Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A concerned resident from Carver MASS, we have Kopelman and Page as town attorneys‏

Dear Sir,

I live in Carver Mass. The Town of Carver has had K&P as their town attorneys. They have an awful record and charge to much money. The majority of residents would like to see them go.

Recently, three of our selectmen tried to look into other town council. It did not happen.

Do you have any suggestions on what we can do to bring light to K&P and how bad they are? Can you sign me up for your emails via your blog?

Lisa Martin
Carver MA

This was in my email .anyone want to respond?


  1. I'll respond to her directly. If she wants to contact me by e-mail

    I have converted the July 9th BOS meeting to YouTube. It's on the recountcoming channel. I believe that was the meeting where NO ONE not one person spoke in favor of K&P.

  2. I will respond to her Pauly, send her my e-mail address. This shows how effective and how relevent this blog has become and how effective it can be, now can we get it piped into the attorney general office?? How about the governors office?

  3. Ya know Pauly, I know you feel that they should have returned the 14 hundred buck and that the con com agent pay was messed up, but look what has happened as a result. If they would have made you happy and fixed those couple of things, this blog may never have happened and think where we might be?

    1. Be carefull everybody . I wouldnt put it past K/P to send a bogus e-mail to get someone for slander . as you know they have done enough damage to themselfs ,so stick to the facts .and as always state your opinion !!! unless you can prove it 100% . Just my way of thinking .

    2. It gets to a point you can not know who to trust. If this women is for real, it looks like K& P's protective cover is coming apart, at the seams. Remember, "What you do comes back to you!" Life may be getting tough for the bad guys. It is nothing compared to what they have had done to our town. Anything I ever write is my opinion, Bev.

  4. Pretty sure the boondoggle of 252 Baldwinville Rd will speak for itself regarding the competency of K&P

  5. www.fixcarver.com - twiissted says wrap yaself around dat website then be investigatin the town website. ya head be a twistin in da wind as ya try n figure a reasonable thought as ta why columbo would want ta keep k&p round if n there wasn't sumfin in it for dem. me hopes you peeps feel dat is good enough english for ya.

    1. LK was sued by his personal assistant because she was not informed by her employer that by law, she is allowed to take medical leave when she was undergoing chemo treatments for cancer. She tried to maintain a 40hr work week until it was too much for her and she resigned. Imagine working for a lawyer who knows the laws but does not play by them for his own personal assistant! And more importantly, not helping her out during her tough time is heartless. This article can be found on MA Lawyers Weekly and on the fixcarver website.

  6. try www.carverma.org and that should take you to carver town web site, there is a list to the left - click on town agency A-M then click on selectmen and look at bottom for forms click on agenda requests, there is a description of how things will go and it looks pretty familiar.

  7. K&P was in the running to be Foxboro's new town counsel this past month. Guess what? They didn't get the job. Possibly word is getting out that the service they advertise is not the service you receive.

  8. in my opinion K&P specifically Mr. Kopelman is part of the huge Israeli Lobby that is supported by Big Money. The Book The Israeli Lobby by Walt and Meirsheimer is an excellent read on this subject. It would appear that this lobby has different goals than that of supporting our Constitutional rights. When one looks at what happened with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract and how the legal system and State government turned a deft ear to the citizen's of Templeton it is apparent a major force is at work. After spending eighteen years on this subject and watching a total betrayal of we the people by a government controlled by self interest it is hoped that all will take the time to become familiar with this situation and take action against it. In my opinion the State of Massachusetts is very corrupt.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. When we had the Battle of the Bales, Floyd Ryder and Mr. Hutchenson got away with dumping Boston's rubbish on our town with no permit, totally illegal, and they did not get fined a cent and they were allowed to leave it where it lay. I always wanted to ask Jim Fuller, from D.E.P., how much he got paid? This time we are not going to stop. The world has changed alot,easier to share information. We will wait to see what comes out in the wash. You all know the drill, thiis is my opinion, Bev.
