Sunday, June 3, 2012

Selectmens Meeting Monday June 4th

It seems that there is an executive session scheduled for 5:45PM in the Kiva. Please everyone try to be there when they come out of executive session so we can know what happened -this could be any time after 6:00PM  Hope they are not trying to pull another fast one! Who is getting the ride on the railroad this time.  Regular selectmen's meeting is at 6:30PM


  1. Replies
    1. I do not know Mr. Ritter, but by the support he has received, I am sure we are now on the right track. My next concern is the appointment of people to the many committees and boards that will be comming up shortly. I would like to see a rule that would allow a person to serve on only one board or committee. If you have read the Town Report, most of the same names are on all. Let's try to recruit some young people and some new people in town to contribute their expertise. No offense intended toward present members as I am sure they have given their all, but I am sure they would also like to see some new people, with fresh ideaa, involved. Sorry, I still need to be annonymous for personal reasons.

  2. I think you know who was there to welcome back Mr. Ritter!
    It was a bonus for us all!

  3. Please fill us in on some details for those of us that could not attend the meeting.

  4. Great news for Templeton. Finally have an honest, professional leader at the helm. Mr. Ritter, don't let us down. We feel hopeful for the future. You will have many people supporting you.

    1. At this point it is more like, Lets not let Mr.Ritter down. We need to let Vgin. know she has to stop with her abuse. I don't care why she is mad, pissed off, or what her problem is. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS SHE TO YELL AT MR. RITTER OR ANYONE ELSE. If she can not control her self, she can go home! My opimion as always. Bev.
