Monday, July 23, 2012

another day in Templeton

From Anonymous

And yet another three hour BOS Meeting that could have been managed more efficiently! Just another day in Templeton! Here are some of my thoughts:
Scrappy – Your continued presence on the Board is a disgrace to this community. I, for one, am outraged that someone with such a lack of integrity is one of my representatives on the Board of Selectmen. I am nothing like you, and I would never willingly allow anyone like you to have any influence over my life. We all know what you’ve done, and we think even less of you because of the way in which the situation was handled. Not only did your “behavior result in your no longer being employed,” but you also lied in The Gardner News when you said that you had another job opportunity. What is that opportunity again? How can you sit on the Board knowing that so many people dislike you? Every time you smile or chuckle, or every time you try to shoot the breeze with a town employee, or even Kay Doyle on stage at Town Meeting, all we can think about is how arrogant and foolish you are for not taking responsibility for your actions, and for continuing this charade. What have you contributed to this Town? Any ideas? Anything?
Virginia – Don’t think for a minute that praising Eileen Clarkson for finding ways to supplement her salary makes you look like a kind, caring individual. She didn’t do anything heroic or commendable, she simply wants more money and found a way to get some. So the next time you try the kinder, gentler Virginia routine, make sure you choose the right moment to sing someone’s praises. It’s kind of like when you thanked Tammy C. for her services. We just don’t buy it!
Chris- The “I don’t know anything about that” line is getting old. Do your homework, and show some leadership. We all know you want to avoid conflict at all costs, but it’s making you seem like a weak leader. Instead of scolding Jeff Bennett for holding our Interim Fire Chief accountable, you should take a cue from his lead and assert your own authority. Any individual who is a candidate for a job, and is serving as an interim, has a true advantage in that they can demonstrate their worth as an employee. How much revenue will be lost if we can’t have Templeton EMTs respond to calls? I hope the Board realizes the importance of having a certified EMT as Chief. If you no longer wish to serve, Chris, or if you are unable to make the proper time commitment, just resign. With positions to fill and a host of other matters to attend to, we can’t have a part-time Chairman.


  1. I'm glad to see Mr. Bankowski reads the blog so he is able to see 1st hand how the people that really matter feel about him. I do not think it matters how long he has been with the Fire Dept; we do not need him as cheif. Maybe GS can give him a job watching the blueberries grow.

    1. Its understandable that he would plan vacation right after the time he thought he would be serving for. But, when it was clear that he would be needed past June 30th, he should have had a conversation with the BOS about his vacation and offered to cut it from 2 weeks to 1 week in order to show dedication for the job. It would have been a smart thing to do. Regardless of all that, it was several weeks ago that the BOS voted to make his interim position continue until new chief was hired. If this vacation was planned, how come he didn't bring up this conflict then? When exactly did he make plans for his 2 week vacation? One month out? Two months out? Two weeks? I think it was perfectly appropriate to discuss this topic and the state of the fire department. The highway dept goes through this type of questioning and accountability almost every meeting. Other depts should get used to doing the same. I would like to see a least one dept update at every BOS meeting. One week the light & water should give an update. The next meeting it can be the fire dept...and continue on and on through the depts. When was the last time we heard the police chief's report? I like hearing this kind of info. So, the fact that Mr. Bankowski sat there with a very defensive attitude shows he may not be the best person for the job. A chief needs to be able to give reports, answer tough questions and "take the heat" while remaining calm and professional. This was not demonstrated last night.

    2. Of course Larry is fighting to become the full time Templeton Fire Chief - since he is no longer in the heating oil business, there isn't enough $$$ coming in to pay him, his son, and an office person. This is a perfect solution to his dilemmna - getting paid $900/ per week is much better than getting half of that from his business. Simple math even for "stupid taxpayers".

    3. His "defensive" attitude and arrogance is what caused me and many others to find another oil company, It is also the reason his oil company was run into the ground be him himself. He DEFINATELY is not capable of running any business, never mind a town business with lots of taxpayer money at stake.
      HE has already said he has "his own ideas" on how to run the fire dept. and ambulance service, It sure worked for his company, lol. He also wanted the money given back to the town from the ambulance account at town meeting time. He is a fireman, he does not give 2 shits about the rescue, he would rather see Woods handle everything.

    4. can anyone tell me how much $$$ larry gave back from fire dept budgets. when they have equipment thats broke and out of service.but hte dept is running fine according to gardner news

  2. Did everyone hear Chief Whittaker commend Eileen of Coa for getting grant money, guess he forgot when he got grant money to pay the Dispatchers salaries. He gave what was appropiated in the town budget back to the town. He didn't give them (the dispatchers ) more money per hours. Can we see the peticulars of this grant, Eileen said it could be used for stamps, $11,000 for stamps, come on. Could it be used to help seniors who are stuggling in this economy?
    As far as Dana goes, I was there when he said the extra heating oil could be stored in the FD oil tankers, smoke some more Dana.
    One question for Larry, he said the selectmen's office put in for his weeks pay for his vacatoion week. Yeh the selectmen would have signed it but he would have had to submitted it.
    And would the selectmen please start looking at what they sign, Virginia

    1. Since Eileen was put on the spot last night at the BOS meeting, having to justify spending of the "ANNUAL GUARANTEED GRANT MONEY", I believe she was trying to inform the audience of what this grant can be used for, and it's NOT only $11,000 for postage. According to Executive Office of Elder Affairs in Boston, it is used for educational programs for the Seniors, vital health screenings/flu & shingles clinics, guest speakers, any additional office supplies not paid by the town, specific training & conferences for the staff to enhance services provided to the town residents, emergency food/gas for impoverished residents, to subsidize events when the fees collected are less than costs involved (i.e. pizza, coffee, soda, water, snacks, etc.) as well as to supplement salaries, if needed. Eileen has increased the transportation services by over 85% (MART pays for the salaries of the dispatcher, the 5 drivers, and 1/2 half of Eileen's salary) & has introduced new, important programs to increase participation in the Senior Center activities and improving the quality of life for the residents. She is proactive in serving the needs of not only the seniors but many town residents as well for almost 4 years, all for $38K ~and~ MART pays half of her salary! Most of the other town dept. heads are making almost double what her salary is but she continues to do an outstanding job as COA director (both of us receive calls at home at all hours of the day and night).
      Look at what area town COA directors make: Westminster, Gardner, Winchendon are all $42K-$60+K annually so Templeton is getting a bargain. She has written/obtained over 25 grants (including the new van worth $60K which MART pays for gas, maintenance, and upkeep) and several other items (including using our own vehicles and not being reimbursed for mileage), thus saving the town a lot of expense. In my opinion, she was trying to be on the up and up by informing the BOS of her intention of using a portion this grant for salary subsidy for herself ($5/hr) and me ($1/hr), which is totally within the grant guidelines. It does not involve the Personnel Board, nor does it involve a grade or step increase. It is simply "Here is $11,000 - Use it as you see fit in order to provide the best services for the Senior Center". I would think that with the current climate of Templeton's deceit, deception, and deviousness, the town would appreciate her honesty and openess. Can someone tell me the difference with the school committee allowing a staff member to receive an additional salary subsidy to teach students through a grant(not guaranteed each year, by the way; I believe it has to be applied for every year) and Eileen's request for the exact same thing? The current pay system is so inequitable. Today's COA staff are not just a bunch of retired folks, looking for something to keep them busy, and don't mind working for less than $10/hour. It's an integral and significant resource that provides a wealth of information/services/ resources to the residents and we need to keep moving forward. This requires a professional staff who are passionate about what we do for the community.
      "The rich get richer, and the poor have hours taken away from them or are grossly underpaid". Just saying...

    2. Quick correction: Eileen makes under $35K annually and I make $22.6K

    3. If you look at all the surrounding towns ALL the "non union" employees in this town are "grossly under paid" but you know what - we have jobs and for that I am greatful - thank you BOS for letting us who lost hours keep our benefits - Now please take a good look at those of us who work our ----s off for this town and start looking out for us.

    4. Don't think for a minute that anyone is going to look out for us 'non-union' people.... not gonna happen. Next year there is word on the street they want to take more away, more cuts, more cuts, and more cuts, until we are all down to under 10 hours a week....Than they will be able to save money, lower the taxes and have no services....sounds like a good plan to me?? Don't ya think? For all us 'non-union' people, start looking, cuz the cuts is a coming. There goes all of us good people, working and just getting crapped I know why others have left and others are leaving. How big is the pile going to be? So if you think anyone is going to watch out for us non-union people, think again!!!

    5. Anonymous,
      Did you ever ask Eileen about the Grant? I talk to her often, she explained it to me and it makes sense. She said no one has asked her about it or asked how many times she went before personal, or how many times it has come up that she is ya underpaid, but always the same answer, we have no money...she was told to put in for it, her board approved the grant allotment, it is something that can be done with the yearly grant, so why not give it to her. It does not cost the town a penny, other than a piece of paper for a letter to MART. Have you ever been inside the Senior Center and seen what she has done or asked if they need help, or for that matter been to any department to see if they can use a hand. The yearly grant can only be used to assist in keeping the COA running and provide programs, pay for conferences, something the town does not cover!!. Ask her, she will tell you anything you want to know...

    6. And no it cannot be used to assist people that are struggling....unfortunately.

  3. Could someone please tell me why Chris Stuart cant put his foot down on any issues that come up for vote . Last nights meeting when the reorganization of the school building committee came up it was like they were holding top secret information . show some leadership and make a decision . It was pretty obvious that Chris already knew who he wanted on that board but he was afraid to say it .And if Dennis obrian is reading this blog I have one thing to say to you. Go Home And Stay There .

    1. It seems like Mr. DOB does not understand we have had enough of his "stupid" behavior. I was astonished when I found out that there had been a building committee for eleven years. YES, I SAID ELEVEN YEARS, and they did not get a dam thing done. Only managed to spend alot of money. Some fool they hired, ran around looking for 15 acres and up? Now does this make any sence? All this time, smaller lots of land got swallowed up. OH WELL, Granted, the people were not always the same, some came, some left, but the end result was they got nothing done. So Dennis,like it or not, when ever I see your face, I will always think to myself, there goes stipid. I agree with Anonymous, Go Home And Stay There. My opinion, Bev.

  4. If the school is ever to be built GS and DOB need not be on the committee nor should Boob C or Ginny. Most townspeople have no confidence in them and will vote anything they recommend down "forthwith". Get some new blood...and Chris because you don't feel like it??? What kind of an answer is that? Guess all the speculation about you not running again was just confirmed with that statement! Go Pauly keep up the watchdog work. #13

  5. In my opinion, Mr. Stewart is feeling some pressure from the school people and from some "citizens" who currently sit on the TESBC committee to keep the group large. I do not believe the current committee wanted any changes to its makeup. Ok. That's valid. Here's where I have a problem though...where was the entire current committee last night? How come they weren't there to voice their opinion as to why to keep the current members? To me, this means that the reasons they want to keep the current members is not a real valid reason(s) and they know it. That is why they voice their opinions directly to Mr. Stewart and not in front of the entire BOS meeting. Someone asked to hear Mr. Stewart's reasons for why a 11 person group is better than a 9 person group. He didn't give a real reason except for that was the number he came up with based on who he thought should be on the committee. This is just like the discussion about who to hire for Town Counsel. No one spoke up at the meeting to give reasons as to why K&P should have been kept on. But I"m sure they spoke to Mr. Stewart in private about keeping K&P. I'm sure that Mr. Stewart is dealing with a lot of pressure to keep the peace, choose decisions wisely as to cause the least resistance. Its tough being not only in the middle of a bunch of sides of an issue, but being in charge of the group who makes the decisions. BUT, he needs to recognize that the "other" side on hot topic issues simply are not showing up to participate in the discussion. Because of that, he has to listen to the will of the citizens, the ones that do research and show up with facts ready to engage in a healthy discussion. The era of "off the record" deals and personal favors are over. Mr. Stewart-I know you have an allegiance to the school people and that's just fine. But the school people are not showing up to represent their opinion. Ms. Farrell's point that this school building project is a shared project between the town and the school is honest and true. The responsibilities and decisions should be made equally and by qualified people. They shouldn't be made by people who call the citizens "stupid" or by people who have a personal vendetta against the town or by people who are too close emotionally to the project to make objective decisions. So, please BOS, let's get this project going with the correct committee and prevent it from being another 252 Bald. Rd. project. Mr. Stewart, don't worry about being everything to everyone. You handled the town counsel issue well, but you fell down on the TESBC issue poorly. There was no reason why you couldn't choose the committee members that evening.


  6. Love the reference from Larry regarding "The Blog". HEE HEE

  7. OK Pauly is really really pissed that the money was paid out to the ConCom agent for "unused" sick time and there was no supporting documentation for the amount. He doesn't want to hear that it was only $220. When you add it all up the Concom has been doing this for years just giving away our money. it started with JoAnn Burdin and has continued with Mr Koonce - could we please hold someone responsible finally and stop this leaking of our town's money. That's the problem with this town, no one is ever held responsible, not the concom, not the municipal building committee, not the skeltons, not Scrappy, not VW, not the planner, should I go on. Let's make pauly happy and at least send Mr. Koonce a bill. and let VW and George Andrews answer for signing off on this.
    Sign me a old timer friend of Pauly's

    1. Sure, Pauly should be very pissed off and we all should be pissed. Its true, no one has been held responsible for their wrongdoings in Templeton. Its not right and its very frustrating. Even if the BOS cannot get the $220 back, at least admit fault with the system, apologize, and commit to fixing the system. It was offensive to see them all sit there and not directly respond to Pauly's questions. Would it have gotten a response if someone else asked the question? The things that Pete Kasper and Pauly and Bumpsy bring up at meetings are all very valid. None of them are sounding off for no reason or to cause trouble. They are all very knowledgable of the doings in Templeton and they all have very keen memories. We need to listen to them and answer their questions. And, as an objective observer, I find it insulting to all of us that their comments and questions are waived off as not important enough to need a real response. From what I understand, the ConComm has been mishandling their money for at least a decade. Why has none of the accusations been investigated and/or addressed? Sure, its because of the "powers that were" who ran everything hid the wrongdoings. Well, they're mostly out of control now. What say you new BOS? You need to be more direct in answering questions. Enough is enough. Has Pauly been wrong on any information he's presented? So far, no. Answer his questions. Do an investigation. Change the "business as usual" mentality in this town. It won't fly anymore! Respect the seniors in Templeton. They can be your biggest supporters or your biggest thorn in your side. You choose.

  8. I believe I responded to Pauly's question about what to do about the $220 to the Conservation agent. I don't think he liked my response. VW signed off on the voucher. Should she have done that? I have signed off on vouchers because they needed the signature (just one BOS member) in order for someone to get paid. I did not go and check the rate of pay or accruals.

    Currently there is no way to track accruals of sick, vacation, or comp time all in one place. These accruals are turned in by many departments and have sat in the former accountant's office for a few years. There is currently no system to track these accruals. We are working on a method to fix this problem. We will also be evaluating different accounting software systems that will track these accruals automatically. Until a decision is made about the software, I believe there will be a spreadsheet created to track all employees accruals. That spreadsheet was not in place when VW signed off on the Conservation agent's "sick time".

    A few years ago, the BOS decided not to pay attorney Scott Graves for work he had performed for the sewer department. It was a $3,000 invoice from Graves. The "powers that were" and K&P had their day in court and prevailed! The judge ruled the BOS didn't have to pay Graves. This particular lawsuit cost the Town of Templeton taxpayers over $23,000. I don't think that was a good use of taxpayer money.

    I will not vote to pursue a $220 payment that was wrongfully paid out to the Conservation agent. It would cost at least $5,000 to pursue a $220 claim. That is not a good use of taxpayer money.

    There is a problem with accruals and the BOS/town coordinator is working on correcting that problem. There are many more problems with the Personnel policy. These problems were NOT created overnight. These problems will take time to correct. I do appreciate our seniors. They have a lot of information about the past actions of BOS and other committees and the community as a whole.

    One of my major priorities is to try to create open and honest government. Please keep attending the meetings and asking questions. It's the only way things will change, but change takes time.

    Julie Farrell

    1. I have known Pauly for a long, long, time. He is a man who has worked hard for what he has. I understand his frustration with what looks to him like "People giving away his money."I know he feels like Mr.Koonce got away with pulling a fast one. Reality says our system stinks. No arguement here, that is as plain as the nose on your face. Koonce, You know who I mean, Is gone, he was not a happy man. It could have cost us a lot more if he took us to court. Sometimes you have to cut your losses, and say the hell with it. I think we have to do that here. Pauly, please take a deep breath, consider us lucky, he is gone--and now we can work to get all of the bad things fixed right. If we send him a bill, it will most likely make him happy, and he will use it for toilet paper. Don't give him the satisfaction. Bev.

  9. It makes very good sense to me not to persue the overpayment of sick days to an employee we are glad to be rid of. He may think he had the last laugh but has he. At what cost to him did he get the payment. Thank you Pauly for watching out for the town and the "stupid taxpayers". Through you I am sure that the next payment of any time coming will be carefully investigated. For what it's worth I agree with Mrs. Farrell. How many tax dollars would be spent on getting back $220. and is it really worth it. I think the majority of the members of Citizens4Templeton would be against but in favor of learning from the mistake. Don't think VW or Scrappy have the mental capacity to learn anything from any life experience.
