Thursday, May 17, 2012

Special select board meeting

Hoo-boy, I am glad someone is paying attention on that big well lighted stage. To organize a special meeting with the advisory board/finance committee. I'll bet Virginia Wilder and Mullins want to get paid extra to attend. If so, tell them to stay home. And note to "movin-on” about Dave Bergeron. Dave Bergeron was the best choice, not the better choice for moderator, if you knew Dave personally you would understand his language. Dave was not rude or nasty, in my opinion the definition of nasty is telling a dirty joke and using real names. Now that is nasty, hee-hee-hee. So pay attention to what David is saying and you will understand his language.
Try it and let me know what you think then, thanks movin-on. With all this dishonest tampering with articles going on, I'm surprised that Dave doesn't slam the gavel down and just walk away. How much bull--- does a man have to take before he figures out something bad is going on at this town meeting. I personally know Dave Bergeron can handle any town meeting. But most of this town meeting is degrading and embarrassing to all us taxpayers because of wrong doing. People with the intent to change dollar amounts in the wording of certain articles and I would not want to Blaine K&P. Because how would that sh--- be an advantage to K&P. I do not want to blame K&P for tampering or changing town meeting articles after they were approved by the board of selectmen and then have the nerve to make a whole new set of articles, from article number one through article number 61. Who paid for the paper? Who ordered it to be done? Is Nancy or Kate going to trade honesty for atta-boys? I don't think so! Soooo, who is the phantom of 690 Patriots Road? I am going to ask Eddy Gagne if he ever saw the Phantom at 690 patriots Road. I think Pete Kasper and others saw something, but we could not honestly say it was the Phantom, Right Pete? Just in case sh---- happens with the DVD people, bring your tape recorders. This is intended as a short blog, so don't get mad. Just read it careful and pass the word about the special meeting in a Kiva, Friday, May 19 at 6 PM. It should be very interesting. Thanks for reading.

PS. Jeff Dunhammmm as Walter the stage dummie says


  1. i would bet that the second cousin to Harvey the rabbit did it !!!!!and if ya didn't know he is related to peter is going to take someone on the witness stand to find out !!

  2. is this true that at 690 patriots rd that we (the tax payers) pay for a percentage of the whole building electric bill

  3. I certainly did not mean any disrespect toward Dave Bergeron, It was more of a question, as I thought he was very "short" with people. but as I sat thru the next night it was clear it is just his way, Thank god we have him up there, there is nobody else that could handle the BS.

  4. To answer the question or questions of who is responsible for some of the BS in this town, I have filed several complaints to Boston at the Ag office and Ethics. We will soon see how much pull Len Kopelman has in Boston and just how independent are these agencies. I filed an ethics complaint against Dennis O'Brien for signing off on buying 252 Baldwinville Road. He resides across the street and he actually filed a complaint about 252 Baldwinville Road which is noted in the first report from ECS. He voted to proceed with the project, signed to buy it, serves on committee to move it forward which in the end improves the look and value of 252 which in turn improves the view from his home, which in my opinion would improve his property value which would benefit him if he ever sold his home or who gets it after his death. He voted and signed off on a project that benefits him and his family plain and simple. All he had to do was recuse himself for those reasons, he chose not to. And he calls the taxpayers stupid!! Why would an accountant sign off on an e-mail to spend 400 grand of taxpayer money.......with no supporting documentation? The complaint is there and ethics has acknowledged receipt of same. Of course they tell me that unless it is a public issue, it will remain confidential and even I as the complaintant will not know the exact result unless it is made public. What will be made public is if they fail to act. I hope it was also enjoyable reading for a state rep. There are now 2 invoices in the selectmen office for putting out to bid on 252 baldwinville road at about $6,200.00 and another for $2500.00 for work done by the opm after November 2011 because it was put out at a public meeting at the muni building comm that they thought they would be building and remodeling by then, not so fast and so the $2500.00 is to compensate them for work done, this was said yes to by mr. Skelton at a muni building comm meeting and should be in the minutes of that meeting. Since that project is essentially dead, all the documents in that large white binder that mr. skelton carries to all those meetings should be turned over to the selectmens office because it belongs to the town. Our select board chair needs to ensure carol skelton turns her keys to town office in if she has not already done so. As of Tuesday she had not, although caro skelton did send an email to the BOS office instructing the selelctmen that a certain article was not to be divided as per request by the submitter, really??? And again, thank you Mr. David bergeron for saving out town meeting, as best as you can, considering how F'd up the warrant is and thank you to the taxpayers who are being pretty considerate and patient all things considered. I wish Mr. Paul Q would have been thinking of the town back in 2004 when he was a selectmen and he voted to rehire carol skelton back after she sued the town, nice move!!

  5. Change the locks again at 690 Patriots Rd. Where are the files for 252 Baldwinville ? Who is in jail?

  6. Brightly lit stage indeed! Thank those who change the locks, eh? Business as usual...Moving on...

  7. When we vote article 44 in, The folder and keys need to be confiscated by the law enforcement of Templeton!
    If left our security is in jepordy! The evidence in the folder is needed to go after the perp or perps! Templeton needs to persue or sue the party/lawyers involved and responsible for the whole debacle. We were plowed under by previously done deeds of others and should have learned from it!We need to fight for justice and get our due $$$ back.

    1. Needs to be Law Enforcement OUTSIDE of Templeton!! Just my STRONG opinion!
