Friday, May 18, 2012

Intent-intend-intended? Whoo boy!

In my opinion Dave Bergeron was given the word “intent” by Kay Doyle, town attorney. Soooo it wasn't intentaul by the Phantom to change, alter, tamper, try to sneak through, change wording and amounts of some town meeting articles after being voted on. Well what do you taxpayers think of the word intent? Do you think that word intent was meant to cover up wrong doings or just a way for a lawyer to say don't argue, don't complain, make believe this didn't happen. What do you think, Mrs. Smith and Bumsy Dennis? Did the Phantom "intend" to con us taxpayers
and the honest people on boards that submitted these articles? Yes, David Bergeron, we the voters and taxpayers know exactly what has happened but we want "justice" and we won't stop until justice is done. And remember a voter is not always a taxpayer, and can easily be swayed on how to vote-right Pete Farrell? What is the intent on article 14-drink the Kool-Aid or drink the Kool-Aid, right Rev  Jones, or whatever that nuts name was. That caused the deaths of hundreds of people and yes Kirk, you are right those people did not have a choice, and in my opinion Tom Jelenewski is right on his comment to the renegade members of the board of selectmen, "the well is poisoned" and we must get the poison out of the well. Well said Tom and many many kudos to you Rick Marian of Templeton on your letter to the editor May 18, 2012 you said it like it is about fluoridation, ask people on the town water system do not have a choice, it is in the water. Not naturally it's injected into the water system, now people we know the  "intent" of this injection. But, yes I say but, why don't we have a choice? I will try, yes try to talk to Buddha to talk to Jones on this issue-what say now opponents for fluoridation is it going to be Rev. Jones’s Kool-Aid or are we going to clean up the "well"quote Tom Jelenewski. Now back to that lawyer term "intent", laymen terms are the best terms of communication in the world. Get it, in the world, other words everyone involved understands what is being talked about, get it? I'm going to ask Dave Bergeron if he ever went to Harvard Law school? Hee hee hee! Let’s hear it Dave, okay Dave I believe you. In my opinion Dave got all his education being the past town moderator and hanging out at the Cumby’s store and the local barbershop and the local watering hole. Is my opinion pretty good at what? Now that we all understand each other let's get back to the big problem okay, Bev B. Let's address Paul Q’s answer about the light and water department "if it's not broke don't fix it" right? Well Paul Q if it is so badly bent and distorted, isn't it time to find out why? And I say this in layman's terms, whoops sorry Kay Doyle, I am not saying this in layman's terms I am printing this in layman's terms with the intent to make sure all us layman understand each other, sorry again, and again to quote Julie "three wrongs do not make it right" okay? But many” intents” for wrong doings seemed to me is misleading. What do you taxpayers think? Remember my question to the board of selectmen after getting permissioned to speak by Chair Dennis  O'Brien after six or eight years? Hee hee hee! Do I have to go postal to get your attention? Now what was my "intent"? Was my intent to go postal, yes, after that ordeal I went postal big time. I bought 2 big rolls of stamps and 10,000 envelopes and went broke-other words in layman's terms, no money left for a lawyer, pretty good,? So let's take that intent word and scrap it, whoops sorry Mullins, I didn't intend to say those two words, sorry, I really intended to say don't use that word intent on any more of the articles. Read what was intended at the first round of meetings with the boards and committees and Jeff Ritter and not be changed or tampered with by a third-party-get it third-party-in my opinion that so-called phantom or third-party should be the subject of the oxbow incident, right Jeff R and Jeff Bennett and Jeff Dunhammmm and Walter, Hee Hee Hee! I saw a few people start to interrupt some speakers at the mic, but I also saw their brain? Tell the nervous system to shut up! Good idea brain, well thought out, so Friday night if everybody maintain their "smoothness" Jeff Bennett, Julie Farrell and Chris Stuart "maybe" Chris Stuart will get this whole mess ready for the continuance of four or five day town meeting and we can "not move on". But finish the town meeting peacefully. Did you taxpayers notice I did not and I say not,-mentioned Wider and Mullins. What does that tell you taxpayers? So in my own opinion if the town moderator and attorney Kay Doyle and all others involved speak in layman's terms nobody and I mean nobody should have a problem with the rest of our town meeting, right? And please people, do not beat on our accountant Scott Sawyer, we all know about numbers and "intent" of most of the articles, Right? I believe Scott Sawyer still believes one and one equals two-and he is right, end the story.

And it's far as the balanced budget goes, no one should count the chicks, get it chicks, before they hatch, what if a lot of them don't hatch? Does that mean-get ready for the frying pan? Hee hee hee.

Thanks for reading my opinion.


  1. When can the citizens4templeton group have a pre light meeting,meeting to get things rolling and get the light meeting on track for the owners? US

  2. Was the intent of Team Skelton to intentionally screw with the articles. Is intent of K&P to intentionally hide any wrong doings by Team Skelton by using confusing wording. Intended or not, these people have awoken a sleeping monster known as the general public. Their intention to trick the taxpayers with slight of hand has blown up in their faces. If their intent was something different, like being fiscally responsible and working in the best interest of the town as a whole, then where are they? Is their absence from Town meeting or any Selectmen meetings intentional? Why not show up and defend your intentions? The answer seems pretty clear. Their intention was to incur personal gain. Their intention was and is not in the best interest of the town. I like Pauly’s intention – put someone in jail for intentionally screwing with the town.

  3. Really enjoyed what Richard Marion had to say regarding not being able to opt out of fluoride in his courageous letter to the editor in TGN. This subject is so important to the town if only they would become better informed on the subject. When will we hear more on this subject?
