Monday, July 2, 2012

Fontaine Family Fundraiser

Tickets are now available for the Fontaine Family Fundraiser.

FRIDAY JULY 20th  7pm - 11pm
Donation $5.00
Music and Raffles

 Tickets are available at the RED ONION and also  from Julie and Pete Farrell, Bob and Sally Mitchell, Joe Boyd, Steve LaPrise, Bev Barthomeo, Jack Dale @ C O & S Garage, Pauly and Sue and other Citizens 4 Templeton members.

If anyone would like to help us sell tickets or if any local business wants to help just let us know


  1. Thank you isteach for another beautiful donation

  2. You're very welcome. Hope it all helps the Fontaines get some much needed funding for their medical expenses. Please put my donations out anonymously. It is about them, not me. Thank you Pauly, Sue & all the Citizens 4 Templeton members for doing this for a fellow "neighbor". You have all given me my faith back that there are still many wonderful people here in town. Blessings to all....

    1. This is going to be really good. This is what our town is about. Political differences aside, when push comes to shove, and a family is in trouble, we need to come to gether and help. This is what we can, and will do. Bev.

  3. An account has been established at Athol Savings Bank. Donations can be sent to:

    Fontaine Family Fund
    c/o Athol Savings Bank
    50 Elm St.
    Baldwinville, MA 01436

  4. And thank you Dana Blais for your donation of a Hannaford's gift card.
