Tuesday, June 5, 2012

link to Healthy Workplace Bill no H2310


Virginia read this.


  1. Looks like some people do not know how to behave without takeing a temper fit. Well, the good behavior did not last twentyfour hours, so people, what do we do now? We can not let anyone be treated badly, especially for no reason. People with no self control do not belong in local government. It isn't like we havn't spoken about this. Sue brought this up a couple of weeks ago. Anyone have any ideas? This workplace bill is wonderfull, but at this point with what we are dealing with, it will take too long. Bev.

  2. While this bill makes its way to becoming law (hopefully), there are some options available to the town. There are "Codes of Conduct" already in place in a few municipalities. These "codes of Conduct" are guidelines for elected officials. I think this might be a good place to start.
