Monday, July 2, 2012

from a follower

I hope everyone is aware that today during the Senior Center building raising, Eileen (coa) needed a lavatory.  She went to the Light company and asked to use the bathroom.. The clerk told her "NO".    Don't we Town people own that building  Pauly, can we get this on the blog somehow?
Theresa- wondering


  1. Absolutely despicable! How cruel and petty! I hope Eileen files a formal complaint against Mr. Driscoll. How can one town employee deny another town employee the use of a town-owned facility? Mr. Driscoll should be reprimanded, at the very least, by the appropriate board or authority. I'd like to see the Light and Water Commissioners defend Mr. Driscoll in this situation. No excuses! Just one of those things that happens in Templeton, right Pauly? Maybe it's time for the committee that welcomed our "Interim Temporary Town Coordinator" to welcome Mr. Driscoll in the parking lot before work one day!

  2. Why is the Light dept. so against the Senior Center??

  3. I was just wondering if anyone from the light dept attended the pizza party they held for the seniors? And if so, did they have to use the restroom while they were there? I bet they didn't need to ask to use the restroom. This is Jr. High BS. And this is what needs to be addressed. Grow up! Show some respect for your fellow co-workers. Stop playing the "clique" game. The senior center is a good group that provides services to our most respected citizens. No need to give them a hard time except to fulfill your selfish, childish BS. The citizens of Templeton are TIRED of this behavior. We do not want it in our town. Shame on you Mr. Driscoll! Lead by example.

    1. dear movin on - the Light/Water Dept are all Skelton supporters so they are against the senior ctr because it is happening before "Jerry's" project the new town hall.
      This is their dirty politics - Julie & Jeff have supported the seniors and don't forget Jeff beat out Jerry S for selectman
      and as far as the bathroom incident The Light and Water Dept employees all think they are better than the "other" town employees. and Mr Driscoll has said it before "he doesn't work for the people of Templeton he works for the L&W Dept"

  4. time for the town to eliminate the light and water enterprise account and fire that meat head and cut wages to a more realistic level !!#007

    1. With out a doubt, a big change needs to happen. I'm not sure wages could be cut, like Bart says, they should be frozen, atleast until the rest of the staff that works for the town catches up. The clothing allowance for the women, is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard of. It is not like they work for minimum wage. Lets get the personal board going, we will see what we can do. We need to be fair, but it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that changes need to be done in this department. My thoughts, Bev.

    2. Clothing allowance?

    3. ? More $$ for our selectman to mismanage? Just what we need.

    4. Thats the part YOU don't understand . The towns people are now in charge , not the selectman when it comes to money . Lets give it some serious thought. and throw the bums out .

  5. The clothing allowance only applies to Light and Water...all employees. The personnel board does not include light and water employees. Light and Water employees are covered under union contracts except for management. The Light and water commissioners negotiate with the unions. The sad irony is that the water department is the same local as highway and sewer. Check out any annual report and look at the wage differences between water department employees and highway/sewer employees.

    High wages and burdensome debt have painted the water department into a corner monetarily, and that paint is still wet. Much needed projects to improve the water system have to rely on grants (like CDBG in back Bay ) to get done. The water department can pledge "in kind " services and the town uses Chapter 90 money to front the larger money portion of these grants. The downside is that Chapter 90 money is concentrated in one section of town. I voted to redo the roads in East Templeton with Chapter 90 money to try to fix the roads in another part of town. The pushback from the water superintendent and manager was extreme. Their concerns were the water mains would break and they don't have the money to replace them. Their suggestion was to wait and apply for a grant "down the road" ( 10 years) to fix the roads in ET. I felt the people on those roads had waited long enough and there is never a guarantee the town will receive a grant. The town fixed those roads and to my knowledge only one water service had to be replaced.

    The BOS received a letter from a resident on Patriots road about the continual water main breaks by the town offices. The TMLWP manager gave a good explanation about the costs the water department would have to incur in order to fix the problem. Those costs were quite high and would need to be placed on the water rate. Our water rates are already very high in addition to a $28.00/quarter "service fee" which is like the $4.00 "customer charge" on your monthly light bill. Theses fees are the price you pay for the honor and privilege of being a customer and receiving a bill from they can give out clothing allowances for office staff.

  6. People should ask the question of who owns Templeton light department as they pay their bill in person. Ask to speak with Mr. Driscoll and ask him who he works for. I have filed paper work with the AG office and department of public utilities for failing to file financial report in annual town report as required by law. Mr. Driscoll may soon feel like Dennis O'Brien does about me for filing an ethics complaint against Dennis for his conflict of voting on a project across the street from his home which in my view would increase his property value at the expense of taxpayers which is why Dennis should have recused himself on those votes, not been on the committee or at least filed notice with ethics and informed taxpayers. Mr. Driscoll needs to learn who he works for. The light dept does have a commission of elected people but the facilities they oversee ultimately belong to the town and taxpayers of Templeton, hence the name Templeton Light & Water, hence the financial report in the Templeton annual report.

    1. Jeff, between you and Will.Spring, some people will have to get used to the idea that someone really does look at those reports. I wonder how the Light & Water web. sight is coming along? You were at training, but Will. told Driscoll that if he worked in private industry, he would be fired. Mr. Driscoll is not a very agreeable man. Bev.
