associated with fluoride because they are now promoting this substance?
What about those individuals who are too young or do not have the mental capacity to decide?
There was one thing that I noticed when collecting signatures for the citizen’s petition to halt fluoridation and that was almost everyone was either drinking bottled water or filtering the town water supply first before drinking or using it to cook with.
In closing I agree whole-heartily with Mr. Marion when he says that the rights of the citizen’s of Templeton are not being considered. We should have the right to choose what we put or don’t put into our bodies. I quote Mr. Marion when he writes, “ I ask you to make the choice to choose and not be handed a mandate”.
For those who wish to continue poisoning yourselves, that is your choice.   



    1. I'd be interested to see a comparison between people drinking fluoridated and those drinking unfluoridated water. No brushing your teeth in either group. The topical application of fluoride seems to be what is important. When the teeth are brushed then there is a topical application.

    2. another anonymous here with a question - if as the Dr from Boston (can't remember his name) stated -Flouride is so important that they put it in the water for the kids. Why don't they have a program to address kids growing up on well water - if you have well water, unless you take your child to the dentist and pay for flouride treaments or by vitamins with flouride your kids miss out. where are all the "free" flouride programs for well water kids if it is so important - like all the kids in phillipston or the outer areas of Templeton???? And the last time I drank somthing it went right past my teeth - fast- try it take a drink of something.

    3. Fluoride is a drug. If you want to give your child fluoride pills because you have well water, you need a prescription.
      The fluoride used in toothpaste is not the same fluoride used in water fluoridation. The fluoride in toothpaste is regulated by FDA. The TMLWP uses fluoride from WEGO chemical. They import the fluoride from China. This fluoride from China is not regulated by anyone.

      On March 5, 1951 a vote at town meeting allowed fluoride to be added to the public drinking supply....article 46. It would be interesting to see how much the original cost of adding fluoride was. It cost $6,000 to run the entire water system in 1951 (article 41). I believe it cost the water department $6,000 last year to add fluoride to our water supply. Any math majors or economists out there want to run those projections over 60 years? Why is fluoride so cheap?

      I do not want to be medicated against my will.
      Julie Farrell

    4. Why did The Gardner News wait until after the vote to print Mr. Marion's letter? Wonderful job keeping the people informed in a timely manner. We're paying for day late news!

      1. If I were thinking of using fluoride pills for my children's teeth I would look closely at what fluoride is doing to the rest of their bodies. Fluoride does not build strong bones and has been associated with osteoporosis and osteosclerosis. Children have overdosed on fluoride pills which have lead to their death. This is not a benign substance but rather a toxic element that is more toxic than lead but slightly less toxic than arsenic. The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson will hold your interest on fluoride and give you a wealth of information on the effects of fluoride and most important the politics of fluoride. If you do your homework on this subject you will be appalled at how fluoride got in the water supply and how detrimental fluoride is to your health.

    5. "And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah." Exodus 15:23

      (Were the people or the water "bitter?")

      1. No, I think it all comes down to GREED again!! I believe some saw a way to make money off the tons of fluoride available & went for it with a ruse! Same game, different substance, another trick! They don't care who they hurt as long as they get richer! They saw a profitable gain to be made off taking advantage of trusting people. The money mongers are always at work under association with the dark side of he came to "kill, steal & destroy" You know that one, right. I remember my teachings just not as versed as you are. Thanks for your knowledge in this area. Oh & another one people don't realize, "we are not fighting against flesh & blood but the spiritual principalities, etc. etc" or something like that. You know it all, I have no doubt. More people should know these but many think it is bogus. They will find out one day who is really in control!! Great to see how active others have become in reaching out with questions, answers, possible solutions to the problems we now face. There are still a lot of good people here. Makes me mad how many decent citizens have been hurt by the money grubbers but have to give that up to G' & take the peace that surpasses all understanding that guides our hearts & our minds. Should a few more use this principle we would be better off! Again, my thoughts & opinions. Thanks for reading & have wonderful week ahead...

      2. It is not so much selling something, but rather disposing of hazardous waste from nuclear and fertilizer processing. What a deal! Sell your waste product to people and tell them it's good for them. These people should run all waste disposal. We could give them our trash and then they could sell it back to us. What a deal. Remember people need licenses to handle fluoride. You need a prescription to buy it at a pharmacy.

      3. From my readings the man most responsible for fluoridating the masses is Andrew W.Mellon former Secretary of the Treasury and a very wealthy guy with holdings in Alcoa Aluminum and big sugar to name just two. Mr. Mellon was one of the four horsemen during the thirties along with JP.Morgan, Miller and Eugene Myers. They were named after the four horses of the apocalypse. DeNora Pennsylvania was named after his wife and was the site of one of the worse fluoride disasters involving an air inversion on Halloween weekend in 1948. Many died and thousands were sickened from the smog coming from the factories in that valley. This and more fluoride stories can be found in The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson. You are going to love this book.
