Sunday, July 22, 2012

250th parade

Okay everyone we have decided to do a "Pauly's  Templeton Watch"  float for the 250th parade!!!  So let's get working.


  1. Sounds like a fitting tribute. I think we should have Beverly on the float with an old washing machine.

  2. A big desk with Pauly in a black robe like judges wear and a couple of "stone tablets" sort of like moses and the 10 commanments, excepth they could be his complaints and he is still pressing forward, no mateer how slow the sands of time move

    1. How about if we have "look alike" BOS on the float - can I portray VW???? That would be hysterical. I can think a specific person to portray "Scrappy" he he he
      Count me in!!!

    2. Sorry Penny you're to good looking and thin to play VW.

  3. The deadline for float entries was June 30.

  4. Is that deadline written in stone?? We can always have a renegade float, one of the people bringing up the rear, besides, who is gonna stop the flost from being in the parade???

  5. well that's odd. doesn't everyone have a right to partisipate in Templeton's 250th? Bev can you check on this?

  6. Renegade float like in Animal House? he he he

    1. I will have to check the barn. I do think I may have a old washing machine, or a the ringer. I know I have a setup for a blacksmith shop, a old store,(great brass cash register] I am sure we can find something. Maybe we can put someone throught the wringer. OOPS, that was not nice! I do not know for sure, but I cannot see how they could stop any one from being in the parade. Bev.

  7. Dis got nuttin da do wit parade but a shaun grimley sighting at scrappies place today at 2:00 pm, then bout 3:00 pm da scappy mobile be gone but da grimley 'chine still be der, must a been at da new meetin place cause no one be at echo hill joint. dat be interstin I think.

  8. maybe scappy and mr storm water are going into business together

  9. water main covers, manhole covers and stormwater basin grates are heavy and worth $$$ be possible

  10. Didn't we already write a song for that float? If I remember correctly the last lines where something like So we went to Pauly's Watch to see what facts might abound and the truth was all around us in the visual and the sound. Everyone loves a parade.

  11. Nothing to do with parade but just an FYI, if you happen to watch BOS meeting TV video for Monday, July 23, 2012, I have / did not miss any town meeting or special town meeting for National Guard drill, I did miss a few selectmen meetings. Just clarification because you will see a comment from Larry Bankowski that I missed town meeting time because of Guard and that is simply not true.

    1. Larry is an arrogant self centered idiot who will bring morale DOWN to the fire dept. Get rid of him before we go backwards again.

    2. He should automatically be disqualified from the list of candidates for the job. Anyone who has the opportunity to demonstrate, via an interim post, their worth as an employee should take full advantage of that. If this is a preview of what's to come if he were the permanent chief, we might as well kiss the ambulance service goodbye. Oh, and speaking of idiots, if Dana Blais had his way, he'd have the tanker truck filled with discounted oil. That would have been great last week if there was a fire during the water main fiasco!

    3. Jeff Is Larry saying that your service to this country is not important? was he ever in the armed forces? and yes you have been at ALL TMs and STMs Let's remind Mr Bankowski that service to this country is very important.
      Thank you Jeff for your service to this country and our town!
      And who wrote the grant for the fire dept that Larry didn't know about?

    4. It seems like Larry takes a ambulance call to casually. Did he ever consider that someone might actually die? If someone needs a ambulance that sounds to me like they may be in dire need. It takes at least fifteen minutes to get to Gardner from my house {on South Rd.}, and that is moving it. Why should we have to wait for Woods Ambulance to get there? I know at one time we had a very dedicated group of rescue sqd. members. What happened to that? We need the chairman to get his rear in gear and fill some of these positions. Julie is right, We need to know what happened in Baldwinville, with the water main breaks, so it does not happen again. If we had a fire it would have been a major disaster. My opinion as always, Bev
