Tuesday, June 5, 2012



and thank you CHRIS STEWART for negotiating this (your rating is going up with me)


  1. Thank you MR Ritter
    I hope everyone with let him get to work and continue the great stuff he was doing.
    and to Virginia - the people have spoken they do not want Carol S back - we do not care that she is "your dear friend" she is not in the same league as Mr Ritter. Do not bully or harrass Mr Ritter like you did before. Bob C the people voted you out overwelmingly - get it?(as Pauly would say) we do not want you as leadership in this town. the bullying and harrassing you did to Mr Ritter, Tammy, Deb D, Sue A, Maryellen, Doreen, Bud etc just confirms you are a very nasty person. And to Dennis Obrien - stop bad mouthing Mr Ritter you have no clue what you are talking about. and maybe you should just start saving you pennies for that big fine that will come down from ethics - oh it may take them a year or two but it is coming -$10,000. for signing that P& S for the town to buy a building across the street from you - talk about stupid - you were set up by the Skeltons and you don't even know it. So my advise to all the employees who are glad Mr Ritter is back - watch out for yourselves and watch out for him, speak up when you see mistreatment of employees by elected officials we the people of Templeton will help. VW, BC, DO'B are atill all running to Skeltons after the meeting. so keep your guard up they will try to sabotage this.
    Thank you Chris Stewart for all you had work in bring Mr Ritter back. Thank you Julie. Thank you Jeff Bennett. Thank you Pauly and all the people who blog. Thank you the people who have stepped up to serve - Mr Spring, Joe Boyd, David Bergeron, Thank you to the people who speak out with common sense at the meetings - Mr Dennis.
    Sorry I must sign this - Another Anonymous - I need my job

  2. Ginny was all smiles and giggles at the beginning of last night's meeting. Let's hope she was told to play nice with Mr. Ritter. She's certainly not savvy enough to realize that this is in the best interest of the town. (Recall the Pajari incident and all of the other ways in which she has demonstrated that she has no clue what most people want.) We certainly do not need the services of her "dear friend," nor will we ever again! Keep your eyes open so that Boob, Ginny, et al. do not try to pull anything!

    1. I agree with everything Another Anonymous and dce have said. I am so happy and relieved that Mr. Ritter is back. It feels like the town is safer, and in better hands. I don't understand what Bob and company were doing at the meeting. Maybe he has decided to be civil, and contribute something usefull to the town. Ha Ha. [That was a joke!] Lets hope Vgin. can clean up her act and prove to us she can act like a grown up. Time will tell. Good job to everyone who has taken a stand and refused to back down. For once the "good guys" have won. My opinion as always. Bev.

  3. by the way Darren it's Mrs. Puff.

  4. Welcome back Mr. Ritter, like an old familiar song your presence reminds Templeton citizens of better days ahead!! Congratulations to all who made it possible when those skies were looking gray you all were the sunshine. Eternal vigilance!!

    1. Yes, good work Julie, Jeff B., Chris & others who supported these efforts. Thank you for watching out & working for us! Right on, Eternal Vigilance is a must always!!!

  5. Well, I heard from a very reliable source that VW is already yelling at Jeff. I was not present but the word is that she was made as a hornet about not having some folks wait for her to go to the Council on Aging to check out the parking and egress issues they are having down there....she wanted to be in on it...why I don't know, but she should have just gone there to find out. Not trailed in late....I am just a stupid employee so I don't know....

    1. If this is true, it took less than 24 hours for her to return to her old tricks. Perhaps someone could print the pending legislation and highlight some of the important parts for her reading pleasure. She is quite skilled when it comes to egress though; she's always looking for the quickest route to Echo Hill Farm from the Gansett parking lot.

  6. Here is the link to the Bill that is in the House. Bill No H02310

    it is an anti bullying in the work place bill - one of the sponsors is Denise Andrews. Lets all call Sen Brewer and Ann Gobi and Denise Andrews and tell them how much Templeton needs this.
