Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Let Bylaws be bylaws

It seems the former scribe to the advisory board is upset that the Town of Templeton is following its own bylaws. To send a letter to the BOS asking to use town counsel for this issue is beyond strange and underscores the reason why this individual is no longer a member of the advisory board.

My opinions…supported by FACTS!

Julie Farrell


  1. My goodness! I think the $77.50 she has received should be enough for a psychiatrist copay and some much-needed medication. Beware the woman whose lipstick matches her car!

  2. Well lets see if I have this straight, Kate Fulton states that Darleen Budzinski and Joel Thompson were appointed by then town moderator Jeff Kovach but there are not vote by the Advisory Committee accepting them into membership indicated in the minutes of said board. Are you kidding me?? There is not vote in the minutes because those two people were appointed by the moderator and not by a vote of the board!!!! As a newpaper reporter I am going on the assumption Kate can read and understand english (again, assuming is a very bad thing) According to the by-laws of Templeton, if there was a vacancy on the board in August, those members should have been voted on by the advisory board and their should be minutes reflecting such, but since there is a letter on file appointing them to advisory by the moderator, that is probably why there are no minutes reflecting that BECAUSE THE ADVISORY BOARD DID NOT VOTE ON IT!! What part of the by-law does Kate not understand. Good thing I am answering this via the internet and not in person. Again whatever was done in the past appears to have been done the wrong way and just because we did it that way then does not mean we continue to do it wrongly.

    1. I believe that answer can be given to her without consulting town counsel. I hope Mr. Ritter explains that to her. Also, I thought to seek town counsel services you have to be a town employee. I do not believe she is a town employee. Is she?

  3. Is Kate Foulton for real? Love dce's comment. I guess I'll drink to that comment!

  4. You can also drink to the fact that she's too crazy for even the Echo Hill gang! She failed the minion test because she couldn't get over the echoes in her own head. Now that's crazy!

  5. How did she get on the advisory board in the first place? And when?

  6. It seems she isn't really interested in actually serving Templeton, she's after money she thinks she deserves and wants us to spend our money in order to get it. Get lost Kate! We don't want your service here. Go interview a tree.

  7. OMG I have a headache from reading this. would someone from Phillipston please tell us why she was kick off that advisory board and run out of town. (like we don't have a clue) hmmm who should we believe Kate Fulton or David Bergeron No contest there!!!! Dave B is one of the smartest men in town in my book!!!!!

    1. Some people will get attention one way or the other. The seminar she said she did not get paid for? Wasn't she supposed to send in a slip to get reinbursed? OH CRAP, SOMEONE MUST HAVE FORGOT THEIR CRYSTAL BALL! Bev.

  8. Kate Fulton for Selectman. Wouldn't that make for some very interesting meetings?

    1. Please, don't give her any ideas! The meetings would last 5 hours with the questions and droning on.

    2. Templeton police would be back in full force sort of in the days of BC. They might like the overtime and comedy show!
