Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thank you Mr. Spring by Darren Elwell

Thank You Mr. Spring!
I was in attendance at last night’s combined Board of Selectmen and Advisory Board meeting, and I want to publicly thank Mr. Will Spring for all that he has done as a member of the Advisory Board to help balance the town’s budget. A little over a month ago, Will volunteered to serve on the Advisory Board, and since then, he has met with many departments and town officials in an effort to better understand the town’s finances. Last night, his recommendations prompted the Board’s vote to cut over $100,000 from the budget. He has put in many hours researching other towns’ financial practices, and it was clear last night that he has also had to contend with a certain nuisance scribe along the way. This is the same person who hastily exited last night’s meeting.
Will showed more leadership and responsibility in one night than the majority of the Board has shown for months. Rather than running Mr. Ritter out of town and rehiring K+P, perhaps the majority of the Board should have been working to meet the March 20th budget deadline. It makes me very nervous that one of our five elected Board members basically had nothing to say throughout the course of the 4 hour meeting regarding the development of the town’s budget, the most important, fundamental responsibility of the Board. You can’t rely on Will to make all of these difficult decisions for you in the future!
One of the most important lessons from this situation is that no matter how discouraging our present situation may be in Templeton, one person can truly make a difference, and he doesn’t even need a microphone to be heard!
Thank you Mr. Spring!
Darren, Citizens 4 Templeton


  1. Well said Darrell! and to Mr.Springs you are a man who is looked to for guidance and after listening to you at meetings I can tell you that Templeton is greatful and also lucky to have you!When you ever find a time when you need help with anything you will find people in Templeton will step up! Just keep up the great work! We are behind you 100%
    Thank you!
    Dave Smart

  2. Darren, you are correct, Will Spring did alot of work and a great job, I have watched Will for quite a while now, attending many meetings and asking good questions. If the selectmen had done this two months ago, town meeting would be over with and we could be working on other things, such as a financial plan for next year. The one thing that stood in the way of anyone doing anything is Bob Columbus and his two loyal followers, wilder and mullins. I saw Mr. Spring be lied to at a muni building committee meeting one evening when he asked a very good question about costs. Columbus would never allowed that kind of meeting held on Friday to take place. One person can make a big difference, either by being around or being gone. There are good people who have great ideas and ask good questions, but they never got answered or were not allowed to speak. Hopefully we can get these questions answered and we can get more people involved who want to help and can help, if we allow them to. The departments of the town were going pretty good working on who and what could cut and they were all giving and taking where they agreed they could and it was working. Unfortunately, Mr. Columbus would not stay out of it, then he and his followers brought back carol skelton, probably one of the most polarizing people in Templeton, and then the calamity began and the budget process and the warrant article problems appeared. One down and two to go. By the way Darren, your time and input at these meetings do not go un noticed. I thank all those who took the time to attend, you do make a difference.

    1. As I have said many times, no one can take our rights away unless we let them. The only way we can help the town get on its feet again is to be willing to get input from everyone that is willing to help. I am so gratefull that Will stood up that first night, and offered to be a member of the advisory board. If he did not make that seemingly small jesture, "or so we thought at the time", look where we would have been. Bubba would have walked out the door that night with 9000. dollars.{for you know who}. Then the next meeting, he came back looking for 4000. The majority of members of that board needed leadership, and they found it in Will. Do you think we can clone him? A lot of people have alot of strengths, we need them to feel welcome. As for Darren, I can not say enough about him. You are a asset to our group, a super person..We need your insight and you have contributed a lot in general. I also consider you guys my friends...Bev.

  3. I wish I had the words to express how much your support has meant to me. I've been staying on message for 6 years. I haven't changed anything I have been saying. It is the support of people like Will Spring, Bev B., Darren, Mitchells, Joe Boyd and Pauly's (both) Sue, Mike C, Rick B , the Birds, Kaspers and many more who are active in spreading the word. Getting the message out. Citizens 4 Templeton thank you! Pauly's blog thank you! Let the People be Heard thank you. Thank you to Olive Yu!
    You are true friends

    1. Yes It's me again. I think about it alot, some times I just don't say it out loud, Sue, you did a great job Friday night. Keeping every one honest. To be as fair as you could but not letting the other guys get away with playing favorites. You showed good leadership. To bad Scrappy and Vgin. can't do the same. Maybe wingnut lady will stay home and we can find someone grounded in reality to take her place.

    2. Having someone like Jeff Ritter at the Selectmen's office was such an asset for the town. Mr. Spring has stepped up and help correct the mistake of the firing of Mr. Ritter. Thank you Mr. Spring. Having qualified people in positions of importance seems like a good idea for the Town of Templeton. Putting your "friends"in positions they are not qualified for because it is politically expedient has caused a lot of harm to the tax payers here in town.
