Saturday, May 19, 2012

Zippity doo – dah -what a wonderful day!

I don't have to use my opinion on this following statement, yesterday Friday I was paid a very nice visit, by a very important man in Massachusetts. the meeting lasted about three hours and I'm very-very happy about what I can expect from the big guys about all my complaints. I don't know if this guy had bodyguards but as we,PHC Sr and one other important official in Templeton were discussing issues  our town cruiser passed through my yard, turned around and drove out.
I have no complaint about that, the police always check out my property at the junkyard and at our garage and are always welcome, but!!! Were the police checking my yard or who owned the  nice car with the vanity number plates? Well enough about the two guys from out of town, hee hee hee. Yes I do have 24 hour video surveillance thanks for asking, of course I had already been ripped off for about $15,000 worth of copper wire. You want to know what is nice, it's all remote-no wires. Pretty sneaky huh? Almost as sneaky as three members of the present board of selectmen and one interim part-time coordinator. I had "hopes" for one of those three selectmen, but I lost all that "hope" last night at about 9:15 on an important 3 to 2 vote. So I now must keep my head up high and watch that selectmen in particular more often. Of course this is my opinion and the opinion of hundreds of other taxpayers. I would appreciate a comment on my next question- did we get much done last night? Not in my opinion, but Monday will tell the real story. Because we only had about 25 people in the audience compared to about 200 at the 1st phase of the town meeting. If that's what people concerned want to call it, in my opinion that first phase was a disaster, the second phase was out-of-control. Three members of the select board and your "$180+ per hour” town Council. Did anyone notice how dark David Bergeron's here was when the first meeting convened and did all you people notice how gray Dave’s hair was after the second meeting? Does anybody wonder why? I bet that "nut" Rev Jones could find a solution to the mess the town is in. Yes, drop the fluoridation and bring on the Kool-Aid. Right Pete Farrell, same thing right? Did all you people here that Virginia Wilder broke all speed records last night after the selectmen/advisory board meeting. Yes all time speed records, 0 0.2 seconds from Narragansett to Echo Hill. Boy I bet Earnhardt Jr would like to know her formula. What do you think Pete K? I'm going to talk to Karen (video lady)and see if we can get a direct line to Echo Hill so Virginia Wilder doesn't injure someone with her speeding missile. Now let's get back to my opinion on last night's meeting, at the Kiva. I must find out if Chris Stuart has exceptional hearing because he hears Pete loud and clear. But Pete and I have a hard time hearing him. But of course that is "just one of those things". And I must say Isaac, does not control his board very good, does he even care? Charlie Perkins, Will Spring, Darlene B, and Joe must have nerves of steel to put up with the actions and rambling on of the scribe, Kate. Other words what part of shut up does she not understand. I think Isaac has too much respect for his elders to tell Kate to go through the chair to speak, again. The morale loss shows its face again. The morale in Templeton is so low that my brother Franny in Jacksonville Florida doesn't even care what happens to Templeton, pretty good,huh?  I want to contact homeland security but I probably have to get permission from Rev Jones and the Kool-Aid Kings, right? I honestly believe we have homegrown terrorists here in Templeton, what other answer can anyone provide? But fear not taxpayers, and this is not a threat it's a promise, I have 100 rubber bands and two boxes of paper clips to protect us citizens here in Templeton. If you know what I mean. You know the biggest laugh me and Pete Kasper and Joe Boyd had last night that upset Stuart is when the con com agent Koonce said he was more important than the rescue squad, because of one bogeyman incident. And that is what we were laughing at Chris. So much for that can't do without con, "so-called" agent, see you later rescue squad, Koonce can handle it all without you, LOL. I have a little battery unit at my house that my granddaughter loves, it's called bull----detector, and I bring it to every meeting, that's why I know three members of the board are the ones that activate my detector. If anyone wants to hear what my detector says stop by my house any time and "no" I won't put a no trespassing order on you. Get it, no trespassing order, hee hee hee. Who said someone has their head between their legs, running backwards? That's a pretty good explanation, yeah man! And a note to “bdg”, shame nor pain will stop the devil but hope and a big stick will sure slow him down. And to you "over and out" not as long as I have two strong hands, as in around the neck. And to you "movin-on" thanks for the apology Iike I said you must get to know Dave B. More to come-later today because I am pis---d off totally. Thanks for reading.


  1. My hope is that with the inteligence of Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett the town soon be running efficiently and with the taxpayers best interest in mind soon. I also hope that the taxpayers NEVER forget the mess we were in under the direction of Bob Columbus and the lies that "Let the People Speak" told to gain control of the board. When do we fire K&P and bring back Jeff Ritter?

  2. Thanks for the update Pauly, and thanks for your work with the "big guys". I hope that 3 - 2 vote wasn't to fully fund the Affordable Housing Agent, one thing we really don't need right now. I hope we have the recommendations from the AB, in print, for Monday's meeting, but, is that too much to ask from the Selectmen's office? Anyway, it was me who used the phrase "head between their legs running backwards"......good name for a book about the (hopefully) final episode in Templeton politics. Don't you think?

  3. Check - GREAT title for a book. Love It!!! Will Spring did a lot of Hard Work and made great recommendations for the BOS. If it wasn't for him, we would probably still be there. What's with Kate Fulton? She is an Idiot with a capital I. She does not belong on the advisory board. And why did she feel she had to separate herself or at least Will from the rest of the Adisory Board as a whole? Good thing I wasn't sitting up front, or she might have heard we "mumble" Idiot a few times.
    pauly, I really like reading what you have to say. I understand you completely. We need more people like you. I'm not that crazy about our third selectman.No really smart. Just my opinion.

  4. Pro 16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

    Try not to react the way they want you to, it only adds to your troubles...You can beat these clowns without sinking to their level. I've been doing so for years now. Just walk in Faith and your enemy though they gnash their teeth at you can do nothing, for greater is He that may be in you than he that is in the world...
    Mazel tov! Happy Jerusalem Day!
