Saturday, July 14, 2012

Who reads Pauly’s Templeton watch?

 In my opinion, after 190,000 plus hits, many many people are reading the blog. Yes especially the-recall organizers. By the way where has "Stevie" been hiding? Remember the time Stevie tried to organize a recall for Pat Dunlavy? The area landfills are all covered with gravel at night, soooo where are these "rats" coming from? I PHC sr have been accused of putting comments on the blog, by the very person that is getting flack from his wife about an issue I PHC senior did not know a thing about. Why does this guy-Stevie continue to throw himself under the bus? Hee-hee. hee. He must love "pain". I started asking questions when I PHC senior, was accused verbally of causing trouble, pretty good,huh?
Everyone should start at the beginning of the  recall effort and follow to the present time. No-it is not the end of the story, when one asks a question, have the facts on paper in your hand and make a note of the answer you get. A lot can be learned by watching the DVDs a couple of times. Try to skip the opening talks and concentrate on the issues involved. You can watch the whole process right in your own home. Jot down your comments on paper, get it on paper. So when you get into a discussion, they will know what you are talking about. Example, Chris Stewart chairman of the board of selectmen starts to tell us taxpayers that K&P will continue to be Templeton's legal firm. Wrong, did Chris do a nice job of changing the-whole story? Did Chris hear Pete Kasper or what? Then along comes VW doing a complete reversal of what she VW preached about. "I will never vote for anyone but K &P." Pretty good huh? Watch the DVD without distraction, you will be amazed.

I note from Bev, Virginia please resign and go home, and a note to Pat Mullins, I know you know what to do Pat, but don't wait to be told by the ones that got you into this mess. Do it now on your own. Help stop the recall, don't be the object of it. Watch the DVDs, if you want to borrow some, give me a call I bought every DVD made to date. I want comments on this blog good or bad. Come on make comments. And as far as comments go, how come we the taxpayers only read, get it only read comments from Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett. Where is Chris Stewart? Where is Virginia Wilder? Where is Pat Mullins? On these comments, on paper you must have something to say? Good or bad. Come on Chris, you are too quiet. Being an elected or appointed official is "not and I say not" a thankless job. I say thanks to these people for representing the backbone of Templeton. The taxpayer. And no thank you to the people "you know who you are" that try to destroy issues. Just for their own satisfaction. Am I right or not? Come on make some comments to Pauly's Templeton watch.

PS good to hear from you again Walt, and is teach keep it coming and to all the anonymouses is keep commenting. We all enjoy your comments, in my opinion. You to Bev, keep that washing machine plug-in-the wash is almost done. Thanks


  1. There is something good about not having town water. I can take a shower and alot of you guys can't. Seven water main leaks in Baldwinville this morning alone. It was hot, i'll bet alot hotter in the hole they were digging, trying to find the shut off. Bud told me when they woke him up to tell him the news," he thought it was a nightmare". Gee, the highway helping the water dept out, or is it the other way around. They should be under a DPW, as far as I am concerned. Good thing Bud is a high paid person, I hope loosing most of the weekend does not hurt too bad. I think he does a good job, with what he has to work with. Bev.

    1. Bev, I think the great wash has begun! I didn't see any Skeltons being washed down Baldwinville Road this morning, but I think these might be cleansing waters!

  2. Geez, is there some kind of sabotage going on here?? Just wondering because of the timing of everything that has come out about some questionable activities & management over there. Hmmm, makes one wonder, doesn't it!! No accusations, merely an inquisitive thought. Have a good weekend all.

  3. Trying to get everyones attention on the water main problems and off the other stuff, maybe the water department should not us bond money for raises, check it out at next lite n water meeting, as what happens to saved bond money. maybe the light department could transfer some money over to water to help out. maybe the light dept could stop charging water rent. check that out too. Somebody is taking lessons from dc, get some stuff going so everyone changes gears and gets attention in a new direction, gets selectmen working in another direction. get water away from lite and merge it with sewer, highway and cemetary. Press light for more funds in PILOT and keep looking into and banging on wrong doings. where did the money go and who was in charge when it got taken. why was the DOR report totally ignored. do away with the personnel board and make town coordinator the HR guy.

  4. Oh, they needed help from the highway dept? Funny how L&W love to badmouth highway dept. any chance they get. Ya, its time for a Templeton Public Works Dept. How do citizens go about making that happen? It would be nice to pay one bill for utilities...and have the option to pay online, too. Then maybe the highway dept would get the support and resources they need to operate properly and everyone would play nice-nice since they'd all be on the same team.

    1. How to create a DPW:
      Step 1 repeal chapter 93 acts of 2000 at annual town meeting.
      Step 2 combine highway, sewer , water possibly cemetery/parks with different special legislation
      Step 3 place control of DPW under BOS or an entirely different set of DPW commissioners.

      Many details. Many possibilities including paying your bills online.

  5. Ya, where is Virginia's comments on all town issues? Before the recall, she was all over the place online commenting on everything including the Parents Against Bullying facebook page (which is so ironic, it makes me laugh). Now she's mute? Is it she prefers to comment when she can grab a microphone out of someone's hands or if a shoddy local newspaper reporter is hanging on her every word? I can see Chris staying away from commenting as to not have to be accountable for his words down the road. And Patrick? Unless he's told to comment by GS or his wife, he'll just sit and stare at the wall. Watch the BOS videos again to remind yourself of what has happened in the recent past. Just because they voted against K&P doesn't mean all their past actions against Mr. Ritter and the citizens is forgotten or forgiven.

    1. The guys from the highway dept are still working on Baldwinville road at the water break near Reservoir Street and the time is 9:00 p.m.
      An awful long time to be working on water breaks.The real problem seems to stem from Mill St. shut off. My opinion.

    2. Many thanks to those who have been working ALL day. I am still without water, but I'm truly grateful that the DPW was on the job all day in this heat. Ron Davan needs all the help he can get...

    3. Good greif, those guys must be at the end of their rope. It has been a long, long, day. I talked with Bud at about 3:00, and they were there then. Bud said the water tower up by the nursing home emptied out. {does not look good, pray there is not a emergancy} Just for the record Scrappy was looking at the wall, but he was also giving me the evil eye. Maybe he does not like me calling him by his new name. What is the old saying," if you don't want to get run over, don't play in the road". My opinion. Bev

  6. He can give the evil eye all he wants. What he has he contributed as a Selectman? At least Virginia tries to do something, as misguided as her efforts may be. Mullins just sits there, along for the ride. I don't know about the rest of you, but I want someone who will have the brains and courage to actually discuss town business. We need all the ideas we can get! It's not enough to just show up and vote; be a leader.

  7. I be thinking Templeton needs help to get away from the inconsistencies of the light & water comm, time to break up that group, look at towns who have done it and follow there plan dat already be on da paper as Pauly would say. Put it on paper on how to do it and put it towards town meetin for da vote. Gardner fire chief said in da paper "basically a regional fire department, maybe dat what we need, why each town gotta have der own thing, work together and pool money save on de taxpayer. I seen on da tv dat the new state police man in charge say he gonna start workin wit the towns to be on patrol, maybe we in Templeton could not have a night shifr say from 11 pm til 6 am, have de town covered by a couple staties and we save on dat shift an overtime. Why the cemetary got to have back hoe, water got to have backhoe and highway got to have machine or de be borrowin, have public works department and have two machines for everything and located in one place for dat one stop shopin. Dat way the water fellas don't pay no rent to light which seems kind of twisted in my mind (pun intended)
