Friday, July 13, 2012

and finally part 3

Part 3 of March 12th click here


  1. For those of you who watch these videos on Youtube, could you check out the April 9th. meeting? I'm not sure if I have converted it all. Thanks

    1. I think Part 2 is missing. But I remember it was there a while ago. Part 1 contains mainly the school issue with special guest Denise Andrews.

  2. After reading the minutes of the executive session for March 12th, this last segment is a good thing to view. There seemed to be only 2 policemen there yet no one got unruly or escorted out. I guess the crowd chanting in unison really put a scare in the powers that were because at the next meeting, there were quite a few more officers. Wow! All that work and time and money wasted on their personal agenda. Either they have an extremely unusual friendship with CS which borders on idolization or they really needed to get her back in the BOS office to destroy or obtain some incriminating information. So, did CS succeed in her mission? Did she do enough harm screwing up town business? Was she successful in working with Lenny to cover up all the OML and Ethics violations? Time will tell...

    1. I watched the last part of March 12, It is so sad, I feel like I could just cry! How hatefull, and mean. For what? This bunch has hurt this town so badly. It seems like Bubba was in office so long ago, and it seems like he was there too long. Alot has gone on, we as a group have jelled, for this I am so thankfull. I had to watch Pete's Welcome back Jeff Ritter, to make me smile. Thank you guys so much, together Templeton will get on its feet. Bev.
