Thursday, May 17, 2012

Second day of town meeting, wow

Second day of town meeting, wow
In my opinion the town meeting should be put on DVD. That would give us taxpayers a chance to review some answers from the town lawyer and three of the five selectmen, as they have their own little town meeting up on stage. I know you taxpayers didn't notice that action, right? You can't blame Jeff Bennett, that's for sure, and you can't blame Julie that's for sure, and in my own opinion you can't blame Chris Stuart. So what is the problem? Did the taxpayers catch more tampering with town meeting articles? And this is just the tip of the "iceberg" on this issue.
Where is the "Phantom" of 690 Patriots Rd. that was instrumental in the changing of these already voted on article, in my opinion, it is not Nancy, it is not Kate, it is not Carolee, it is not Debbie, soooo who else could it be? You know tampering and changing the articles, in my opinion, I think B Columbus had a lot to do with it, what do you taxpayers think? And also in my opinion Virginia was a contributing factor, right? And of course Carol S had to be in on this conspiracy, am I right or not? When I say Carol I mean your interim "part-time" coordinator, not mine-don't forget this is my opinion. Am I, PHC Sr the only taxpayer in town with an opinion? Come on comment on this blog. I feel all alone-hee hee hee. May I remind you taxpayers to go back to April 30, 2012 blog. "What secrets BOS" and read it through carefully, why did Columbus want four dollars for copy of the town warrant, was that going to be "pocket" money or was for four dollars meant to try to stop us from getting the warrants papers? Look what happened with the original warrant articles, tampered with by now whom? And for what reason? Still a big secret? Not to most of us taxpayers? One particular article says a "yes" vote means a "no" vote, get it, and a "no" vote means a "yes". Didn't Bumpsy  Dennis say it plain enough four or five times? And the board of selectmen, except Bennett stuttered, mumbled, drop it faces, and looked at each other, like "Dunham’s” stage puppets do. Get it, Jeff Dunham’s stage puppets,  Walter, Ignob, or whatever, his stage name is, hee hee hee. I don't mean to be funny, but how would you taxpayers explained the insane activity of three or four or five or six of our elected people and appointed vendors, or interim "part-time" town coordinator, of course this is "my opinion" in not only my opinion, right taxpayers? I need help now to try to identify the ones responsible for all this Bull----  I mean mess. I am again going to the chief of police for an answer to his quote to me about democracy-what part of inciting a riot by three selectmen, and he the chief of police looks at it as just an act of democracy. You people must know what is going to happen at the third yes the third night of town meeting. Bev B, Joe Boyle, Steve Laprise, Pete Farrell, Sharon Manty, Sue Byrne, Bob Mitchell, Kirk Moschetti, and many more taxpayers asked the question, who and under whose authority made these changes. Not just money changes but also positions on the warrant and the wording of the articles, and the changing of accounts with money was coming from, and the money issues with the two members of the board of selectmen salaries. How come? Were these changes approved by all five selectmen-NO! Well if you want the truth asked Jeff Bennett, in case you didn't hear his reply many, many times. David Bergeron is doing a very good job as our moderator, but I, in my opinion think that because of all the turmoil with the articles, I don't believe us taxpayers should allow all the pressure to be aimed to David Bergeron, as moderator. Why doesn't Kay Doyle stepped up to the mic, as the town's lawyer and stop all this bull---, that is ruining this town meeting. When I say insane, I am talking about the way the warrant articles were change by more than one person at a secret meeting of several people at a resident’s home. Remember the big, big, big argument about your "interim" part time coordinator taking all the warrant articles home? And Virginia W, and Boob Columbus and Mullins protecting her, saying that all the paperwork she took home was on the computer in the town office so what? In my opinion "your" interim part-time coordinator took all that paperwork home to have a secret meeting with Wilder, Columbus and Jerry to change those articles in question, and to upset our town meeting. In my opinion those involved knew the hammer was coming down and they wanted to do as much damage as possible to us taxpayers. Look at that group's track record and don't I say don't include Bennett. And as us taxpayers are witnessing the results at our ongoing town meeting or is this "just one of those things" that happen in a small town? When the moderator says the article was changed but we must respect the "intent" of that article, well Bull-----, the intent of an article with voted on by all five selectmen, where was the vote to change these articles? Or did the board of selectmen except Bennett decide to change or alter them at their (your) interim part-time coordinator’s house. Remember, she, Carol had all our work paperwork at her house, and that was our big, big, big complaint to that renegade board of selectmen. All us taxpayers, all 90+ taxpayers, not just two or three, again watch the DVD of April 12 and  the DVD of April 23. They say it all and in my opinion all involved should be taken to civil court. And it will happen. It is now 2 PM Thursday, May 17, 2012, I just got word of the special meeting of the advisory board/finance committee and the board of selectmen for Friday at 6 PM at the Kiva. Bring a cushion please, try to attend and don't be rowdy. This meeting might solve our changing and tampering with town meeting articles, and who was and still is responsible. Do not, and I say do not, take that "intend" statement as the way that life is. Because in my opinion it might be okay for an off the "wall" article. But not on all the articles in question. What say Kay Doyle? Please don't put all the "burden" on David Bergeron. He is only human, get it, human as in and not a robot, get it? And one more question for Kay Doyle as a lawyer for Templeton, do you "in your opinion" think Templeton has been a victim of a conspiracy? Please reply.

Thanks for reading


  1. My thoughts exactly. Kay Doyle should define out loud to us what she means by "articles are often changed, it's the intent that matters". I somewhat understand what she means, because some wording may not exactly fit the legalese to make sense, but, should not change the amounts, where the funds come from, or the order, and, the full Board of Selectmen should have a chance to review and assure that they are okay with the changes before the warrant is printed.

    Of course, Ya think the time wasted by BC, VW and PM to accomplish the three deeds of hiring K & P, getting rid of JR, and hiring CS as interim might have interfered with the timing. Don't forget, CS had to make changes to make it look like JF didn't know what he was doing. hahahahaha NOT WORKING!

    Not seeing any of them at these important town meetings tells us something. Heads between their legs running backwards. Get the picture?

    1. I get a big charge out of Paul Q. Speaking like the world should stop and listen. He was quick to offer the never forgettable," The recall needs to happen!" don't you worry, this girl will remind him of that real soon. This action skrewed up our town for a real long time. I want the lawyer to speak so we can hear her, we are paying her enough.

    2. Checkn000 - you have it exactly right - Carol S came back and she had to make it look like she was doing something and she had to make it look like Jeff R didn't do it right. So all we did was pay her - Carol S 4 weeks @ $512./wk to totally screw up the warrant and the budget! What a waste of taxpayers money! But I suppose if she is "your dear friend" or you have "taken" things from a town you worked for or you are a "boob" or you just want revenge - you just don't care what you do to taxpayers.

  2. The warrant was voted on, closed on April 4, 2012. The carol skelton was in coordinator office on April 16, 2012. Selectmen meeting on April 23, 2012 and articles were changed and one was added back in after we voted it out. Check, you are correct, again, columbus, wilder and mullins were all complicit in causeing this mess, as I found out what is was like to be Julie Farrell when she was on the select board with skelton, columbus, o'brien and CS. Impossible to get anything to benefit taxpayers on agenda. Again, why was the tax collector paid twice, once for tax collector and then for treasurer stuff (signing of checks for payroll and invoices and some bank stuff) we as a select board agreed and voted no extra pay for carol-lee for this work as it was minimal clerical work in same building. but bob columbus signed off on payments and the town accountant okayed it. Why did he not pull these? Who okayed splitting the response of the town and 3 selectmen (present & former) who is the 2nd attorney, who approved it and how come no vote by select board? columbus, I want to send a second message to you, you are not off the hook on these issues, get it. columbus, wilder and mullins were clearly looking out for the skeltons and not the town. Speaking of skeltons, where is jay paul, I thought he cared about Templeton? Where is Templeton1st? the web site by cathy matson and the re-elect columbo group? I thought they wanted the town to be first and they want public opinion to count, they want town finance to come first they want a democratically run select board and they want town employees to be treated fairly. where are they at these meetings speaking up for the town? Lets bring back Jeff Ritter and get the town back to working together like he started in January 2012.

  3. WoW One would think that a person in cs position could show her face at a meeting and stand up for her work? Sure it would be an honest persons point to be there at meetings to answer unless she's part of the scam!IN MY OPINION!
    I hope the skelton's enjoy the new side walk. We get a double dip on that vote and some don't know it! Rejoice it's just the way it has to be for baldwinville road reconstruction project. Now it will be echo hill sidewalk sale!
    what a hoot!
    Maybe the view at the other red shed by the highway will change with a new sidewalk there too? Was that 29 feet?
    Well we can only hope for stupid's sh t like that to get done.Would'nt want any kids walking on the side with the documented industrial spill violations.Fines and other health problems that could occur from being to close!
    Was that going to be the town hall or is it the town fall!
    where is the 21e results? guessing in gs folder?in my opinion!
    go to fridays meeting and keep the pressure on!

    1. I think we need to ask the accountant who changed the articles. Why not put him on the spot. He is another one we are paying alot of money to. Some people think money grows on trees. Maybe I can get Bart to grow some. Oh yah, I think we should have the light company caugh up some more money. The guy who said they are giving the same amt. today as they did years ago, {I think it was Dan} Remember what I said about reading that for the middle class, with inflation, our money is only worth what it was worth in the seventies. So in reality they are giving us less!! Why should they be sitting on a million dollars, when everyone else is starving. The highway dept. has suffered long enough, trying to work with junk. Maybe they think they are above everyone else. They have been for too long. I think it is time for them to get down to earth. Just my opinion, but I want all of you to give this some thought. Bev.

  4. Maybe people should start attending Light and Water meetings. Remember, those meetings are only posted at the town clerk's office.

  5. monthy meetings? can someone post when you find out when.
    also does the public get to ask questions?Or get answers?

    1. I will post when the next l&w dept meeting is if anyone goes by the TC office it would be posted outside just let me know.

  6. Putting town meetings on DVD is great idea Pauly. We could rewind and re-watch a seated selectman admit that the old board, chaired by Mr. Columbus, fired Jeff Ritter. Did anyone else catch that? I was in the back and I heard it, so did everyone around me. We all know the story, but finally it was made public. It's about time. The town is in trouble, but I think we are finally headed in the right direction. Jeff, Chris, and Julie - keep up the good work.

    1. Selectman Stwerat did say, in the middle of a sentence, that Mr. Ritte was dismissed. This in contradiction to what the official statement was, that Mr, Ritter resigned. I tend to believe that Mr. Ritter was dismissed and was shown the door with $14,000 in his pocket to keep his mouth shut about how the BOS handled his tenure with the town. I am sure that we all believe this to be true and not the bull$#!+ that Team Columbus tried to feed us.

    2. legal bill for march indicates K&P attorney looked over the settlement agreement and also conferred with an attorney for jeff Ritter, I did not know you needed a lawyer to quit a job. Bob Columbus also stated at a meeting of the advisory board that litigation was discussed because if Ritter did not resign he would be dismissed, so it was hardley a normal resignation, it was 3 selectmen forcing him out.

    3. Does anyone know if Jeff Ritter would come back to work off his settlement money until July 1? He was such an honorable man. Of course we would have to have a "no Tresspassing"/restraining order on Virginia to keep her from harrassing and bullying him like she and Columbus did before - and also Mullins because everyone knows he just follows with his nose up VW's ____ . and speaking of Mullins could someone tell him not to chew gum and blow bubbles like he was doing last night at the selectmen/advisoy meeting - pretty sad when young Matson is more mature than one member of the Selectmen. by the way Carol S still has a key to 690 Patriots Rd and do we know if the planner returned hers? One more thing - it seems that advisory membr Kate Fulton is going around saying that Jeff R didn't know how to do the job and screwed everything up. I want you all to know that she is buddies with Virginia W and Carol S this is were she gets all her info. Maybe we could address her bad mouthing Mr Ritter at the next Advisory meeting - she better never say anything about him to me, I'll let her have it.also it seem the O'brien clan is also making derogatory comments about him. I worked with him (jeff R)the man is Phenomenal!!!!!

    4. One more thing when Virginia W left the meeting last night (Selectmens/advisory) she flew (with her car not broom) right to the Skelton ranch. When is she going to stop working for the Skeltons and start working for us taxpayers? I want this asked at the next selectmen's meeting.

  7. To Paul H. Cosentino sr., I appreciate the support but you certainly can blame me as i sit on the selectboard along with the rest of them and we as a board failed to support the people and taxpayers. The board of selectmen as a whole brought back carol skelton and the town was put into chaos, in my opinion. Yes columbus wilder mullins and carol skelton may had alot to do with it, but it was the board of selectmen as a whole that was sitting there and failing to answer the people and conduct their business properly. When the unit faills and you are part of the unit, you have to accept the good and the bad that comes your way. I believe that if the board as a whole accepted the heat and admitted what was done and by who, it would go along way in getting the town working in the right direction. Hopefully beginning in July, the town can begin to talk about what went wrong, what went right and decide on a course to ensure it does not happen again. I do want answers and I do want citizens to have their questions answered, but I will not sit there and not admit a part because I do sit on the select board and I have to talk about the failure (s0 of the board as a whole. It is easy to point fingers and say, not me, not me, but in my mind, the right thing to do is to accept the blame because we as a whole board failed the people. I am a selectmen and the selectmen failed you, it is that simple.

  8. Jeff, I agree with you somewhat, however, the taxpayers need to know where each individual on the board stands regarding the issues and Pauly's support for you is bringing this out en-mass. Not everyone gets to meetings to hear your opinions, so, this is a great media for those who can use it. Another professional man, Jeff Ritter, took the blame, and didn't back down, for something not posted in a timely manner. You and He are the kind of people this town needs to make importnt decisions. Thank you, and Pauly, for being a major part in moving US in the right direction.

    1. Yes, you are absolutely right, Checkn000. I & a few others I know cannot make most of the meetings due to work, health reasons & other commitments therefore, rely on the DVDs for info on how the BOS conducts themselves in addition to running the agenda, so you are correct in what you say. Jeff may be on the board & I commend him for being the stand-up kind of guy he is but you are not always guilty by association. Sometimes he will fail with the rest of them & sometimes not. It is okay to still be an individual even though you are a part of a larger entity. I continue to thank all involved who have done so much in getting the word out about the wrongful, possibly criminals acts that led to this nightmare. I especially thank Pauly for his Templeton Watch blog site. It is a major forum voicing concerns that will all go to help turn this town around to it's greatness that I enjoyed when I was growing up here. This revival has been a long time coming!!
