Saturday, May 19, 2012

alert alert

Virgina Wilder was seen leaving 690 Patriots rd today saturday @ 2:15pm with Carol Skelton as see by a blog follower.  Love these "sighting" updates


  1. there should be video cameras there to see what there up to ...and i bet there up to no good ...we should all chip in and have them installed i have a set of 4 with all the works still in the box !!!!

    1. I have it from a reliable source that both of these lasses like to clear the conference room and dance to "Templeton will miss you Jeff Ritter" and who can blame them?

  2. Horses dancing? Old mares back in their stalls? Do tell!

  3. Animal control shelter has cameras also light dept has!
    Maybe the light dept can donate a camera setup for the rental hall! Take it out of the 1.6 million dollars certified free cash WE have there and secure the towns assets.Or would that keep them honest?somehow we need to see a 10 year set of books for templeton light dept/our money to see how inflation has been bad for templetons budget. why only 100k at this bad time for templeton. we need more and we need it now!
    lets go and tell them at a meeting.

  4. The next Light and Water meeting should be scheduled for June 5th. I have filed an Open Meeting Law violation against the manager and the chairman. They may need to meet before June 5th to address my complaint.

    I filed my complaint with the Town Clerk on May 3rd. The public body, in this case, TMLWP has until June 4th to respond to my Open Meeting Law complaint before I file it with the Attorney General pursuant to G.L. 30A, sec 23. I'll let the blog know if there is a meeting scheduled before June 5th.

    Have a wonderful weekend

    Julie Farrell

  5. Thank you julie, and the town of Templeton is getting better cause of what you do!We will help you with this.I'm proud to have voted for you!
    Enjoy your's too!
    Thanks again!
    Dave Smart

  6. Julie do you have a Email address that we can contact you? I would like to discuss something with you .

    1. Denny 51
      I have a few email addresses
      You can try

      Or you can call my cell 978-340-2503

  7. Perhaps ginny was showing carol that she had signed carol's last pay slip, for 1.9 hours for about $61.00. Yep, she had to drain the salary account dry to the last penny. That shows how much she cares about the town. Please attend the selectboard meeting on Tuesday (or Wednesday if town meeting goes 4 nights) and ask the board when we voted to split the legal response to carol skelton's complaint/suit. According to the Templeton by-laws, page 6 article VII - legal affairs; section one states the selectmen shall be agents of the town to institute, prosecute and defend any and all claims, actions and proceedings to which the town is a party or in which interests of the town are or may be involved. The problem is the board of selectmen never took a vote to split the response or to take any action. This is not about a legal strategy to be discussed in executive session, this is a simple question of when the vote was taken if it is alleged to have taken place, who is representing the town and who is paying for it and does this best serve the town. So in open session, lets hear when a vote was taken, if no vote, who authorized this change and why? very very simple. Please ask this very simple question as it is not a reason to go into executive session, to talk about whether a vote was taken or not, where are the minutes? who was present? these are not issues for closed session.

  8. The only difference between these two "lasses," or "dear friends," is their hair color. One of these days, when Ginny shows up as a blonde, and Carol's out selling antiques as a brunette, we'll know that the dementia has finally taken hold.

  9. So that is what the commotion was about today, I saw the CATTLE CROSSING sign and was curious what was happening at 690 Patriots Rd.

  10. You selectman screwed up big time you should have paid cs until after the town meeting so she would be there and have to answer to us tax payers you f with the warrent. Lol

  11. there was not enough money to pay her to come in during the day and to come to evening meetings. If you watched her back in October 2011, she just throws the blame to someone else. At a selectmens meeting, she stated she recommended and she okayed paying the conservation agent at top step because the agent did not get a grade change at town meeting. she refused to accept responsibility for that or anything elese. My question is this, since the agent was paid above his grade for over two years, and this is the opinion from joe fair of K&P. So if the agent was paid more than he was suppose to be, is he going to give that money back?

    1. Yeah, in addition to the con com agent, shouldn't she & her husband start paying back all the money they were overpaid with? My opinion of course.

    2. Didn't G. Skeleton earn $60k in retirement benefits for his short stint as selectman in 2011 before the recount that proved Jeff Bennett won after all? Shouldn't that be given back as it was earned under false pretenses?

    3. since the "agent" started in March of 2008 all other non union employees have only gotten 1 step raise that was voted at the last town meeting "May 2011" the agent started at as a Grade 6 step 5 for 4 months(and was given extra money from the wetland protection acct - then Grimley, Skelton & skelton put him to a Grade 10 entry (with out a TM Vote") 2 years later when it didn't pass TM he was suppose to go back to Grade 6 step 5 but Grimley Skelton & skelton let him go to Grade 6 maximum and increased his hours so he "wouldn't lose money" no other employee has gotten this kind of "sweet deal" except maybe CS or Shaun G who got a job created for him

  12. And the list goes on! We have our work cut out for us tomorrow night. After going through these last few months, I hope that in the future there will be more oversight of these matters. So unfair to see some get and others work responsibly for years without recognition. Town meetings have become the most important a nd powerful thing citizens have to use their voice. Like they say "if you don't vote (go to meetings), don't complain". AND, BcG (whoever) bring your Bible and say a prayer for us.
